Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Ability To Change Compression Level

I would like Netgear to include an option to change the compression level on Arlo.


I have plenty of internet bandwidth to spare, and I'd rather reduce the compression level and have increased image quality.

The video quality was a disappointment for me also. I have seen suggestions to allow the local (USB) recording to be much less compressed. There is no reason the video quality should not match that of a 720P "Fish Eye" dash cam, but current picture quality is much poorer than that.
I feel deceived by netgear’s claim of HD video quality. The videos remind me of streaming QuickTime videos in the early 1990s on VGA monitors. If I ever record someone trying to break into my parked car I’ll never be able to identify them with the pixelated and grainy images. The only thing the cameras will be able to prove is that some bipedaled creature, a human or possibly a Sasquatch, broke into my car.

I have a high-speed low-latency strong signal network with no channel interference. The camera is about 10 to 12 feet away from my car. The problem is clearly with netgear’s data compression algorithms. Does anyone know if there are plans to improve video quality or should I start looking to sell my equipment to recoup my costs?

I have one Arlo Pro 2 and I was going to buy more but I'm dissatisfied with the bitrate.  There needs to be a higher quality option that is already in the settings.  Whats the point of a 1080p camera if you're running it so low?   Cheap Chinese IP cameras can run a better bitrate.


I don't need 4k, I just want to stop seeing massive compression artifacts. You can't recognize a face, read a car license plate, or identify animal individual markings.  The resolution of Arlo2 is fine.  The compression makes it almost worthless.  I can see the color of a car, but not the logo on the side.  


Please enable customers to tune compression levels.  If we have to pay for cloud storage to do that, so be it.  I understand that free space isn't free, but give us the ability.  I'm looking at alternatives to Arlo because of the massive compression.


The compression issue is abysmal on the Arlo Pro. If I could return my system, I would. It is quite a disappointment given the expectation of the advertised 'High Definition' recording.


I cannot currently recommend Arlo in any manner to friends and neighbors.

Not applicable
Years after the fact and still not fixed. This is really frustrating and I can not recommend the product without a decrease in compression.

i have the ArloQ, ive accepted its not going to be improved so just use it as a general overview of action and moved onto an NestCamIQ, 4k and lets you zoom to a 1080p area. Quality is spot on in daytime way better than my ArloQ, night is still a bit rubbish. I think as mentioned, the best solution is to buy an offline 4K POE camera that uses a memory card or network storage as otherwise like my IQ you get tied into paying a sub for storage, and quality is not up there with the offline solutions.


And it's just gotten worse. I have seen the amount of compression go up between the time I installed the cameras last august and today. If you ask me, it happened within the last month. These cameras are USELESS with such poor video. At 15 feet, I cannot differentiate between a raccoon and a cat. Arlo, this is very disappointing and I will go leave comments on best buy and amazon if you do not solve this problem. This thread is FIVE YEARS OLD and it's only gotten worse. I wish I'd read this before I bought the "1080 resolution" cameras.


If I had known the image quality was so low I would not have bought the product.  Does the quality improve if you pay for the 30 day storage?

is Arlo dropping the quality of the image captured to get customers to upgrade