Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Alerting Mechanism for Base Station / Camera Offline

Our installation will be very remote beach house. There is a need for mains failure detection in case intruder has deliberately switched of the power. This would be a nice sofware update feature.


My model wasnt listed. I have model: VMB4000


Just had an internet connection go down and I was not home.  No notification, no alerts.  Nothing.

The whole point of a smart security system is to keep an eye on the home for you.  Not so you can keep checking your camera every minute. I've got a cheap temperature sensor with it's own basestation that runs out of a webservice (no monthly fees whatsoever) with constant check to see if the device is connected to internet and alerts me on it's app, sends me email and text message if the internet goes down.

Now an Arlo Pro Basestation that costs hundreds of dollars with so many users cannot send me a notification that (power cut or internet outage has happened?) It blows my mind that this discussion has been going on for 2 years with no update?

Could someone from Netgear please review these comments from many of your users?
** For all the other users that want to have a back up solution, I just put my Arlo Basestation on a dedicated $60 UPS, with a large USB drive plugged in so it will run and continue recording footage even when both internet AND power goes out.  It will probably run for a week with the UPS but I would not need it to run that long anyway. **
I'm going to keep checking to see if Netgear does something about this but I am just amazed that no movement on this critical feature.


I agree... this is a very important feature that is needed.  At minimum store the time stamp so it can be accessed so we no the history of when power and bootup is restored.  



I have searched the community and read a lot on the subject but have not seen a solution.  If I missed it, could someone please forward me the link.  A feature I am looking for or hoping to have implimented is as follows:


- if wireless camera goes offline and the base station is still on line, send an alert to notifiy the customer the camera is offline.  This could be implemented by sending a ping from the base station to the camera on a designated time interval based on a customer setting in the software.  If the user sends a ping more frequent they will need to understand that battery life will be impacted.


Again, if anyone knows of imformation on this and I missed it, I apologize for a repost.



Seems like a basic programming change to notify of a power outage. 


It would be nice if there was a setting to notify me (via the app) that the camera had lost power (was unreachable). My son has a tendancy to unplug the devices and then forget about it and it can take me a day or more in some cases to realize it. It would be very helpful to be alerted to such an event so I could correct it more quickly.


Likewise, if a criminal broke in and disconnected it. It would be nice to know that as well.


Base station offline message. How do I get it back on line ?  Checked router ports, computers work with all ports and the NetGear hub green light comes on and occasionally flashes but still have the Base Station offline message.


I just bought a surge suppressor power supply to solve that problem.   Power will not turn off during power outage for hours.    


APC BN1500M2 Back-Ups with 10 Outlets

Item #2331500


A Surge Suppressor or UPS will not Assure that the Base Station is Alive!  The Power Could be Unplugged OR the Network Internet Cable Could Be Unplugged OR the Router/Modem Defective OR the Power Supply or the Base Station Itself Could be Defective and therefor the Cameras Would Not Work!  What is Needed is an Email & Text to be sent if the Base is Not Communicating with the Arlo Website (Blink Already Does This)!!!!