Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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About 1/3 of the recordings Play for about 10 seconds and then the video freezes but the audio keeps playing. I have tried downloading the recording but the saved file is no different. I have two arlo pro 2 cameras both having the same problem. They are both hard wired. I use the arlo app on an iPhone8. The audio does not seem to be in sink with the picture either.
Not what you would expect for the price you pay for them.

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Upon further review, I am still having the same problem as before. 14 seconds of video then frozen with just audio. I am very disappointed because the 3 second look back and activity zones are the only reasons I got the pro2 in the first place. The surge protector has not helped after all. I am hoping support will help solve the issue with a firmware update.

This is not a specific issue to one person, as I finally came across this thread that has the EXACT same issues I have had this past few weeks.  My kids are waiting for the bus and 15seconds they disappear into thin air, but and hear them still talking in the 1:59 sec clip.  I have called support 2X, and am EXTREMELY frustrated.  This is not a setup issue or issue with one's connection, or distance, as I feel this also started with a recent firmware upgrade, as ALL 5 cameras are doing it.  And no.. rebooting does nothing, seriously... c'mon support!.  My cameras are only 2 months old, and never had any issues until recently!  At least I am glad I am not the only one.  Support suggested I disable the microphone.. which makes no sense at all, as recordings initiated by sound are not checked off.  I wasted quite a bit of time both times I have called support and did not get any resolution, let alone helpful tips.  Obviously this is an issue, but if anyone comes across an answer please share and keep this thread going.  

I tried the noise filtering surge protector with the original Arlo branded chargers that came with the cameras - same problem.

So it definitely has nothing to do with line noise, or the 17’ charging cables I was using.

As the last guy mentioned since this recently started on all of my Pro 2 cameras it couldn’t haven’t been that anyways.

@JamesC can I send you those videos that I have examples of to specifically demonstrate this so we can get them over to the development team? If I could access recordings on the microSD remotely it wouldn’t be an issue as much - but that feature hasn’t been implemented on the SmartHub yet so I miss almost every video coming from a pro 2 😢

I have the EXACT same problem, there aren't anything to do with setup or anything at all. I have 3 new arlo pro 2 cameras all plugged and are having the very same problem. But if they run on battery then everything went fine without any freeze in playback. This is VERY obviously a bug in the firmware and have been doing this for quite a while, can someone over at Arlo fix this ASAP as sometime we are missing out on important footages. Playback freeze after 10 seconds on 1 minute clip and so on!


I've also confirmed that my video only freezes when the camera is on AC power - 72 hours on battery only, no problems.  Plugged it back in, had a problem within a few hours.  I also have issues with random length recordings (usually short), which also went away when on battery power and came back as soon as the camera was plugged back in.  The two problems seem to be related??


After a week have heard nothing from support, other than a computer-generated Case #.

I also sent Arlo a video where I was backing out of my garage, and within 15 seconds, as I am halfway through the driveway, my car disappears into thin air, but the video is 1:59 long and you can still hear the audio as I drive off. Still waiting for a response, but I agree that this is a recent issue prompted by the last firmware update.
Same problem on some of my clips. Though it was just me and wifi connection or something. Also have been have problems on two caneras, Pro and Pro 2 that records random lengths. From 0 seconds to 5 minutes. In armed mode, set around 30 seconds.
Anyone got any joy with support,I’ve had no word from them for while.

Never got a response from support, eight days now.


Has anyone tried leaving the battery out of the camera and running just on AC?

Not here either and I even send them proof of my video
This one is really frustrating for me - especially consider the VMB4000 base stations also have issue with USB recording being active and causing problems with the base freezing and resetting..... so there is literally no effective way to view a recording from a plugged in Pro 2 either on the cloud or USB drive that isn’t working...

I’m trying so hard to love Arlo, the Pro 2’s and the Ultras... but every time I turn around there’s a glaring new issue and it’s back to square one of diagnosing and resolving it.... and that’s left up to the community too often!
Plus it’s pretty pathetic that support won’t even get back with us to even let us know they are looking into it or what. I am beyond frustrated and am going to have to start looking into other camera brands

I have been waiting for 4 days for Support to reply to my case# to get an RMA for a defective Ultra camera, but no response yet.



Having same problem... and random short clips even though set time. Pro 2 camera.

Im am so glad to see I'm not the only one!
So my issue started with noticing that my videos don't record for set 120sec. They would record all random lengths.
I have contacted support and went through a list of troubleshooting up until i been asked to relocate my camera with hopes to rectify the issue(3 cameras, 3 locations are doing same thing yet they believe moving a camera will fix the issue).
That has put a stop on support as i realised they are useless bunch.
Times went on and i finally realised that the problem only happens when cameras are powered. I automatically tested all of my 3 cameras and sure they all shared same problem. It is at the stage 3 months on that i also started to notice cameras not recording full length even on battery power now. This was never the case before.
I have once again contacted support and after combined 11h of being on the phone they have finally sent me an empty envelope to send one of my cameras back as one of their genius staff decided that this is where the fault is.
I have asked the support multiple times at what is arlo doing about this know problem, now that i found this post. None of the 6 members i asked would comment. In fact they would never give any answer. They would apologize and try to redirect my question to something else.
Overall I'm super off with arlo support and how they handle their cases and ofcourse the piece of sh*t cameras i wish i never bought.

Have another system with Arlo Pro (not 2), plugged in, max range, battery installed. Not having this problem...
Rebooting (powering off, on) base helped temporarily.
I chatted with support about my issue for 2 hours today and they acted like it was very odd and strange and they haven’t heard of it before. I said there are tons of people on the Arlo community board with the same issue. They tried to get me to reboot restart and all the normal stuff we have all already done. They then said I need to change my router channel from 1,6,or 11 or whatever. I am not messing with my router which could screw up something else. Anyways I have a mesh system that automatically uses the channel with the least interference so there is no way to manual change it anyway. They finally said they will send me a replacement camera so I will see what that will do. They acted like it wasn’t a firmware problem. If they act like they haven’t heard of this then I worry they aren’t even trying to fix the issue at all. I am at a boiling point now.
Replacing the camera with a new one won’t work. I went down that road already.
And this is exactly my experience with the support team. Everytime i call, i get put onto a different operator, then i have to wait each time for each operator to read my case( between 5-15min).
All i get after that is as you already described a big suprise as if I'm the first person with the issue.
Arlo should have received my camera by now so let see what they will say now.
What has arlo done after the camera replacement didn't fix the issue?

They really need to focus on the firmware update that happened in May 2019. That’s when this problem started.
Same with the plugged in one what’s the solution
There isn’t a solution,we are at the mercy of arlo.
Seems if they say nothing or do nothing we will go away and keep quiet.
According to my observations, the base station’s wifi receiver performance has been compromised since the last base firmware update.

Lower received signal from the camera will cause higher error rates that the arlo cloud streaming server engine is not able to handle and stalls the recordings.

Arlo do not acknowledge that a problem exists because to do so would mean that they would have to do something to fix it.

Remember they already have your money so anything they offer by way of an update fix is never documented so they are never held accountable.