Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Arlo Pro Base Station keeps resetting itself and going offline intermittently


Over the last two days my home station seems to change my time zone at midnight every day, this being a huge pain when scanning back over recordings. I have tried resetting on Arlo web site, iPad and iPhone but midnight strikes time zone changes again. HELP !

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I'm reporting the same problem on my system. Time zones keep changing.  Any news on a fix?


I am getting the same issue, the base station stops responding and eveutally reboots or unlocks it self after a period of time. Same Model


Do you find the base station has irratic pings too? like it's under load?

I get 2ms to 10ms from a LAN connected PC

Guru Guru

An offline base shouldn't drain the batteries. An OFF base will do that since the cameras try to connect to the nonexistent base. ARe you sure the base isn't actually turning off rather than going offline? If it is, that certainly indicates a power or base problem.

Mine too.
Only one of my two base stations (VMB4000r3) doing it (different locations). Both with firmware

Changed the time zone manually a few times. Power cycled. Nothing helps.

Very disappointing.

how can the base go off if the lights for the camera and the power are on and green? the issue is that the internet light goes out or the base goes offline the interent light turns ornange and then the cameras drain the battery alot faster 


Having found this thread I find I am by no means alone.  It is so sd that Arlo customer support is so feeble.  I have been waiting for ageas for a chat session to start.

My arlo base station keeps losing my settings, i.e. time zone and camera sensitivity

Is this a common flaw with this system?



Having the same issue here in the UK. Time zone keeps changing to Pacific US, since sometime in May, i thought it was fixed but my recordings are all messed up so just checked the time zone which i have corrected on a number of occasions but it is still reverting to Pacific US.  Is anyone even trying to fix this??


Yeah I have noticed the same thing with my system. It seems as of late planned obsolessence maybe? I have 2 of 3 cameras  ( Original Arlo ) drop off randomly in the last few weeks/months then when I reset them and connect to the basestation they are drained from brand new batteries or high double digit percent left.  Mind you for a year or so this system worked amazing with no issues and battery switches every couple of months or so.


Flash forward A few months ago I had to return my Arlo original basestation for a replacement when one of the firmware updates bricked my original. But since then its been nothing but a PITA.


Has anyone found a good alternative to Arlo.. I wont be spending my money here again.

Guru Guru

Only lately due to a bug...I hear a fix is on the way

Morse is faster than texting!

My base unit just went offline again. Of course , all monitoring has stopped.


 I have been emailing Arlo Support with my Case number at least daily. I have had ZERO responses from Arlo Support.


 I just tried to post a long concern on teh Arlo Facebook page, but when I did that , a message came back that " The people that monitor this page will review your post."  I am guessing that means it will never show up on the Arlo Facebook page.


Someone mentioned the Arlo Twitter account and sending messages there. Does anyone know the proper Arlo Support Twitter account handle? I see a few different handles with Arlo in them.


Yep. Have been having the issue for over 2 weeks or so.


 Timezone change ... Base goes OFFLINE for no good reason ... clpis not going to my library ... etc etc etc


same issue.   opened a support chat last week - waited about 40 min but finally a rep responded.   acted like it was a unique issue with my system, recommended reboots, asked who my ISP provider is, etc.    I gave link to this thread and suggested they see how many are having same issue of base station going offline, losing all settings and coming back in Pacific Time Zone.   Got a follow up email saying they would escalate the case. 

I would have felt better if they would have just acknowledged this as a known issue on their end and say they are working hard on a solution rather than pretending it's an issue on the client side...   Good luck everyone.

Guru Guru

My question about whether the base was off was really to find out what the LEDs were doing. All the information is needed for better questions and potential answers.


Based on other posts here, it sounds like the latest firmware is causing the base to "lock up" rather than turn off.

Can't believe I'm seeing an entire comminity of Arlo users suffering from the same problems for weeks and weeks -- time zone flips from EST to Pacific daily; system intermittently goes offline; recordings get out and out missed; app interface freezes, goes blank, glitches out CONSTANTLY.

