Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

IFTTT support

A lot of new "smart" products have IFTTT support, it makes them smarter. The Homeboy (where I assume Netgear ripped the idea for this product) has solid IFTTT support, so you guys should add it to beat them. Thanks.


Posted this in one of the other IFTTT idea threads, putting it here since this one has the most upvotes.  Speaking of which - there are currently at least 533 upvotes for ideas specifically asking for IFTTT, plus a bunch more ideas that could either be solved or improved on by IFTTT.  I didn't bother to add up the upvotes for other ideas, but I'm willing to bet that there are more requests for IFTTT than all other upvotes combined...


Future Consideration huh?  Is that better or worse than what the status of this feature request has been up till now?  

I, along with many others who have voiced the same here, will not be spending any more money on Arlo or recommending it to others until we at least get a roadmap update on when this feature can be expected."



Netgear, please realize that most of the reason folks are so upset about this is because of the lack of any meaningful communication reagarding your intentions.  Not having the feature from the get-go is forgivable, but your PR/Customer Service is not. 



Let's not kid ourselves. As businesses build more and more on these subscription models, they'll find ways to stonewall on features that they'd rather monetize. Sad, so it looks like my Arlo set is going back and I'll let others know.
It has been over a year now since this was requested. They aren't going to do it. Almost half of the "implemented" ideas aren't even implemented -- they took feature requests for the arlo wireless and called them "implemented" when they released the arlo q. If we could just have a roadmap of upcoming software features that would be all of the communication that is required and nobody would be angry anymore.

Just got a 3 camera Arlo set, happy enough with it that I am planning on expanding it.


Just a couple ideas:


1-The frame grab that is pushed through email alerts, can it also be pushed to the app so it can be viewed quickly when an alert is triggered?. Having to go through 2-3-4 taps on a device to see if an alert is legit is...not as good as it should be. I want to avoid cluttering my inbox with Arlo emails, so I only really want push alerts. This is my biggest beef, length of time it takes to see if a trigger is legit or junk.


2-View controls on iOS. Please standardize on iOS provided playback controls/views? Again, too many taps to go full screen. and even on an iPhone 6 Plus, playback and fullscreen controls are too small. I'm not sure if the matching green interface controls are worth the trouble.


3-Portrait layout view on iPad app.


4-From the CES vids, it sounds like IFTTT support is coming. Would like to voice my support for that.


5-iOS: Playback caching. Since we have so many clips with delayed camera wake-ups, a lot of clips we need to see the first 12-24 frames repeatedly to see what's up. But each time we go back, it just rebuffers the stream. These are tiny clips. Cache them!


6-Timestamp support! Either in-camera, or in stream metadata that the playback platforms can read and superimpose! Kind of a biggie for law enforcement, no?


6-Sequential Camera trigger delays: It seems when a first camera is triggered, it wakes relatively quick, but a second camera triggering gets delayed, guessing because it can't get a word in edgewise because 1st camera is streaming. Tough problem, but hopefullyy it's on the list to be addressed?


For number 1, try and use your phone number for email notice( check yr service provider )...this will send the email out to the phone as an SMS ( text )

I find it easier to handle text on my phone over emails since they pop right up and I can just move on. I like it better than pushes too.

( will depend on cell provider as some fail to strip out extra html info )


Number 6a ,  some OS give the date in in file name but the long number file name on a d/l is in Epoch time ( so don't rename the file if for evidence, copy it and rename )


Number 6b , this may be more related to other problems like bandwidth... I have mutli cams activate within a second of each other

Maybe try 'nested' camera triggers (( A sense Record A, A sense Record B rules ))


Ifttt support would open so many new ways to use this system. I would love to have some indoor lights be triggered when an outdoor camera is triggered to help further deter unwanted activity.

Be good to see a respose from the product managment team or product manager. Given the weight of pressure to have IFTTT support, this request must be discussed in every sw concept commit meeting. I am actively recccomending this system to all my friends and collegues, but always have to caveat the advice with "it doesn't speak to ifttt though...". 


Is there a technical or political reason for not interfacing with IFTTT? I cannot believe it is a HW constraint, even my dumb WEMO devices can work with geo-fencing. 


Let's get it on the commit list for the next major SW release and complete a major flaw in an otherwise great product set. 



Community Manager
Status changed to: New Ideas

 For the love of the God's of home security, please pleas please add IFTT to these cameras.  


I would like to add my vote for this feature.





Currently the email notification goes to GMail inbox which triggers IFTTT action to parse the email and to extract the link to video from email's text. The problem is - IFTTT can extract only plain text, not formatted links. As result the link cannot be extracted from "Arlo has detected motion on one of your cameras. Here are the details... Click here to see what’s happening.".






Please update text of email notification to include a link as a plain text:  "Arlo has detected motion on one of your cameras. Here are the details... Click here to see what’s happening... Or you can copy and paste this link into browser: https://..."





Because IFTTT cannot extract formatted link from GMail I'm using Zapier instead. It has a parser which can extract complex things from email parts. I have registered Zapier email as a target for Arlo notifications so email goes there, link is extracted, then this link is used to make a REST API call to get real link to video file (mp4).


So if email has a reference to, you have to extract XXXX and then make an REST call to (it is HTTP GET), which returns JSON:


		"presignedContentUrl": "https://...",
		"createdDate": "20160202",
		"timezone": "...",
		"mediaDuration": "00:00:10",
		"presignedThumbnailUrl": "https://...",
		"cameraName": "..."

The presingedContentUrl refers to mp4 video resource which you can view/play/download. I'm pushing this URL to my SmartTV through SmartThings plarform, so TV plays a video on my TV of what just captured on camera, if TV is turned on. The presigned URL refers to the  file in Amazon cloud, and it contains a parameter - an expiration date/time after which video cannot be played. You do not need to get signed into Arlo to get this video or get a JSON payload described above.


The downside is - the Zapier is not free, so IFTTT alternative will be very handy.