Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras


I successfully setup my 4 Arlo camera for Homekit this morning while at home. They appeared within the Homekit app just fine and I could pull up my live streams. Now that I am not at home, all of the Arlo cameras say "No Response". All of my other non-Arlo Homekit devices are working just fine. Also, if I open the Arlo app, all of the carmeras are online and working properly. However, the Arlo cameras don't seem to want to work within the Homekit app when I am away. Yes, I do have celluar turned on as well as Backround app refresh. Anyone else having this problem?

377 REPLIES 377
You can always call ARLO themselves be ready to be on with them for about 90 minutes and do the rope A dope loop around and maybe get a Re-hit to base stations that may or may not work most of the time the tech can’t even do that because of a lot of reasons. I mean No Harm here but it’s your Money. You can leave your HomeKit and restall the app and don’t link to the HomeKit I did test to see if this would work but the new coding kicked in as soon as it loads but maybe something has changed I have Not peeked at the coding in almost 2 weeks now to see if they have done anything
Two questions.
1. Does this fix the uncertified accessory error or the spinning wheel error that some have reported?
2. What exactly is being coded?
Well Nhott On the (7) - iPhones and 3 base stations I tested it fixed both issues except for the 2 base station that I paired a model 7 iPhone to with that issue I am think it most be something like well in Laymans terms a eporm with burned code for that model iPhone because even the model 5 iPhone I used Worked. Now Some did have a issue with that 4000 series errors which with a base station can be manually overcome by hardwired device on the same network. the program was made to be managed by both types and changes should be able to be made from anyplace by them. However there is a safety manual override built in where it checks for the same ip and will let the use make a changes even when there is a conflict (original Code) Now the newest Base station have a update version of the program. which some of this has been alter in it s program. That is why I ask somebody earlier what the last part of there serial # was on the base for that reason! So What is being Coded Let say hypothetically IF I Was a netgear Employee who was ask way back to go over to Arlo but after some time passed separated from Arlo there would’ve been a Confidentiality clause of Nondisclosure of proprietary information if that was the case I cannot say anymore then I have let me say this Netgear and maybe arlo have always been a innovative cutting edge company it’s programmers and developers are the best. At That Leave! They are not bogged down with writing updates or linking products. This is done by a whole different division and referred to as the B-team or the Band-Aid and hatchet brigade because they can Damn sure heck it up If you people can’t tell by now. Two more things you should know their HR departments are the worst in the world and both companies customer service is as nonuser-friendly as can be and as Whole will never admit to making a mistake! Here is another one for you most user will not be able to remove someone they have add they get a big error message on that one not even the override works! You limit the # of devices the have access to there’s even more than that but that’s enough for now .

Can whoever changed the thread title to "FIXED FIXED" please change it back?  Jumping through a bunch of hoops to *maybe* get HomeKit working is certainly not the way Apple intended it to work.  Despite the efforts of a bunch of folks, the Arlo-HomeKit situation is most definitely NOT fixed and won't be until Arlo decides to own up to this dumpster fire of a rollout.

Just had an email from Arlo support regarding a ticket I’ve had with them since HomeKit became “available”. They were happy to inform me that the issue had been fixed. Problem is ...IT HAS NOT BEEN FIXED.
I have updated them on that fact.
Same here. NOT FIXED!
There was another app update yesterday that mentions “HomeKit related fixes”. Doesn’t seem to fix this issue at all though.
Didn’t fix at all . It still can’t get through the uncertified accessory ...
Still can’t get through even after yesterday’s updates. SAME ISSUE!!!
Just curious how many people have an issue with connecting their base station to HomeKit?

I get an error of “uncertified accessory” every time I try.

It is the VBM4000r3 base station. I have the most recent firmware update on it, although past firmwares didn’t work either.

I go through the “HomeKit: Set-up” option in the base station settings and follow the prompts but it fails every time.

I have restarted my base multiple times, and reset the whole system from scratch even once.

Is it just my system, or is this “uncertified accessory” common?
Yesterday Arlo support closed the case I’ve had open since August 7, due to “inactivity “. I immediately called them to let them know that the only inactivity was on their end. They did open a new case for the “uncertified accessory “ issue and not being able to connect the base station to HomeKit.
The tach states that these issues have been acknowledged by the engineering team and they are actively pursuing a resolution. More hurry up and wait.

I just bought vmb4000 and three pro 2 cameras to get advertised homekit support.  After multiple resets i spent an hour with tech support today and they are completely clueless.  They directed me to nonexistent features and had ZERO useful suggestions to solve the problem

Starting over doing the same thing that didnt work the first ten times is not a solution.

send it all back...

Same problem here. It would be nice if they at least acknowledged that there is a problem and we’re working on it.
Just curious how many people have an issue with connecting their base station to HomeKit?

I get an error of “uncertified accessory” every time I try.

It is the VBM4000r3 base station. I have the most recent firmware update on it, although past firmwares didn’t work either.

I go through the “HomeKit: Set-up” option in the base station settings and follow the prompts but it fails every time.

I have restarted my base multiple times, and reset the whole system from scratch even once.

Is it just my system, or is this “uncertified accessory” common?
It would be nice if arlo would acknowledge that there is a problem and have a timeline on fixing the issue.

They advertise the pro 2 works with HomeKit, but not mine...
This steps aren’t there. I can’t remove anything, only option for HomeKit settings is “set up”....

I have been through it with tech support a while back, still same issue and never heard back on HomeKit...

I can remove devices on my iPad. 

It shows 3 , bridge, motion sensor and unnamed motion sensor. When I tap each one there is remove device at the bottom of the screen.

You are on IOS 12?


Ah I think your saying you can’t add anything so their guide is not applicable to you is that correct?

There is nothing to remove, because I was never able to add arlo to HomeKit to begin with.

I have the arlo pro 2, it didn’t work with both iOS 12 and now iOS 13 doesn’t work either.

Also, has a new phone a month ago, same thing with both iPhones...

Obviously an issue with arlo not supporting it somehow.

It does show up in HomeKit if I try to add it that way, but it needs a code to do so, which doesn’t exist.

Is it just iPhones you have? 

It was straight forward on the iPad I have but I don’t have an iPhone sadly.

Under your iPhone settings, go to Arlo and check home data is on and while there check all the access options are correct.




Agree. Arlo Pro on Homekit is useless even can't get to Live video remotely without Wifi . Regret bought this system !

iPad mini 4 does the same thing. All settings are correct.

Still getting the spinning wheel of dead. I’m on the newest ios on a 7plus I have the newest firmware on my basestation. I can’t get pass the wheel of dead. any ideas on when this issue will be fixed. I only bought these camera because of homekit. What’s the return policy on 1 year plus basestation and camera.