Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Custom alert sounds for Android/iOS

Really need to customize the notification sound.  For instance, I want to be alerted to motion on some cameras while sleeping, but the notification sound is not enough to do that because it is too brief and I just sleep right through it.  Would be nice to select an mp3, or at least provide some more aggressive options for alerts.  Perhaps even per camera custom sounds, as one can do with ringtones for different contacts.

Ok, I found it and selected a chirp, but is it only 1 time and that is it? Also, I thought I could choose different sounds according to the cameras.
IFTTT has the option to get a text message and you can make that text message be whatever tone you want it to be on your phone especially with an android phone not to mention notifications can be better on the android so good luck at keeping your elderly folks safe
3/7/17 discovered IFTT app (iPhone app as well as android) I set up a notification applet that cause a phone call to my phone with a voice mssg that I can hear live or is left as voice mail with details of date time and which camera. I have the phone number the call comes in from set as a contact in my phone with a special ringtone of "alarm" set. Rings like an air raid siren within seconds of camera being triggered. Also set an app in IFTT to call my phone when Arlo sends an email alert also. This sets off the same ring but up to 2-5 minutes later. This acts as a backup alert. For some reason the arlo alert emails don't hit my email inbox very fast. You can also use IFTT to set up a text mssg. The IFTT app has arlo as a participant so it's easy to walk through setting up applets to do this. IFTT app is free.
Why are we useing three party app. To try and change a tone. Forget that. Alto needs to get they're act together and start working on this. Plain and simple. We pay a lot of money for this camera and thing should work the way you want them to work.
Community Manager



This feature was recently implemented for Android devices and is coming in the future for iOS.




It´s great that you can choose notification sound! Until now i had to use Megasound for that.


But i really would like to be able to set sound per camera. And that it´s like an alarm that i need to turn off.


I have some good reasons for this, and i guess many more have similar thoughts:


1. When sleeping at night. I have some cameras outside, and some inside. Sometimes the neighboors cat pass by outside in the middle of the night. For that i would not liked to be awaked since it happends from time to time, so in that case just a regular notifcation is good. But i have a camera inside downstairs where no one should be, and we don´t have animals that can trigger it. In that case i would like my phone to ring until i turn it off, like a alarm. (This is good wether we are at home or not.)


2. I would like to use the arlo system in my business. I´m not there at night and the cameras inside should give me an alarm that i had to turn off as well. Arlo is good at so many other things but being awaked at night if there is an intruder is essential. Without that function i can´t rely on the system and need another alarm as well. But if the phone would ring until i turned it off it would be the whole difference.


I really hope you can solve that. (At least on android since i understood that ios is more difficult because of regulations from apple? But on android this should be possible i guess?)


Arlo Employee Retired



Thanks for the great idea! I have converted your comment into a new idea so that others can vote on it and give additional feedback. Keep the great ideas coming!


Dawn Marshall
Community Manager, NETGEAR

Arlo Employee Retired
Status changed to: Partially Implemented

We have introduced a new feature that allows push notification customization including tone, LED color and more!


Currently available on Android and coming soon for iOS.

My mother has Alzeimers and I need to know when she is moving. Apple just did an upgrade to IOS 10.3. The problem should have been fixed then. From what I've read this problem has been going on for a couple of years. PLEASE!!! My mother needs this fixed for her safety.
To Cmillett, do you know about IFTT app? You download it from IOS App Store free. You set up an applet thru IFTT to call your phone when arlo detects motion. You receive a phone call telling you which camera went off. You can then set a phone contact for the arlo phone number. Then set a phone ring tone on your iPhone of your choice when the call comes in. I use alarm ring tone. It would wake the dead.