Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Need separate max limit for Arlo Q Camera under free Service Plan

Currently, Arlo offers free CVR (continuous video recording) for 7 days under their Service Plan for 5 or less cameras.  This is wonderful!


However, Arlo just came out with the new Arlo Q.  I was told that the Q will be under this same service plan policy.  This does not make sense.  If you already bought into the Arlo wireless security camera system with 5 cameras, you are not allowed to buy this new indoor Q camera without upgrading from the free service plan.  This is just unfair.  The Q is not cheap with a price tag of over $200/each.  Why should we upgrade our service plan to just add the Q camera?


What Arlo should have offered is a separate max limit for Arlo Q camera instead.  If you have 5 wireless Arlo cameras, you should also be allowed to add up to 5 Arlo Q camera and still be eligible for the free 7 day service plan.  Don't penalize the early adaptors who bought into 4-5 wireless Arlo cameras and now with this new Q introduction we are not allowed to piggyback on the same free service plan.  We are personal consumers of Arlo cameras, not businesses who may be willing to pay for the Service Plan if they have more than 5 cameras.


Please Arlo, reconsider the free service plan max limit policy when it comes to including the combination of wireless and wired (Q) cameras.


I can appreciate that you want to upgrade to the latest cameras, but I'm not sure I follow the logic of getting additional cameras under the free plan (or a second free plan). I think a limit to the number of cameras--regardless of camera model--makes sense. If you really want to upgrade, you could deactivate one of the wireless Arlos and add the new model in its place. Alternatively, I suppose you could add a second hub for the Arlo Q and create a new account for a second free plan (less convenient that having all cameras under one account, but it could still work).

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