Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

  1.  Today I’ve noticed when I go to my Arlo Q library the clips show at the right length. 20 seconds, 15 seconds they show the right length in the library. When I open up the Clips to view the clip it says that the clip is one hour and 46 minutes long. When you play back the clip it only has the correct amount of time 20 or whatever length and may be in the library view. After the action finishe the image freezes and the video keeps playing.  This has started today and it happens with every single clip.  The cameras also failed to pick up some events today. