Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras


The latest app update is a downgrade as far as I'm concerned


Why have you removed the simple indicators of battery level and now you have to click further into the app to find them, who thought that was a good idea.

482 REPLIES 482

Whoever's idea it was to take the battery charge level indicator on the new mobile app is an idiot.  Sucks that you now have to check each camera to see how much battery life it has left.  Please change this back!


Please change back iPhone app to include battery status/percentage, wifi signal strength and mode.

Really do not like the latest update.  Previous version was good, 2.6.0 is a step backward.

Not applicable

I agree with some of the other responders regarding the unnecessary upgrade to the Arlo VMC4030 model and overall system.  Now I have had a hard to time adjusting, epsecially since the previous features that were readily accessible have been removed.  Why can't you just leave well enough alone, not everything needs to be tinkered with.

Well we are now on 2.6.1 iOS app. 100 bad changes made on 2.6.0 and looks like they fixed two of the 100. Guess they are convinced they really have a winner with the UI/UX changed ... just amazing. @JamesC ... thanks for all the updates
Just updated to 2.6.1

According to release notes, battery level should show on the main screen only when battery is low. Well, I have a camera at 5% and, guess what, no battery indicator on the main screen. I assume 5% is low enough to be low!

Just put battery level and WiFi signal back on the main page where they should be. It’s not like the space is being used for anything else...
Dunno about ios but I've just uninstalled on Android and upgraded to the older version 2.5.3.

I think the only way netgear are going to do anything is if they think this will hit their sales. If everyone were to head over to Amazon and review it there where it reaches people who haven't yet parted with their money it might have more effect.

I know it's not a new idea, you just removed that function from the app. It would be really great if I could change the brightness directly on the live stream without having to leave it to go to the settings. My cameras are outside and there is always part of the picture that is in direct sunlight and part of it is in the shade so I can never see the whole picture, I see either the bright part or the dark part. To change that I now have to leave the live screen, click through all the settings stuff to finally change the brightness. And then I have to do the same again if I want to see the other part. I really don't understand why you remove this extremely usefull function and hid it in the settings. Could you please bring the brightness selector back to the live screen?


Can we please add back the ability to either make all of the interface icons auto-hide, or at least add a preference to let us do so? The video stream is now very cluttered with the latest iOS update. The icons used to all hide away after a tap. 




Is anyone else having problems with the new app on an Ipad? With the old app, I could select any camera on my system and see the live stream of what was in its field of view. With the new app, I can select the camera, it shows it “connecting” and then says “live” at the top of the screen, but the view is from the previous time the camera worked. It is an old view from some previous date and not a live stream. Is anyone else experiencing this, and if so, is their a fix for it? Or alternatively, can I go back to the old app where all worked perfectly?


I too have the problem with the microphone after the 2.6.0 update.  After pressing and holding the microphone icon, I can speak and be heard at the camera.  Once the microphone is released on my phone, there is no sound coming from the live feed from the camera to my phone.  You have to stop the live feed and activate it again to hear sound coming from the camera.  I have an iphone x and I am using ios 11.4.1.


Also, after the arlo ios app update (2.6.0), I no longer get push notifications or email alerts when my security lights detect motion.


Is there a way that I can go back using the previous arlo ios app version?


I hope you pay attention to all these posts here to see how well you "enhanced" the user experience. Very poor design.


Well nothing has changed for me on 2.6.1 .......IPAD ios 12


I hit the play buton on a says LIVE, but its a frozen image from before...I cant view a live picture


totally broken an app which worked really well ....




Bill P



wakevortex (aka Bill P):


Have you tried repeating that process or forcing the Arlo app to close and then relaunching it?  I see the same behavior you from time to time, but when I hit Stop (square) and Play (Triangle) for the second time, I finally get to see the live video.  After I did that on one camera, all of my other cameras showed live images the first time I pressed the Play button.


I just tried a latency test on two of my cameras.  I see a 3.5 second latency on my Arlo Q-Plus in my kitchen and about a 2 second latency on my Arlo Pro 2 battery powered camera on my front porch.  This is the same as yesterday after the backend change (I believe).  I think my Arlo Q-Plus has another switch or possibly two between it and the Internet so that extra 1.5 seconds could be due to my own network topology in my house.


