Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Arlo for Home Security

After a burglary at our home I installed the 4 camera Arlo kit as a possible solution for security.


It is a nice product, and has some nice features.  Unfortunately if it is going to be taken for a serious home security solution it has a few issues.  I do believe, however that if Netgear is serious about this product line they could all be accomodated or resolved.  Here's my list some of which others have already raised:


Motion Detection:  At best I'm getting about 12-16 feet from the camera before detection.  I have not yet been able to tweek that yet to remove false alarms from animals or the effects of wind on plants etc.  That may reduce the effective range even more.  Also outdoors, it's almost usless to try and mount anywhere but near an entrance.  The current technology prohibits me from mounting the camera in a hallway which would be an excellent location of observation. This problem is exacerbated by...


Activation Time:  It appears at best I'm currently getting 5-10 seconds between the time a motion is detected and the time a video stream starts.  This makes the system vulnerable and the possibility exists that by the time the camera activates the subject may be out of view, or worse removed or disabled the camera.  A possible way of moderating this might be that when any camera activates, the others go into a rapid response mode for a few minutes.  I know I can use rules to activate one camera by the motion at another and have indeed set up this, but it doesn't seem a good fix with the limitations of the batteries.


Batteries:  The wireless concept is great for unusual or outdoor locations, but it appears that I'm going to need to spend about $100 or more a year on batteries alone.  AC adapters for internal installations would be a welcome, and I'd assume easy option to offer.


Scheduling:  A nice, probably essential feature and apparently the one that Netgear reserves to strong arm you into taking their paid subscription services.


Supporting Sensors:  The issues with the motion detection might be resolved with the addition of accessories to be added to rules for camera activation.  As an example a door sensor which activates a cameras.  The accessory might be battery, or better yet AC plug in.   In additon to door sensors there could be window sensors, glass break detectors or possibly more application specific motion sensors.  This could be a great profit opportunity for Netgear and will probably be the only thing that keeps this product from becoming anything more than a novelty for a year or two.


Audio: A nice to have, not a got to have.  It would be good to record audio during camera activation.  As far as broadcasting audio, that might be an optional accessory.


Local Data Storage:  Perhaps Netgear already had the good sense to include this and not publicize it, but some limited data storage at the base station would be a good idea.  If someone disables my internet service before entering my home, the system as I understand it is dead.  If however the system would continue to work and allow some imited video storage at the control panel during the internet interuption it would be one more element of security.  Of course disabling the AC power is another issue, but one that could again be resolved by an accessory or upgraded system (with battery backup).











I was really hoping I might get some feedback or comment particularly from the Netgear people about my observations.


I like the Arlo system, but it's limitations will mean we'll need something to provide our security.  I'm looking at SimpliSafe and using their subscription service.  The two systems appear to complement each other, but in no way work together.  



Community Manager



Welcome to the community! I apologize for the late response. You make a lot of great suggestions, some of which can also be found in the Arlo Idea Exchange. I encourage you to visit some of the ideas posted there and offer your support for them by giving kudos. We are continuously reviewing suggestions and ideas for the product and greatly appreciate any feedback given.


Thank you!


Community Manager
Status changed to: Partially Implemented

After having my home burglarized a couple of years ago, I feel your pain, but nothing you can do will 100% of the time prevent your home from being burglarized. If you can make it more difficult for the bad guys to burglarize your home, then great. The purpose of cameras is to record the event so that the police can possibly nab the crooks.


A little advice here:

1) Never leave valuables in your home, especially important papers and excess jewelry if they can be stored elsewhere, such as a safety deposit box at your bank.

2) For those items such as guns, etc. be sure to invest in a strong gun safe that is securely mounted to your walls and floor, thus making it more difficult and time consuming to remove.

3) Invest in a professional, 24/7 monitored security system that works off of cellular instead of the internet. Internet cables are often cut  before the burglars enter the home.

4) Have a plan. Once the intruders enter your home it is too late. Arlo is nearly perfect for detecting trouble before it happens.

5) I don't think that Arlo's intention was or will be to enter the home security business. Arlo has a great integration with Samsung's Smartthings and other systems. I control my cameras with the Smartthings integration as Smartthings is a lot more flexible than my professional security system, which doe's not support Arlo and other devices for outside monitoring, and is a great compliment to it. I am able to plase motion detectors a few feet away from my doors and windows to start the camera's recording quicker thus overcoming the delay in Arlo's recordings.

6) Study how to make your doors and windows more secure.


Hope that helps,

