Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Enable Video Doorbell On/Off Toggle

My Original Complaint:  On/Off Toggle is missing for some reason after a software update, although it used to exist.  Being able to temporarily turn-off the camera is an essential (and basic) feature, especially when working in the area of the doorbell camera and wanting to avoid incessant notifications.  Why would Arlo eliminate the option?


Arlo Response: "I understand, on your Video Doorbell, the “Device On/Off” is missing which was existing before. I am sorry to hear that you are experiencing difficulties with it."



I totally agree Invested User.  Not sure if you received further information but I contacted Arlo support and here is their response:


Arlo comment, April 4 - We understand that you wanted to use the on and off button on the Arlo app for the Arlo video doorbell. Please be informed that the recent app updates no longer includes the toggle on/off for Arlo Video doorbell. What I can suggest for now is to try using the silent mode to stops incoming calls and chimes.


My response -

I already know that the on/off toggle was removed.  I want to know why it was removed?  I don't want to stop just calls and chimes but want to turn off the entire doorbell just like I am able to turn off other Arlo cameras.  In the Arlo Community Page it was posted:


“The privacy feature (on/off toggle) was designed for use with Arlo cameras and was unintentionally made available for AVD1001 Arlo Doorbell users via the mobile app. This meant that when the doorbell was toggled off, calls would no longer be made when the doorbell button was pressed. To ensure the best experience, we felt that this could be confusing for customers who toggled the doorbell off but still expected to be notified on button presses.


 If you would like to disarm your doorbell, you can do so by navigating to the Modes tab and toggling to “Disarmed”


 If you would like to turn off the chime or incoming calls on button presses, you can enable Silent mode within your doorbell settings.”


Is this correct?  If it is I several issues with this decision. 


First it makes no sense.  If it was unintentionally made available, why has it taken so long to remove it?  I purchased the doorbell in November of 2019 so that is almost a year and half that the feature has been available on the app.  Furthermore, if a customer gets confused by not understanding that when you turn something off that they expect to still be notified when the button is pressed that should not impact all the other customers.


Second, I believe that it creates more confusion.


So, I have to turn "on" Silent mode to turn "off" the chime or calls.  Does that sound less confusing compared to on/off toggle to you?  Does this mean the camera is still active?  


So, you remove an on/off toggle that was easy to find on the app to make it less confusing for customers but bury those different ways to either turn off the notifications or chimes or the entire system within the app.  And if it is connected to a base station, I can create a custom mode to turn off just the doorbell camera.  I just do not understand how that makes it easier?


Currently I open the app and I see all my cameras then click on the gear and easily able to turn on/off the device except the doorbell.  For the doorbell I have to click the gear, find Silent mode and turn it on to turn off calls and chime.  But if I want to turn off the camera I have to go to a different tab (mode tab) and disable the doorbell cameras and maybe have to create a custom mode just for that camera.  And if I want to turn everything back on, I must rearm the camera and go back into Silent mode to ensure that is now off, or on, pretty sure off to ensure notifications and chimes are back on.  Again, how does this process make it easier and less confusing for a customer? 


How is that excellent customer service?  Making a decision to remove a feature that is on all other Arlo cameras and has been on the doorbell camera for at least a year and half just doesn’t make any sense to me.


I don't want apologizes.  I want honest direct answers to my questions. 

  1.   Why was the toggle removed? 
  2.   If it was unintentionally available on the doorbell why did it take a year and half to remove it?
  3.   How does removing it make it less confusing?
  4.   Why do I have to turn on silent mode to turn off chimes and calls?
  5.   Why would you have one easy way to turn off camera devices but several different ways to turn off the doorbell?
  6.   Why wasn't this removal not in the firmware/app release notes?


A suggestion:

A possible solution that would make it customer friendly and less confusing for everyone.  Reinstate the on/off toggle where it was on the app but have three separate toggles.  One for camera/video, second for chimes and third for notifications.  This would give customers greater flexibility what they want to control and easier to find and navigate. 


