Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Show battery size and quantity in Arlo app

This really doesn’t apply specifically to the model I specified. It is more applicable towards the app.

I have the “Arlo 2 camera HD Security System” with VMB3010R2 base and 2 H7 cameras.

I use the Arlo iPhone app v2.7.7 (56).

When the app indicates low battery, I tried to find somewhere on the app what size battery the camera takes and how many.

The app knows my base and the camera used and tells me the low battery but no information on battery size and quantity I need to get.

The app should be able to give me that information as it knows the cameras in use, right?

I was at the hardware store and remembered needing batteries. But with my app I couldn’t get the battery info or how many I need.

Seems like this would be an obvious customer need the app can provide, battery type and quantity, and provide it in the Camera’s Device Settings or Device Info page.

Too me it’s antiquated (old school) to open the battery door of the camera to determine this information.


Just in case.... the original Arlo HD camera uses 123 type cells ... 4 for each camera