Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Support more storage options

There are 2 type of markets:


Group#1: You have the none-techincal people, who just want to turn everything on, and start using it as a "for dummies" style. Everything is simplifed and beautifully presented to them without need to know all the technical stuff. They are welling to pay a reasonable fee for making their life easier.


Group#2: On the other hand, you have the computer geeks, like myself, would prefer my recordings goes to local NAS and then automatic synced to my OneDrive, this way I get a copy locally and a backup copy in my cloud. I know how to configure it, am familar with troubleshooting if have a problem. and frankyly I couldn't care less about the the nice interface after it has been configured. And i don't want to pay for more money when I already got tens of GB of cloud storage available at my dispose.



I see Arlo is satisfying only group#1, and making some money off the subscription. But I think group#2 would prefer an IP camera over Arlo partly due to the space limitation. If Netgear can support pushing recording to various cloud storages (local NAS, OneDrive, Amazon Cloud, Dropbox...etc), then you might get more share of group#2 market.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Implemented In Latest Product

We are excited to announce that this Idea has been implemented with the introduction of the Arlo Pro. For more information on the Arlo Pro, see here: Arlo Pro The world’s first and only 100% wire-free, weatherproof, rechargeable HD smart security cam...

Community Manager
Status changed to: Implemented In Latest Product

We are excited to announce that this Idea has been implemented with the introduction of the Arlo Pro. For more information on the Arlo Pro, see here: Arlo Pro The world’s first and only 100% wire-free, weatherproof, rechargeable HD smart security cam...


Agreed! Great news. Strong +1 for making the option available on existing Arlo via firmware update


I am glad you are excited, but what about the poor unloved USB ports in the original base station? What exciting "future enhancements" can we expect?

So we wait all this time to be forced to buy a new system, Our system is now worthless because of the Arlo Pro that does everything better.

At least give us the options to trade in our old systems for upgrade.

Status changed to: Implemented In Lasted Product

We are excited to announce that this Idea has been implemented with the introduction of the Arlo Pro. For more information on the Arlo Pro, see here: Arlo Pro The world’s first and only 100% wire-free, weatherproof, rechargeable HD smart security cam...


What idea would that be.  When I look at the original message I note that the person is suggesting a number of things.

Which of these ideas have been implememented.

Your reply falls way short of being informative.


I don't have to to wait for a responce to know the BIGGEST complaint and the MOST INSECURE feature of the camera is inability to save locally.

It is also the most ignored complaint by Arlo in the forum.


Still, I'd like a reply as a customer.


Still frustrated.

OMG' you have freaking got to be kidding me.

These monsters took $500 of my money and are implementing things that we have been asking for for years now on a new product.

Thank you netgear for screwing over your customers I will never ever ever buy anything from this company again.

What a bunch of garbage.



This is pretty big news, Thanks for the follow up.  Is there some sort of Rewards program in Netgear uses your idea in the Idea Exchange forum?  e.g.  Free Alro Pro system.  🙂




Netgear: "we did listen guys! go buy a whole new equipment so that you guys can enjoy!, oh keeping older hub? you're no valued customers"


Arlo Employee Retired
Status changed to: New Ideas