Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Arlo Wireless Feedback from New User

My thoughts/wishlist/bugs after using Arlo for a few weeks:


-on app camera page, the battery icons frequently show low/dead but when I go into camera settings, I see they are 80-98%.  The app should remember the latest reading and display appropriate icon.  I assume there is some hourly(?) periodic communication between the hub and cameras, update the battery level please.  Occasionally the batteries do show correctly, but usually show low for me.


-on app camera page, add a button to take a single snapshot from all the cameras (frequently I like to just get a quick look at everything and one camera image from each would let me see that.  Currently I hit play on all of them, wait for them to sync up then pause all of them.  Maybe let us pick a refresh rate to update all cameras with an image snapshot once every 30min or something (like BloomSky weather/sky cameras)


-on app library page, the app continually refreshes (spinning wait icon) the camera image thumbnails and it makes it vey slow to scroll down the list.  Once each thumbnail is downloaded, the app should never need to download it again (even if I switch days or close the app, it should keep thse little thumbnails in a cache).  Also after vieweing a video and going back to list, it refreshes them all and puts me at start of list again 😞


-on app library page, add filter for night vision


-on app while pausing a video, can't pan and zoom image.  it lets me pan and zoom only while playing which is okay but it would be better to pan and zoom while paused too


-app notifications... would be nice to have a notification override on each device.  Sometimes I like having notification and sometimes I don't.  The flexibility of the custom modes is nice, but it is cumbersome to set them up and adjust all the settings.  Having an over-ride to say "no notifications right now" would help to eliminate trying to duplicate the tweaks I have made in my custom mode.


-in mode settings, would be nice to have some simpler ways to do record all cameras.  The current implementation is very flexible (which I typically prefer), but also very cumbersome to set up and adjust.  Would be nice if there was a quick way to select "if one camera detects motion, record all cameras for 30 seconds"


-improve/reduce the delay between motion and record, I know there are lots of discussions (I read through them and made some adjustments) about repositioning cameras but it still seems like there is too much lag.


-on app camera page, add an optional view (button) that shows more but smaller camera images per screen.  currently I only see two, would be nice to show all four


-would it be possible for the Arlo hub to be a wifi extender for my Netgear Wifi router?  I need to reposition my arlo hub to get closer to furthest camera and it would be awesome if that would improve my wifi as well


-add optional way to view cameras via a URL key  This would be for semi-secure viewing of cameras in other apps/smart home dashboards etc.  Make it easy to enable/disable/reuest new "key"


-please complete SmartThings integration