Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Temporarily suspend video and audio recording

It would be nice to have a mode called "Temporarily Suspend" that disables the current mode for a set period of time (30 min, 1 hr, 2 hr, etc).  This would allow a user to turn off all cameras but they would automatically return to the previous mode after the set period of time.


 I want the snooze cameras feature as well! My phone is currently going nuts as the landscapers are working outside my house. I have shut the mode to off and accidentally left my cameras off for days without remembering to turn them back on in the app. Please we need this feature! On a sidenote: I guess I could turn the notifications off, but the recording will still be going and wasting my camera batteries so I would rather snooze the cameras to all off and not just my notifications. Thanks for listening!


Netgear doesn't seem inclined to implement this idea. Does anyone know of a competeing camera system that has this feature? I really need it.

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I use geofencing for my indoor cameras and it works great but I like to keep my outdoor cameras on even when I am home. When I get home I have to manually turn the outdoor cameras off then remember to turn them back on when I get inside. This is because I don't want to trigger three cameras when pulling in my driveway and going inside. It would be nice if there was a temporary disable feature that could be used with geofencing. For example: I get home, geofencing activates a temporary disables then re arms after I'm inside my home, in 1-3 minutes or as set. I leave or come home at least 4 times a day and it takes at least a minute or more to disarm and re arm the system (if I remember), I do this to save battery, sometimes it takes longer or I just give up while it's "gathering information.


Please consider the temporary disable feature with geofencing.






I would like to see a feature where the armed status could be toggled on->off, off->on when in scheduled mode. As an example my schedule is set to arm 11pm-7am daily then during the week two 30 min slots when the wife does the school run morning and afternoon. Sometimes I am up before 7am and to avoid the cameras triggering have to change mode to disabled. Similarly I am sometimes at home during the week and trigger during the two 30 min armed periods. I would like a VERY simple way to say "Cancel the armed status for this particular time period and then carry on according to the schedule, otherwise you have to remember to set mode back to schedule, which often gets forgotten. Similar siutuation if going out, would like to quickly arm but go back to schedule when the next period kicks in. The very unsophisticated timer for hot water/heat on my boiler(furnace) can do this why not a piece of software?


A timer to disarm camera for a set amount of time. Or a timer on the disarm setting. If my wife is gardening near the camera I get twenty notifications so I disarm it then forget to turn it back on


This is by far my most wanted feature. 


Sometimes me or my wife work from home. Sometimes the lawn people come by. On Trash day, the trash and recycle trucks are driving by for a couple hours. Sometimes we are working outside later than usual. If we leave town, someone may come by to watch the house, water the plants, etc.... the whole time my phone goes nuts.


But I still want alerts when those things are over with. So being able to say "stop for an hour, 3 hours, 5 hours" would be great. 

I can't believe I've had Arlo for almost a year now and they haven't added Snooze. I can't tell you how many times I've Disabled the cameras due to Yard work and forgot to turn them back on. Ya, #1 requested feature for sure. But hey, for $4/mo per camera we'll be able to decipher the mailman from a sales person at the door I guess.


Give us a Snooze! 


Wow, this has been suggested for almost 2 years, and it is still not implemented. I desparately want this feature. I turn off the cameras because my  kids are playing in the backyard, but sometimes I forget to turn them back on. I would love for a "snooze" function.


When my kids and I go out side, or there is any planned activity in the perimeter I have to disarm the system to keep from getting constant notifications,  It would be nice if when you disarmed the system, there was a timer you could set to automatically rearm the system. I always forget to rearm the system after the activity is over outside.