Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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I have scheduling set up with 4 x wireles arlo camera connected. Two of the cameras are inside the house.


I thought it was strange for a while as nothing has been showing in my feed dueing the night - normally I pick up cats outside and inside my kids trigger it if they get up during the night.


I went past it during the night when I have it set to 'paranoid' mode which is basically all careams activated and triggered with 90% movement. But I doticed the iR lights didn't activate when I went past it.


I reviewed my app and the mode shows as 'Disarmed' even though it's set to sceduling and I confirm that time they should be active. It's not just incorrectly displaying the status as it also never records anything. I confirmed at the time that base station was up, internet etc was working.


This is getting really annoying as I paid good money for home security and it seems it's not working during the night which is when I'd like it most to work.


Base station is running the following versions:


HW Version = H11
Serial Number = 4WA16B719A3AC
Firmware = 1.3.314
Cameras are on:
Firmware = 1.3.314
Sometimes it works, a lot of the time it doesn't. You just never know when it's not going to work, but I don't want it to be the one time that I really need it as we have lots of car/house break ins in our area. I've rebooted devices.. I know someone will say delete and rebuild scheduling (I've recreated everything again) - but how can I trust it wont stop working again?
Just bought this system 2 weeks ago and looks like I've been sucked into this unexplained problem also. Mode keeps showing "disarmed" at night when I need it the most. It just switched over to day mode as I'm writing this which is correct. I've checked everything and restarted my base and bridge. It's been working flawlessly up until this morning. Hope this problem doesn't continue.
Guru Guru

Have you been using the app to check/set your schedule? The apps have issues displaying and setting modes correctly all the time. I recommend using a web browser to do this since it works properly and consistently.

Ok guru, I'll try that and see if it solves this problem but hopefully they fix the app which is more convenient. Thank you!
User the browser on my pc, not the app, I deleted everything in the schedule and set it up AGAIN. Again, the system moves to “disarmed” after midnight. This is ridiculous for a system that costs hundreds of dollars.
Guru Guru

See what support says:


It's possible your profile is somehow the problem. You could remove everything from Settings, My Devices and use a new account, using a second email address. Don't know why that would work, just that a few folks have had success.

Ridiculous. I tried viewing and configuring my settings in a web browser and it didn't work. The system switched to "disarmed" after midnight. It has to be a bug in the app or something. Can somebody forward our concerns to the developers so they can push out a fix please? Thanks!
I just confirmed my system is in fact "disarmed" after midnight. Mobile app says disarmed, web browser says "night" which is my schedule for midnight to 7 am so that would mean the system is armed. But not so. The mobile app is correct in this case because I walked out to all the cameras and walked around in front of them and they were all disarmed because none of them reported anything. I even deleted my existing schedule and redid it and it still reported "disarmed". This has got to be fixed.

I used a web browser to delete my schedule and then re-enter my schedule and it did not switch to "Disarmed".  The web browser route works!

That is not an acceptable response. I have 8 devices and multiple custom modes. I have done a complete reset TWICE already. I neither have the time nor desire to create a new email address so that I can then go through an entire new set up. Not only is this not helpful, but it would require me to have another email address that isn’t used for anything other than this. The fact that many people have this same issue says this is an Arlo problem. Perhaps we need to post to additional places, reviews, LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc to get some attention.
It's too soon to say positively that the issue has been fixed, but today's app update seems to have it working as it should be.
I’ve been having the same issue since before Christmas Arlo have replaced base station reset all my settings created a new mode then tested and it failed! Been really really poor service effectively useless as you have to arm them constantly your self which wasn’t the selling point of the system! Arlo need to sort this quick step!

By using the web browser to delete and re-create your schedule, the problem is solved. The problem stems from creating the schedule on the app. You can still use the app after you recreated your schedule for your custom mode.


I'm still heavily impacted since a couple of months

Geofencing, with schedule set at night, the cameras just stays disarmed in the middle of the night, for that price!! 

Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator

Hi @Viking42


Have you tried contacting customer support regarding this issue? I have attached the link here for you - Arlo Tech Support


I reported this to customer care in November and they couldn’t fix it so closed the reference in February then on the same call opened another... basically they don’t know what’s wrong with it.  In the meantime I’m using batteries constantly cause of having to leave it permanently armed.  It’s a mess.  

@ShayneS wrote:

Hi @Viking42


Have you tried contacting customer support regarding this issue? I have attached the link here for you - Arlo Tech Support



I've been battling with this issue since I brought the system. I had a custom mode setup on a schedule to never be disarmed but it kept reverting to disarmed after a couple of days. The custom mode doesnt send push notifications when I'm around.


One support person I spoke with suggested that the start and end of any schedule cannot happen at the same time. They noted that I should try bumping the start to a minute past the previous end-time.


I've only just tried this but will post the results here after a week.

I am having the same issue. I discussed in a chat with support and they let me know similar to above you can not have a gap in “Armed” modes (so, you can’t have one end at 11:59 and another start at 12am - they must overlap a minute). This is impossible to do in the app, so they make you login on your computer to make the edits. I have not tried this - but they claim it’s the fix. I let them know how ridiculous it is to have to login on a computer for a system that claims to be able to be run from an app, but that’s obviously not the chat agents fault so didn’t go into too much detail. Very frustrating!
I have mine set from 1159 pm to 12 am and it works. No overlap. Only thing is I had to do it on the computer in order for it to work not on the app. I can't understand why they can't fix the app once and for all.
And it’s started again. Moves to disarmed when it should be armed! Been doing it for a week.

@Dmkohl wrote:
I am having the same issue. I discussed in a chat with support and they let me know similar to above you can not have a gap in “Armed” modes (so, you can’t have one end at 11:59 and another start at 12am - they must overlap a minute). This is impossible to do in the app, so they make you login on your computer to make the edits. I have not tried this - but they claim it’s the fix. I let them know how ridiculous it is to have to login on a computer for a system that claims to be able to be run from an app, but that’s obviously not the chat agents fault so didn’t go into too much detail. Very frustrating!

Actually what TS had told you was incorrect. You cannot set up schedules with overlapping end/start times. If you try their system will adjust your other schedule so it doesn't overlap.

What is ridiculous is that it works for weeks and then stops. I make zero changes to the system and it just stops working. Whether the times overlap, have a gap, or are adjacent - it’s irrelevant. One day it works and then it doesn’t. It’s a horrible customer experience and they take no responsibility for these issues.

What a piece of *, geofence function not working, and scedule not working. Geofence stoppes working 3 month ago and scedule stopes working (from the ios app) over 6 month ago. Netgear has released selvrealisering updates adding new PAYED Plans WITCH works ! Atleast the credit card input part. But the functions that does not work, they dont fix. Adding homekits, doorbells and all kind of crap but DONT fix the problems that persists ?

Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator

Hi @Morten-Kroejby


Can you provide a little more detail regarding the issues you are experiencing? What troubleshooting steps have you tried so far? I do not want to suggest anything you may have previously performed.


You may find this funny but I had the same issue. What I discovered is that it is not limited to more than two different modes in a day but limited to not using the same mode more than once in a day. I tried to activate all the outside cameras from Midnight to 9:00 AM. Then from 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM I wanted run all the outside cameras but to turn the cameras by the pool off during the day. Then from 9:00 PM until midnight I wanted all the outside cameras on again. The cameras would go into disabled mode during one of the times when all the outside cameras were suppose to be armed. I made an identical mode and called it Outside Only PM so it ran with 3 different modes during the day with 2 of the modes being identical with slightly different names. Obviously this is totally screwed up programming but it worked!