I think a 2 second latency could be a sustantial improvement over what I have seen on my Arlo cameras in the past.  I think I was routinely seeing about a 5 second lag between real life and "live" video.  My Nest cameras were usually at the 2 second level, so they now appear to be equivalent in terms of latency.


Interesting!! ..yes repeating the  button then on again does indeed give a live picture (but of course shouldnt be necessary )

oddly   it works on the FIRST press (as it should  ) on my iphone running exactly the same IOS 

Re latency...I never had an issue before  it always seemed quite fast , although I didnt measure it 


Mind you on the IPAD its totally messed up anyway as you now have to scroll a long way to see 5 cameras one at a time , whereas before there they all were in one screen, along with all the useful associated info .....




Bill P


Interesting!! ..yes repeating the  button then on again does indeed give a live picture (but of course shouldnt be necessary )

oddly   it works on the FIRST press (as it should  ) on my iphone running exactly the same IOS 

Re latency...I never had an issue before  it always seemed quite fast , although I didnt measure it 


Mind you on the IPAD its totally messed up anyway as you now have to scroll a long way to see 5 cameras one at a time , whereas before there they all were in one screen, along with all the useful associated info .....




sorry guys..even the forum is now conspiring against me...! this has posted 2 times and I cant actually see a delete button ! 


I feel your pain.  I have 32 cameras on my home screen.  Just imagine my joy with the new layout.


wow..that must be a TOTAL nightmare....   maybe the update is specially designed for Halloween !!!!! 🙂 🙂 


Cannot believe how bad this new APP is... even with the newest (10/26/18) update... it says battery meter is fixed (it isnt)... have two batteries under 15% and they dont show...


Is anyone from Arlo actually listenting or taking action on these concerns????


WTF did you do to the app????


It's like some stupid moron who doesn't use the product whatsovever designed it to be a facebook or instragram feed.  Or to redesign it to be a cute app to monitor a cat in a tiny apartment with just one camera.


Useless rounded corners

Big giant useless font

Big giant useless spacing

So much scrolling as though you're gonna stick ads in there

No more status icons

No more quick action buttons

Timestamps aren't up to date

Snapshots aren't up to date


What a disaster!  Or outright stupidity.


Please just give us back the last version of the app.  It worked well and looked like an actual security camera app.


You know, I can forgive(to a point) some of the presentation issues that people have pointed out.  But what is total crap is when you break functionality.  That demonstrates incompentence and poor testing methodology.  Come on guys, FIX THIS!!


I have an Arlo Pro system (on the latest firmware) and recently updated to the latest Arlo iOS app on both an iPhone and iPad (running iOS 12.0.1). I’ve noticed that since the new app, the static image on the initial screen (“Devices”) doesn’t properly refresh to show the most recent motion/how long ago it occurred. For example, if there was motion of a cat 2 hours ago and then a dog 1 hour ago, the image on the “Devices” screen will, incorrectly, show the cat and “2h ago”.


However if I go into the “Library”, both motions (cat and then the dog) are there and properly recorded. And if I close/reopen the Arlo app, then the initial “Devices” screen seems to properly refresh (i.e. It will correctly show an image of the dog and “1h ago”).


This was never any issue and only started happening with the new Arlo iOS app update so I’m assuming it’s a bug. Is anyone else having this issue with their Arlo Pro/iOS app?

Who the heck had the idea to change a nearly perfect layout?
What was the idea? Annoying the customer?
There are a lot of things that could be improved inthe software.for example a better live view.
Instead of this you kick out the battery indicator in the overview.
What is is the improvement of this?
2 updates ago there were the issues wit the battery drain. It took 3 month to fix it. And now this desaster. Maybe you should stop updating the software.
BTW: is there a chance to downgrade the software? Just one step back?
However, I will disable automatic updates for that app. And I recommend this for all other user.

I am really upset.

Kind regards
Absolutely correct. The new layout is good for nothing. With Android I have the same issues.
Why? No other work to do?

Kind regards
In the first place I thought this is a bug. Where are all the indicators?
Now I know: this is an improvement.