Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Windows 10 Phone App

Yes. Please make a Windows 10 phone app. The web portal is not supported for live viewing since it requires flash and it is not supported in Windows 10 Phone. Or change the web portal to HTML instead of flash.

Netgear, I think we deserve an answer ...

Tumbleweed. Netgear are you reading these forums?
Tumbleweed. Is anyone home? But I can't see at the moment as a I haven't got an app for my Windows Phone, which all things considered an excellent phone.




It isn't windows phone only anymore. It is also Windows PC / XBOX ONE / Everything ...


But in think Netgear isn't interested to sell Arlo anymore. Otherwise they would give a answer and would thinking about it. At the moment 7.4xx % of PC's are Running windows 10. and in the next to Week we will have the release of Xbox one Update which include Universal APP and arround two or for weeks later they came with windows 10 for mobiles. but they still ignore theyre opportunity.

I will not buy arlo until windows 10 universal app will be available.

Community Manager

At this time I have no additional information on the future availability of a Windows app for Arlo. I assure you the development team is paying close attention to the ideas posted here. I encourage you to continue to support and kudo this idea as that is the best way to voice it's importance.



Thank you for the response. However that only confirmed you are monitoring the forums. " No additional information " Additional to what? Therefore can I ask that you as a Netgear employee ask the developers on our behalf? Or lets have it from the developers themselves as they are reading these forums. Dear developer can you kindly answer a very simple question. Are you developing for windows. Yes or No? If yes, what is the projected release date. Q1, Q2, Q3 or Q4?

It's really a shame that you can not even access the arlo portal with the browser of a Windows Phone!

First, one stays blocked on the "UseMobile" page.
After that one is apparently blocked because the whole thing is based on the outdated Flash technology (read in other threads).

It least a website should be available, which is also usable with a Windows Phone!


I Support this Comment !!!!!!



von hokeysmoke  ‎2015-01-11 05:52 PM - bearbeitet ‎2015-01-11 05:53 PM

Usually, if an app doesn't exist, you can go to a mobile web site.  However, this won't work with Arlo due to its antiquated Adobe Flash site which won't work with any mobile device.  Netgear, please at least give us an HTML5 site and enter the modern world.