Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Alerting Mechanism for Base Station / Camera Offline

Our installation will be very remote beach house. There is a need for mains failure detection in case intruder has deliberately switched of the power. This would be a nice sofware update feature.


This should also be applied to the arlo baby for when a stream stops etc. 


Very disappointed with Arlo's lack of customer support and refusal to take action on issues important to customers. 


Arlo lo is understandably loosing ground to competitors and in trouble. 

Arlo Moderator



Which model base station & cameras are you experiencing the issue with?


Netgear/Arlo does seem very slow to communicate with its customers. There is lots of issues in need of resolution. We need loss of internet notifications, an external siren, door sensors etc. Then it can be a full security system rather than just CCTV. 


That’s so true. Especially in Australia, the main switch is 9 out of 10 located outside the house, though it sounds like very stupid. Say some intruder try shutting down the power first, the camera becomes totally useless. If a push notification is received, at least we know something is happening. What a key feature definitely to be addressed!


That’s so true. Especially in Australia, the main switch is 9 out of 10 located outside the house, though it sounds like very stupid. Say some intruder try shutting down the power first, then the camera becomes totally useless. If a push notification is received, at least we know something is happening. What a key feature definitely to be addressed! PS: my device is Arlo pro 2


That’s so true. Especially in Australia, the main switch is 9 out of 10 located outside the house, though it sounds like very stupid. Say some intruder try shutting down the power first, the camera becomes totally useless. If a push notification is received, at least we know something is happening. What a key feature definitely to be addressed!

Arlo needs to add a feature to their cameras where if there is no coverage by either the wifi is out or the power is off that you are notified by either the app notification, by email, or by both if your setting preferences. So then you know the power is out at your house or your cameras aren't recording.

That would be handy but you can also use a UPS on your modem, router and base so that power outages, except very long ones, aren't an issue in the first place. Keeping your network and Arlo system up and running even in a power outage provides coverage during that time. A notification that your power is out isn't the same thing.


I'm paying $$$ for a subscription, and it should notify me of the health of the system is not all good.


My thermostat notifies me, but the security system - If it can't connect to a camera - does NOTHING.


Fix this ASAP