Arlo response April 7 -

To answer your questions, they intentionally removed it from the doorbell settings. The reason behind its implementation was that it comes in conflict with our doorbell's call feature. When the doorbell is off, it cannot make phone calls as intended. If you wish not to receive any phone calls from it, have the doorbell on silent or have it disarmed instead.




On or about March 26, 2021, there was firmware update to the Arlo Wired Video Doorbell, model AVD1001 and the Arlo app thus removing the Device on/off toggle from the app.  There was no notice of this change nor was it mentioned in the firmware release notes.  I formally demand that this feature be brought back ASAP! 


There have been conflicting reasons on why this on\off toggle was removed.  This post from the Arlo Community page dated March 30:


The privacy feature (on/off toggle) was designed for use with Arlo cameras and was unintentionally made available for AVD1001 Arlo Doorbell users via the mobile app. This meant that when the doorbell was toggled off, calls would no longer be made when the doorbell button was pressed. To ensure the best experience, we felt that this could be confusing for customers who toggled the doorbell off but still expected to be notified on button presses.


I purchased this doorbell in November 2019 and that feature had been available for a year and half.  If it was unintentionally made available why did it take a so long to remove it?  When I asked this question to Arlo support this is the response dated April 9:


“I understand that you want to change the terms use. With this, you may post this idea as well at our community site Our engineers will be able to read this suggestion. In fact, some of the Arlo features where came from the community site suggested by the customers.”


“As what my colleague said, the on/off option for the doorbell was removed due to conflict with our doorbell's call feature. You might not see this post on the issue but some customers contacted us directly with this issue.”


Why does this matter?  The feature had been there for almost a year and half and any requests to have it removed would mean it would change the terms use.  Why weren’t customers that contacted Arlo directly not referred to Arlo Idea Exchange first.  How did these customers get the terms changed?


This is the response from Arlo dated April 12:


“We really apologize for all the inconvenience. For now, we are encouraging all customer to post this on ideas exchange to add the On and off button back since it is more convenient for them to use this feature than having the doorbell on silent or have it disarmed. If more customer's will demand this feature to be added again, our development team may consider this feature in the next update.”


I believe this all to be inconsistent and hypocritical!  The fact that is caused a conflict is irrelevant.  If Arlo decided to remove it because some customers contacted Arlo support directly they should have been referred to the Arlo Idea Exchange because it meant a change in terms.  To me, those customers received special treatment.  They emailed you and received what they requested without being referred to the Arlo Idea Exchange. Currently there is one other request on the Arlo Idea Exchange to bring back this feature.  I cannot find any requests on the page to have it removed.  The toggle needs to be returned to the app ASAP and either those customers or Arlo needs to submit the idea to have the feature removed to the Arlo Idea Exchange and see how the community response for fairness and transparency. 


In full disclosure to all, I have cut and pasted comments involving the Device On\Off Toggle removal directly from Arlo response.  There is more to the exchanges between Arlo and myself however I purposely left them out for space. 


Now for why the Device On\Off Toggle should be re-implemented:


  1.  Consistency.  To turn any Arlo cameras on\off it is extremely easy to find and accomplish.  Why should it be different for the doorbell camera.










Side note:  Time Zone is so easy to find on the doorbell screen.  With Covid restrictions easing it is good to know that I can easily update the time zone when I start traveling with my doorbell/house.


Currently I open the app and I see all my cameras then click on the gear and easily able to turn on/off the device except the doorbell.  For the doorbell I have to click the gear, find Silent mode and turn it on to turn off calls and chime.  But if I want to turn off the camera I have to go to a different tab (mode tab) and disable the doorbell cameras and maybe have to create a custom mode just for that camera.  And if I want to turn everything back on, I must rearm the camera and go back into Silent mode to ensure that is now off, or on, pretty sure off to ensure notifications and chimes are back on. 


