Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

iOS App Update - why change the layout?


The latest app update is a downgrade as far as I'm concerned


Why have you removed the simple indicators of battery level and now you have to click further into the app to find them, who thought that was a good idea.


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Community Manager
Community Manager

Please be sure to download the latest iOS release as it restores the status icons to the cameras screen. Take a look here for information on this release: Arlo iOS App - 2.6.2 - 21st November 2018




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With the new 2.6.0 app the Device view previews are too big, can they be reduced so you can see multiple on the screen at once again?  This is on iOS 12 on an iPAD with the old app I could get 4 previews on the screen at once making it quicker to get to live views of certain cameras.


Oh and don´t forget about the landscape orientation problem in the ipad app - if the app is opend in the portrait orientation and i switch to another app by pressing the home button and return to the arlo app the icons on the left and right side are gone (lamp icon, music, head with wifi, info about the room temperatur, humidity and the three dots). I have to switch to landscape orientation or restart the app to see those icons again.


And what does the head with the wifi symbol means? My best guess is that it is the always listening mode but how does it work? If i see the head with wifi and lock my ipad i don´t see the little image - just the arlo symbol. And if i open the app it is not connecting automatically. If i see the head with a x i see a captured image of the room (or is it a live image?) and if i open the app it is automatically connecting.... very confusing!


Agreed, I also just had a false alarm and couldn’t figure out how to turn the siren off now...
Have to agree - removing the battery levels for the cameras from the home page is NOT going to work for me..

Ditto. As a software engineer I'm a bit surprised this made it past the prototype phase.

Hopefully it's just A/B testing to a select few and will get rolled back soon 🙂

I also have no idea why they would remove all of the great information (WiFi Connection; Battery) on the screen for each camera.  Isn't user friendliness and UX all about getting more done with less "clicks"?  This is not a good improvement.  UGH!


On my iPad, it’s says “Live” but it’s not! I’m looking at my porch, watching some birds move around and the video of the same place is not changing. Doesn’t show the battery level? This update is a giant fail.

Agreed, terrible upgrade or should I say downgrade.
Handy information such as battery level, WiFi strength and whether the camera is active or not are now removed from just needing a quick glance to within a menu.
Figured out how to turn off the alarm with help from support. There’s a grey line at the top of the home screen. Swipe down and the alarm button appears.
Wow! I so agree! This upgrade is a downgrade. To not be able to click on the tools or see the battery level from the device screen like previously, FAIL!!!!!!!! Please go back to how it was before. I could instantly see everything. Now I have to click thru? This is NOT making it more user friendly.

Today's new update eliminated all controls on the device view. How to delete this new update and go back to the previous version. This new version is worthless.


I dont have this problem as I have a Andriod my app is still the same, but I will say this Arlo will fix 1 bug and create 2 more and WILL NOT leave things alone that work good, they are always screwing with stuff and screwing it up.


I agree ... this update is a step backward.  I have four cameras and could view all of them at once in a quadrant format on my iPad, including icons for battery life, connectivity, etc.  Now I must scroll through four screens to view each camera.  If I want to see battery status, I must use a pull-down menu for each individual camera, then tap device settings.  How is this an improvement?  Why make changes for the sake of change?  If it ain’t broke ... don’t fix it !!


I agree. I have Android on a Samsung S4 and with my Arlo app have experienced minimal issues for approximately a year and then this "update" has since yesterday (Oct 20 2018) completely shut down. intermitantly starts up with a few of the 5 cameras "online.

 Tried rebooting my Arlo base station, Netgear router and modem and still nothing.

 Will try uninstalling and reinstallingh the app.

Community Manager
Community Manager

With the latest updates to the mobile app, some of the UI has been changed to enhance the overall user experience. For more information on these changes, take a look here: What enhancements are included in the Arlo app release version 2.6.0?



Community Manager
Community Manager

With the latest updates to the mobile app, some of the UI has been changed to enhance the overall user experience. For more information on these changes, take a look here: What enhancements are included in the Arlo app release version 2.6.0?



This new version DOES NOT enhance the user experience. It forces me to click thru additional screens. The last version was perfect. On one screen I could see all my cameras and the info icons. I'm so mad about the new UI I'm not buying an additional three cameras until the previous version with all the info icons can be seen ON ONE SCREEN like before. Stop wasting everyone's time thinking less info, more clicking and scrolling is better. It is not. And you didn't answer my question about how to go back to the previous version. This new version sucks.

