Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras


Hello. I recently installed two Arlo Pro 2 cameras. They appear to be working properly, however, when I access live view from a Mac laptop or desktop running OS 10.13.6, I am able to see the full view when the screen is minimized, but when I expand the view, only bottom half of camera frame appears: the bottom half of the camera frame moves up and the bottom half of the computer screen is blank (see image, below). I tried resetting the base station and removing, restarting, and reassociating the cameras, with no change in what's displayed. I do not have this issue with the expanded view on an iPhone running iOS12.0.1. How can I resolve this problem? -- Thanks.

Expanding view reduces display areaExpanding view reduces display area

116 REPLIES 116

@jnsnAZ wrote:

@bizco wrote:

Hello. I recently installed two Arlo Pro 2 cameras. They appear to be working properly, however, when I access live view from a Mac laptop or desktop running OS 10.13.6, I am able to see the full view when the screen is minimized, but when I expand the view, only bottom half of camera frame appears: the bottom half of the camera frame moves up and the bottom half of the computer screen is blank (see image, below). I tried resetting the base station and removing, restarting, and reassociating the cameras, with no change in what's displayed. I do not have this issue with the expanded view on an iPhone running iOS12.0.1. How can I resolve this problem? -- Thanks.

Expanding view reduces display areaExpanding view reduces display area


I believe everyone with a Mac is having the same issue. My MacBook Pro 2016, macOSX 10.14 Mojave does the same thing after the Arlo software change on or around 10/22. Arlo has to fix their software, nothing you can do. With that said you can download the Chrome Browser App (what I have) and Arlo will work on that browser until they fix their software issues with Safari. I believe it also works on the Firefox browser but I haven’t tried it.


You could probably rely on the system using it indoors.  Batteries won't be drained as fast as they won't be taking videos unless you have someone coming into your home to check on it.  Unless you experence the occssional "camera cannot connect/is off line and then you have to open the battery door on the camera, wiggle the batteries around, and then it will "connect".  


Seeing only half the screen and therefore sort of blown up as the whole picture live is squished into half a picture live.   It isn't user friendly in it's current state.  


I only use an apple computer and my ipad for viewing.  Andwill  use my apple iphone if my ipad isn't available.  


I hope that arlo staff are working on the issues and it would be helpful to users if they would get involved in these "chats" and updater all of us as to progress.  Or do they want each of us to open a repair ticket?  


I feel we are doing their work for them.  😞  




What I don’t understand is why Arlo can’t just go back to App version 2.5.5 until they fix their latest disastrous app releases. It was 100% fine for my purposes.


I am getting half screen on my MAC using Chrome.

I cannot log into arlo from safari


just happened

@Bosko wrote:

Did the issue just happen over this past weekend or has it been going on longer

just happened


i agree   problem came with flash player update mandated by arlo to view on my mac


I had the problem before I did any update.  Days after the problem started I got the message to update Flash and it didn't make any difference.  I continue to be disappointed in Arlo software and wouldn't use them for real security monitoring.


Simply visting this page in a web browser updated the CSS for you. Either they removed something or added something to the CSS that introduced this problem. It isn't a function of the flash, but just carelessness. I am able to force the full screen view just by turning off 1 line in the CSS. They can either target safari differently in the CSS or remove it. I do not know what removing it will do for other browsers, but will most likely fix the safari issue. Please see the screen shots I have of my driveway at full screen now, and the code that I turned off. Unfortunately, you can't easily fix the code permanently on the user side. You can see they have the transform set at -50% (so it's shifting everything up on the top half of the screen). I should be an easy fix that they simply haven't done.

Screen Shot 2018-11-10 at 10.51.46 AM.png


Screen Shot 2018-11-10 at 10.51.55 AM.png





Anybody else still experiencing this problem?!?  I'm sure their are.  Using Safari browser on Mojave IOS, still cutting off image from Arlo Pro camera in full screen mode, I guess the dopes didn't fix this yet?!?  Check for updates, got nothing.  It works fine in fullscreen mode on Iphone.  Netgear can you fix this.  Please.



I suddenly began having that same issue about 2 or three weeks ago. Wondering if a recent firmware update created that problem. It was working fine up until then. I have the Arlo Pro 2 system and using a Apple MacBook Pro Laptop with OS 10.10.5. Scratching my head.



@Sunrisebeach wrote:

I am getting half screen on my MAC using Chrome.

I cannot log into arlo from safari

I wish I could help. This is what I see on my MacBook Pro 2016.






Image 11-11-18 at 11.02 AM.jpg

Image using Chrome browser.



Exact same issue with Mac running Mojave 10.14.1


I literally just got off the phone with Arlo tech support due to the exact same issue, and having a case opened on the issue over two weeks ago with no response by tech support during that time.  I ws told just now that I need to contct IOS support (Yes...IOS is for the iPhones) as I need plug-ins for Safari, and that IOS support would tell me what I need.  


I love the hardware, but the software issues are becoming too much of a frequent issue to not consider products that compete with Arlo.


Yes, I've come to the sam conclusion.  I've been waiting a couple of weeks for them to fix their website so I can again edit and change modes - right now I have to do it from my phone.  Then the failure to display full screen cropped up and they haven't done anything.  They are a hardware company with good hardware but the software lags way behind and they don't try hard to support it.  I mentioned in an earlier post that we are getting a property in another country and I won't even consider Arlo for video monitoring there - reliability is going to trump easy and convenient hardware.


I just sent  a link to your post, referencing my case number, and a comment that they might find your information to be helpfull.


Let's see what happens.




Thank you.  I appreciate your help.


Geez...Come on Arlo, get your act together on fixing this Mac half screen issue. Not even a recogntion of the problem on your Support Page. At least release a statement saying there is an issue and that your working on it for goodness sake.


I am having this problem also. This occurs both on my Mac running Safari, and my PC at work running Chrome. it is not a problem with the iOS app, nor a problem with the cameras. image001.png


It is pathetic that there is no official response. 


Since the Arlo updates months ago and now currently the Live view 1/2 screen issue, it's unfortunate but clear ARLO knows about the issues but is slow to respond or fix the problems they create with substandard programming.


In my world once is concerning but excusable, twice is a trend.







A company can make more money when there is non existent customer service and theirs is the only product on the market.   I suspect there will be customer service when another wireless outdoor/indoor video camera comes on the market.  Until then we all just have to make do, and figure it out ourselves and work around the problems.  I was so excited when they went public.  My excitement has fizzled out. 


Received a phone call from Arlo Tech Support yesterday concerning my open case for this issue.  The technician told me that Arlo is aware of the issue, and are treating it as an issue from their end. The caller personally was aware of your post, and we discussed some of the information contined in both your screen shot and the written comments that you had made. He was also aware of the increasing number of negative comments on the forum concerning poorly coded updates and the negative trend of overall comments toward tech support. He also readily acknowledged that previous insructions by Arlo Tech Support for me to contact iOS customer support concerning my Macbook Air was not the correct answer.


He is hoping to hear something this week, and has promised to keep me in the loop as they work toward fixing this.


I left that conversation with a better feeling toward the efforts they are putting into addressing the issue.


Jessica P. this still ain't working on my mac mini.  Running Safari 12.0.1 and mac OS 10.14.1 and Arlo version

Anybody working on a fix?

Come on now, this has gone on long enough.


@Uhly101 wrote:

Jessica P. this still ain't working on my mac mini.  Running Safari 12.0.1 and mac OS 10.14.1 and Arlo version

Anybody working on a fix?

Come on now, this has gone on long enough.

I have the same problem on Safari, but if you use Firefox, it will display properly.   Try Firefox until this is fixed.