Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Temporarily suspend video and audio recording

It would be nice to have a mode called "Temporarily Suspend" that disables the current mode for a set period of time (30 min, 1 hr, 2 hr, etc).  This would allow a user to turn off all cameras but they would automatically return to the previous mode after the set period of time.


I leave my cameras on all the time. When I go to work in the garage or yard, it would be nice to tell Arlo to disable the cameras for X amount of time. Then they would reactivate automatically.


As it is, I turn off the cameras to work in the yard, then am tired and forget to turn them back on. I've used IFTTT to make sure they get turned back on every evening, but that's not ideal if I work in the yard in the morning then leave the house.





This is such a huge feature that makes me want to dump my Arlo’s.  Snow days, visitors, and other times I have people in my house during an unscheduled time drives me crazy.  I have switch modes and the REMEMBER to switch it back.  


Seeing that this idea has been posted for quite sometime gives me little hope that this feature will be available anytime soon!


We need a specific date/time schedule (holiday schedule like most other security systems) and the ability to temporary set another mode (snooze) for a set interval (30 min, 1 hr, 2hr, etc.)


I agree, I'd like to temporarily disarm for expected visitors/workers as well as when I go outside into my yard for a few minutes.  I actually had an incident where trespassers entered my property when I forgot to rearm the system. I rushed to rearm it and only obtained a brief recording of them before they left with three of my cameras in their possession.


Temporary pause or suspension in motion detection. The process usually goes like this...

  • I am about to do work outside of my house where the cameras are 
  • I do not want to get a bunch of spam messages of me cutting the grass 
  • I log in and "disarm" the system
  • I finish cutting the grass
  • I forget to log back in and "arm" the system.

This would save a ton of space on unnecessary uploaded videos. It would be nice to log in, and say "Suspend Motion Detection for 1, 2, 5, 12 hours". And have Arlo automatically start it back up after the selected time period. Please and thank you.


Goal - 

Snooze a camera that is collecting movement noise for x amount of time - at the end of the elapsed time. ARM again. 



there are times where my outdoor camera catches plants, trees, clothes, curtains moving in the background since it is windy. I have gone and manually turned the camera off from monitoring. I  might forget to turn it back.


WIN/WIN outcome.  

Arlo stops saving unnecessary footage

I stop getting alerted for a few... but if I forget - it rearms.








When conducting yard work, I disable the area camera to conserve battery.  Is it possible (as update) to provide a setting where you can determine how long a given camera can be temporarily disabled?



Options: OFF, 30 MINS, 1 HOUR, 4 HOURS, OR 8 HOURS delay before automatically enabling itself.


Unfortunately, I find myself forgetting to activate the camera once I've completed work in a given area the camera covers.






Here we are home for Thanksgiving and I have to go in and change the mode and REMEMBER to switch it back.


ARLO get with it.  Make this a FEATURE ALREADY!!!!


would be great to have a quick icon on each camera view that lets us setup such temporary choices too


So I have 2 cameras outside that are set to record video all the time with motion and one inside set by geofencing.  The trouble is when I want to clean my car or do some gardening I get bombarded with alerts.


My my suggestion is for the app to have a disarm option so you can disarm all the cameras for a amount of theme you can select. Ideally this would be an easy to reach setting when opening app.


There are times when outdoor cameras generate false alarms because of stronger than usual winds. Because of the temporary weather conditions, it would be nice to be able to disarm the camera alarms just for a few hours and have them go back to armed mode automatically. Currently, when disarming manually, I often forget to re-arm the cameras and end up having them disarmed sometimes for days before I remember again. The time when that feature comes in handy is whenever the Arlo app starts to annoy with generating frequent alarms and that's when you realize - it's because of the strong winds.