Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Just a heads up with the latest base firmware push by arlo.

All my operational settings have been corrupted that relate to modes, rules and schedules.

Looks like a complete rebuild will be required.

Good luck to all.
153 REPLIES 153

System is a complete POS.


Is anyone else missing the "Add Device" button in rules for cutom modes?

The “motion settings” for the doorbell are completely gone now too, can’t get to the settings anywhere. Only “device settings” available....


I'm having the same problem the last two days. Right now, the mode isn't showing up on my Android app. Yesterday, it showed up, but I couldn't change the status.

This isn't an app problem, this is a server problem. Arlo?


Having issue wit motion detection - keep turning down the sensitivity on cams, but it keeps triggering and the tiniest movement, like it's ignoring my settings, completely.  And I rebuilt all my custom rules, so can't blame it on firmware-borked-up-rules, either.  And yet?  3 of my cams that face the street (within 20 ft of street) 8 times out of 10, 1 or 2 of the 3 cams will MISS DETECTING vehicles as the role on by.  And I am not using Arlo Dumb, either.


Same problem here. Come on tech support, sort this error out.
Yes... Same issue. I also cannot see my sirens?! And, cannot delete rules in 'Armed' mode WTF?! ALL my modes are messed up!

Yes, that is one of the many results of this botched firmware update.   


Indeed I had spent a great deal of time creating for my “night” modes some very effective integrations between my Arlo cameras and the Arlo lights.   Any mode that had such an integration disappeared and now they can’t be recreated.


Oddly a few times earlier today the modes came back briefly on 1 of my 4 base units, but then disappeared.   When that happened the integrations with the lights were there, but I could not edit them.  So who knows what kind of things they are trying on the cloud side.


Perhaps almost as disappointing as this botched base station update is that there has been no notification to customers of even a “sorry, we are working on it.”   They have all of our emails . . . . .send us a message or putting a message up on the boards would seem minimally the polite thing to do.   There status page indicates everything is fine.  . . .obviously NOT!

On top of having no apology or acknowledgement from Arlo about this, I feel like this is just an added punch in the face when an employee says “have you tried contacting arlo support?”.....

The problem has come back. I lost the Connectivity between my Base Station and my Cameras and like others the signal strength has been reduced when it did come back yesterday. Also frustrated after trouble free service and whilst I understand mistakes happen when they do Netgear need to tell the community there is a problem so we can be assured this will be resolved.

At the moment this entire poor Customer Service is putting me off Netgear big time. Netgear is my go to brand for Routers, switched, security products etc. but based on the appalling response to date I will have to switch to other Companies that put the Customer first.


Arr NEtgear going to actually tell people (a) what they are doing and (b) if there is a single workaround because so far the recommendations from Support vary. Not blaming Support I expect they are in a communication vacuum like the rest of us.


Problem is not resolved. I have two base stations (one with 2 cameras and one with 3 cameras). The 2 camera system is working fine whilst the 3 camera system keeps having the cameras disconnected from the Base Station and when it was working it was not recording all activity.


Both systems are the same models of equipment and they are on the same hardware version. There is no special setup (it is all default) so I do not understand why one is working okay and the other is not. 


You can somewhat work around it, or at least I have, deleted all the junk modes that the update replaced my modes with. I then programed the cameras indiviusually, then instead of the old "add Device"  button, I wrote "When Cam 1 detects Motion, Cam 2 records and such. So now I have the same modes and rule just a pain programing all those rules seperatly

Same problems here "getting status" all day 😞

Yes, but while that may give you some functionality back between cameras all of the interactions we had for cameras triggering Arlo lights are gone.   


They have not only broken many things they have killed features they made a big deal about the benefits of when introduced.



Hello to everyone,
After the last update, the system has been completely corrupted. All my rules are gone and cannot be set again properly. Moreover, the signal strength between the base station and the cameras is very low. And, last but not least, the app on iphone X does not support the face ID anymore. What is going on here? 800€ for a system which collapse completely after a simple update? Unbelievable!!