It would seem from the feedback, that many users don’t share the opinion that the user experience was “enhanced”.  Though I love the new icon color.  That is nice.  If some underlying bugs were fixed...that will be nice.  But the UI is not enhanced for MY needs.  I can’t speak for everyone, of course, but so far it seems like a big step backward.

Nope. This update is a total fail from a UI view. I have to click thru to see any info on each camera. Last version had ALL THE ICONS on each camera view. I didn't have to click anywhere else. Not ur fault James but this new interface is NOT USER FRIENDLY. Today I was going to buy 3 new cameras I love my Arlos so much. But not if ur making me work to see what I want to see. The last version of the app was perfect. Please go back to that. Or tell me how I can delete this terrible new version and reinstall the older one.

I never reply on public forums for any product I purchase, but I am so extremely frustrated with Arlo this is the only way I find to express my anger.


I have both Arlo Pros and Arlo Qs, and this product is not just ABSOLUTELY AWFUL but it is also DANGEROUS, and if any client with the same problems like me were in the US, you should SUE this company!!!

This advertises itself as a SECURITY SYSTEM but it actually puts you and your family in danger by providing a MEDIOCRE PRODUCT that fails on all sides: 


- Arlo Qs dettach from their support and fall down

- Arlo Qs disconnect from router and they DO NOT RECONNECT AGAIN ON THEIR OWN, forcing me to move several times among multiple properties to "re-sync" the camera, only to see them fail again. In a couple of properties, I've never got to make them work.

- Zones don't work, filling the Library with trash videos and making me miss relevant situations which then led to tragic events.

- The damn alarm button is HIDDEN and NOT OBVIOUS, so once when thieves broke into my home I COULDNT RING IT TO ALERT THE PEOPLE SLEEPING THERE!!!

- Motion detection records a video for a short period of time, so if there is a long activity after the first motion that triggered the camera, you get let's say a 25 second video of the END of the event, but you don't see the beginning. So you can have 3 thieves entering your home but you only get to see the last one if he stays there for a while provoking motion within the camera range.


And I could go on and on, for instance I concur with the MAJOR STUPIDITY of not showing the battery indicator in the main page, forcing you to go on HORIZONTAL VIEW to make the videos larger, camera/sound playing in background when I exit Arlo app or 2 videos playing at the same time when I've closed the first and I'm watching the second, etc.



Thanks god I just protect property and not a life such as an old family member who could fall and die, because if that were the case, Arlo might have cost me the life of a loved one.


With the many customers that use this product, I am sure probably that somebody has died because of the absolutely MEDIOCRE level of these cameras.


You can't sell a car if you're selling a substandard product, because that might cost a life. You can't open a clinic if you are not a doctor. There should be similar regulation for horrid products like this one that pass themselves as "security" systems but they're just a defective, amateurish toy, unusable for any serious situation.

I sincerely wish some chief engineer working at Arlo reads this post and meditates for a few minutes on the responsibility they have on making a proper product and the gravity of the situations that their retarded design choices and their shoddy product design cause on people trusting their SAFETY on this product.


Great design tho, nice new logo in the app!


P.S. The only reason I am still using Arlo is because I am trapped with all the cameras installed, have no time to change them, and so far I've just tried Nest as an alternative and it sucks even more. Waiting to try Ring, I hope it saves me from this nightmare. I welcome any tips on an actual working professional security system. Price tag doesn't matter, no price will be higher than the headaches and material loss I suffered because of Arlo.


Ageed. This is terrible. Please change back


I wish I had read this and the ios update before updating my android phone.  This is not an update and it HAS NOT ENHANCED the user experience it has made the user have to tap several things just to check battery and that's only for ONE camera.  I won't be upgrading my android tablet and if anyone knows how to roll back this upgrade please post so we can revert to previous app.

What happened to the
Battery indicator and how many videos you have for each camera? Where are the settings you have set up on home screen to know what is turned on? Do not like this new setup if we don't know what is on or when to change the battery.
My Arlo app only shows dots (...) now instead of the app gear like it used to. How do I get the old notifications back? Also my app symbol has gone from green to dark purple or black. Did Arlo change their app look?