  1. I don’t the word "disarm".  Disarming to me is permanently.  You don’t normally rearm something.  I don’t want to "disarm" my cameras.  I want to turn them on or off.  Disarm definition by Merriam-Webster:

1a : to deprive of means, reason, or disposition to be hostile disarmed criticism by admitting errors

b : to win over

2a : to divest of arms disarm captured troops

b : to deprive of a means of attack or defense disarm a ship

c : to make harmless disarm a bomb


I am offended by using the word "disarm" in this way.  Is the doorbell camera hostile or a weapon?  As a retired military member, I think of these meanings, instead of turning an electronic device on or off.  I don't disarm the TV or light.  I simply just want to turn the doorbell on/off as needed.  


  1. Future concern.  Is Arlo going to remove the Device On\Off Toggle from the cameras as well to match the doorbell?  That option has been there even longer than the doorbell option.  I just want to turn camera(s) on\off as needed easily and not disarm the system.


  1. To see if Arlo truly takes customer suggestions seriously and implements them.  Currently there is one other customer requesting that the Device On\Off Toggle be returned.  I don’t see anywhere anyone suggesting removing it. 


  1. One other possible suggestion as a remedy.  What about three different On\Off toggles one for camera, one for chime and one for calls.  This way it is consistent with the other Arlo camera settings, eliminates Silent Mode and Disarm.  It also gives customers greater flexibility to control their doorbell camera.

Regarding Engineer / Support comment, I find no "mode" setting, only ''silent mode" toggle on/off. Additionally, assuming Mode Setting is available (where is this hiding), how would Mode Setting be changed if the doorbell is essentially Off or "disabled"?.... How about (as suggested) restore the On/Off function with a note that "off" setting includes the call function. Additionally, if you turned off your doorbell (due to unstable low light chime triggers) during the time the function was removed, there is apparently no way to turn it back "On". I'll reserve my "Common Sense Speech" until Arlo replies. (Meanwhile, having the need for additional products, I have been shopping other brands due primarily to the above). Also since we're here, I don't see the benefit of a WARNING IN DEVICE SETTINGS that states the device is turned off, and to enable the device by turning it On, IN DEVICE SETTINGS, WITH NO CLEAR PATH ON HOW TO ACCOMPLISH THIS. For the price point, I expect better.


Thank you for adding a request to bring back the on/off toggle for the doorbell.  I am holding out hope that Arlo will listen to their customers and bring the toggle back.  However, in my opinion, Arlo won't ever bring it back even though there are customers submitting documented posts requests for it but no documented requests to have it removed.  There are a couple reasons for them not to bring it back:

1. Arlo doesn't care about their customers.  I really can't stress this enough.

2. Arlo says that the on/off toggle confused people, but again no documented posts to back this up.  But as you posted along with others the removal made it more confusing.

3. Someone at Arlo made a decision and they feel so proud of themselves for it that they refuse to change their mind. 


Don't hold your breath waiting for Arlo to get back with you.  They may initially contact you but they won't follow up with you.  I am still waiting for four different call backs from Arlo after they said they "would look into it and get back with me"


To answer your question though, the "Mode" setting is at the bottom of the screen, There is Devices, Library and Mode.  If you tap "Mode" then you will see your devices and Armed/Disarm which will then arm/disarm the video doorbell.  Someone could still ring (chime) the doorbell though, just no video.  If you want to turn off the chime then you have to go to "silent mode" and turn on the feature to turn off the chime.  And this is supposed to be less confusing then an on/off toggle.  Hope I helped you out in this regard?


Just yesterday, CNET posted an article comparing Ring (Amazon) and Nest (Google) doorbells and ignored Arlo altogether.  Not sure why Arlo wasn't included but could it be because Arlo is such a distant third place CNET didn't want to waste their time including Arlo?  


Thanks that does help. Doesn't solve unfortunately, but I appreciate the response 🙂


Don't expect any resolve from Arlo.  But glad to help