Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Grant full administrative rights to another user

There is no reason why my wife shouldn't have the same level of access on her account so that can modify every setting. In our current scenario, she has to log in with my account to modify settings.


Please enable this functionality to allow for one or many administrators.


Thank you

Community Manager



This can be done by utilizing the Grant Access feature. Take a look here: How do I add friends to my Arlo account?




The set up wasn't intuitive and I didn't realize I had to select from the camera/device list below, even though there is copy underneath the device list that reads: "Select at least one camera to share with this friend." Perhaps this copy should be moved to the top of the camera/device box. 


Once I followed those instructions, I was able to grant access.


I concur, need FULL access rights, otherwise the other person has to view live (too much lag) instead of camera position when changing batteries, etc. 


I also agree that a spouse should be able to login at the same and have access to every setting.  We switched from Lowe’s Iris because they shut down, but they allowed this access with no additional accounts required...we just both logged in at the same time using the same credentials.  VERY frustrating.


A system that is so secure that it is too complicated and restrictive is only as secure as the user's skills and availability allow.


In my case, parts of it end up not working for weeks at a time because I can't access all the features.

Please allow admin-selected users to have full admin rights! I cannot pair the doorbell and the chime without my husband's account. There is no reason for that! Especially when it randomly unpairs itself...


You should create more specific app permission settings. Basically, the only options currently are "view only" and "Access all settings". I'd love to have individual permissions for sharing, downloading, recording, etc.


I see this subject has been brought up before and yet ARLO has not addressed it. If I want to give full access to someone on my account, so they can adjust full mode functions why should I not be able to do that? It will allow arming and disarming of system and scheduling functions but thats all.

So this is a little annoying, my wife has the main Admin for our 7 devices, my login is set as granted access on everything, Occasionally a camera will remove itself from my list and I have to go into the settings with her login and remove that camera from my accepted list and add it back, So I've started to use her login on my PC, every time she logs into Arlo with her phone it logs me out and then requests an authentication code for my PC again. I cant add my PC as an authorized device to stop this from happening.


On another note the cameras will pick up movement and audio but they wont record. Sometimes they just decide not to. I can have the kids running in the front room for 30 mins yet it will only record parts of it. If the device is recording i can not also view it live.


My subscription is : Arlo Smart Premier Multi Camera

                                    : Premier - Single Camera (2)


So here's a list of things that need to be resolved.


1) Allow a second user to have full admin rights

2) Fix the random cameras from removing themselves from the list on non admin accounts

3) Allow multiple trusted devices on the same login.

4) Allow me to save all data and have live recordings to external drives, not just a USB that's limited on space.





Not being able to enable  >> FULL << admin access to a guest user is totally unacceptable, especially if one is paying for the monthly premium plan. The lack of this feature can be LIFE THREATENING in some situations, especially with cameras that are sporadically falling off the network. This thread is 3 years old, and the Arlo support team keeps spitting out the same nonsense.


I have created a petition to get visibility into this request. Need at least 5 supporters to activate the petition so Arlo can be aware of it.


Years are rolling on by and Arlo/Netgear STILL can’t seem to figure out how to allow, at the very least, TWO people full administrative access on one account! I need my husband to have the same functions as my primary account. And the device  log out when he tries to access with my credentials is frustrating. Please give master accounts the ability to grant FULL master access to another added on account like many other security systems do!!