Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Sort by battery level

I've seen the request for battery % on the summary screen. Originally % was available on the devices page. Perhaps as an optimization for data fetches in the solution architecture at the expense of customer ease-of-use this was removed and hasn't come back on the iOS app. HOWEVER... what would be extremely helpful is a way to sort the cameras by battery % (least to greatest). This feature could manifest itself as a sort option on the Devices page (best) or by some other means. This allows one to be given a priority on which camera to charge next instead of requiring one to need to actively check each device separately.

Arlo Employee Retired

Thanks for posting your idea! Our development team routinely reviews posts in the Arlo Idea Exchange to assess which features the community would like to see implemented. We greatly appreciate your contribution and will keep the status of this idea updated as we get new information on its potential implementation.