Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Arlo "Has Just Detected Motion" emails


it's great that we get the emails from you notifying us of movement detected by the camera's but is there any chance you can lay the emails out better?


For instance, the title - why not put in the title which specific camera is the one sending this alert? It drives me nuts that I have to open each and every one to find out this information; a little extra information would make triaging much easier...




OLD: "Arlo Has Just Detected Motion"

NEW: "Front Room: Arlo Has Just Detected Motion"


Also, I know you guys insist on putting a link in the emails to the preview (you should put a JPG so that it doesn't have to download for each email I view, takes extra time to triage) but anyway - how about we put the important information at the top of the email... e.g.


Dear SoAndSo,


Arlo has detected motion on one of your cameras. Here are the details:




Front porch at 1:59:50 PM BST on May 9 2018





Movement detected Front porch at 1:59:50 PM BST on May 9 2018



Finally, most email apps provide a Preview of the email - make sure that your emails cover the IMPORTANT information, not "Dear SoAndSo, Movement as detected..." - it's useless to me.


Thanks for listening.