I have zero faith in this product I spent top dollar for.

Incredibly frustrating and disappointing experience.

- Unhappy Customer
Sensei Sensei

@JasonBarlow wrote:
Can't believe I'm seeing an entire comminity of Arlo users suffering from the same problems for weeks and weeks

That's just the problem. It is not the entire community. If that were the case, it would be easier to find and fix the issue.


It is frustrating in that some people are immune to the problem. I saw time travel a couple of times, but it has been solid since then.


Then there is this bit:


@JasonBarlow wrote:
system intermittently goes offline; recordings get out and out missed; app interface freezes, goes blank, glitches out CONSTANTLY.

That one certainly does not affect the entire community. So much so that if i were you I would look beyond the time zone problem. Deal with that one through support rather than the time shift.


Remember, the best way to chase Arlo isn't to whinge here but to file a ticket.





Just another user
Arlo hardware: Q Plus, Pro 2 (X2), Pro 3 (X3), Pro 3 Floodlight, Security Light (X2), Ultra (X2), Doorbell, Chime
I'm voicing a complaint on a forum; you can spin that as "whining" if you like, just like I can speculate that your negative most likely relates back to a lack of breast feeding during formative years, maybe even presently.
I didn't think of pinging it. I tried it and it doesn't seem to behave any differently than anything else on the network. It's constant around 4 - 6 ms (with an iOS device on wireless AC). I have talked with Arlo Tech Support, they do know there is an issue with the last firmware roll-out on these bases. No clue as to when the fix will arrive. I have a Ultra base station as well, and that is not affected.
Now that you mention some of those things, I too have had icons missing from the web portal. Sometimes the signal strength and battery icons have not been there. That happened more than a month ago, rebooting the base station fixed it. I wonder if they are related, and yes it seems the comms from the server is making the base stations lose their way.

hello our base station- arlo pro keeps going into a semi offline mode several times a day. the interent light in the middle of the base -goes out and then there are no recordings etc. there is a getting status or getting information message in the app unable to dispay info about the cameras or base mode etc. no battery icon or wifi icon in the app or web.  after about an hour the base can come back online or we can power cycle to get it online right away. we have tried many base stations etc and routers.  we contacted level 2 tech support and they are not aware of an offline issue even though there are several threads already about this that were merged into one thread in the community regarding this exact issue.  maybe more poeple can post if their base stations are also going offline completly with an orange light or even if the lights are all green sometimes its still like its offline. sometimes our base station also started going offline with an orange light and then it has to be power cycled to come back online. we are not sure if this is related to the time zone issue but it all just started after the last firmware update that has caused many problems around 5/24/19

if there are other people with this issue please post becuase T2 tech support said this issue was not reported to them


we have called arlo tech support level 2 two times they told us they are not aware of an offline issue with base stations. so if people have this issue they need to keep posting becuase it looks like no one is listening 

Great missing video again. Getting alerts but no video's. Base keeps going offline. Arlos Tech support is useless.

i cannot understand how there are so many posts in this community about the base stations going offline and their T2 level tech support said they are not aware of any offline issue- the only way they can be aware is if people report it happenning becuase they said their test unit base is not habving the same issue. 


Very frustrating that I need to reset base station. Always encountering offline message. 


I have since plugged Alro power supply to wifi plug therefore I can remotley reset, Alro back online each time I do reset but this shouldn't be the solution. 

I believe they are interconnected. The nil recordings and defaults time zone setting will affect your schedule (if you have one). I am not sure what you refer to as locking up? Mine stops recording to the portal when the time zone changes, I can reboot it remotely 95% of the time, but not always. As I said, they are aware their last roll out wasn't their greatest, maybe it affects different base stations that have different parameters or local environment. Imagine all the different configurations that consumers put their devices under on a global scale, almost no two would be the same eg fixed IP, DHCP, actual time zone, devices enrolled, internet speed, router configuration, router brand and configuration, etc etc