Modes are messed up. Created new ones on my iPad but could not engage siren. Went to web page on MacBook and the siren shows as on??

old modes failed to save and gave a error hence new modes and they had altered which is strange.

reminds me of Windows 3.1.






See attached. Used to be able to add a trigger for recording from another camera? Seems the latest update or changes to the free subscription has changed to allow actions for only one device per rule? 

Might be an error from a conflict when updating rules/modes created in the past version of the App?

Since Aug 30, approx 3am, Arlo no longer alerting or recording motion on cameras. Contrary to Arlo replies seen on community posts, library does not have any images during this time either.
I no longer have confidence in Arlo to be a reliable system for home monitoring. I cannot count on system alerts from Arlo in a timely manner when system issues are suspected, being addressed, or resolved. Even an antiquated system like Motorola sends system wide alerts when issues are identified and when resolved giving the user confidence in the equipment.
Arlo customer service has been unreliable and regardless of issue results in requiring user be present at the residence/business, user to uninstall/reinstall one or several cameras (hello ladder), and then uninstalling/reinstalling app....all which typically may/may not resolve issue.
So disgusted in Arlo and crazy that for price, on three seperate occasions, Arlo has been unavailable, offline, or unreliable, and Wyze has been our go to. Why again are we using Arlo....???
Sorry Arlo, this is not accurate. My recordings during this period are not in library and I am not confident cameras are back to normal operation. App says cameras are online, alert that motion zones need to be set are now appearing, and the "fix" from Arlo to use Arm default vs Personalized Modes, who knows if that will work or not...
Can not update any rules!
Code 4000. I notice many people with the same issue. We just had an update on our base stations. An acknowledgment would be appropriate. Thanks.
Does anybody here agree that the individuals who write the update Coding must not be the individuals that actually wrote the original programming. Combine that with the fact that net gear’s customer support has always been Notorious for being non-user-friendly. We use Arlo system and ring I’m thinking about going back to Owl System with ring. Don’t have to worry about someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing loading an update that does not work and delete all of your custom settingsPosting this on social media and anyone who asked me ring has proven to be more reliable than Arlo if you’re running the default arm system I strongly suggest you check his settings also because it changed them also
Does anybody here agree that the individuals who write the update Coding must not be the individuals that actually wrote the original programming. Combine that with the fact that net gear’s customer support has always been Notorious for being non-user-friendly. We use Arlo system and ring I’m thinking about going back to Owl System with ring. Don’t have to worry about someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing loading an update that does not work and delete all of your custom settings putting this on social media and anyone who asked me ring has proven to be more reliable than Arlo because this is about the fourth time this is happened if you’re running the default armed setting I strongly suggest you check his settings also because it changed them also And yes net gear I know you need to delete this or locket and say problems are Solved not true fourth time
There are at least 20 postings plus with your update not working here’s something you will found on social media The rule could not be updated (4000). For the fourth time this year custom settings have been deleted default settings have been changed or disarmed it is absolutely Apparent the individuals writing the updates are not the individuals that wrote the original programming Arlo is unreliable strongly urge you to check your default armed settings you’ll find your cameras are deactivated yeah Arlo reports no issues Absolutely par for net gear customer service notorious for being user non-friendly can everyone say hello ring devoted user to Arlo for Over four years but no more
Good luck on getting netgear to knowledge they have a problem at least for a week According to the system status it is running flawlessly look for yourself
It’s an era all right whatever idiot wrote the update is the problem and the era was whoever hired them should be fired. But this is par for the course for Netgear just remember according to them the system at this moment is running flawlessly. I say we take it to social media a little bad PR is always a good thing for those suffering from the pencil syndrome
I have 2 basstations.
After last update i have 3 big problems!
1st is that the siren cant be activated. It is missing in the settings.
2. I can no longer start to record from cameras from the other Base when something happen on one set of cameras! I want everything to be more connected not less. I have two houses on the yard which means i want tw bases so I can have the alarm in both houses also i want my cameras be connected to the Base closest to the it.
3 my setups has been removed... How can arlo fail so bad in an upgrade. Now I am going to be worried about the stability of the system when I am on vacation next time.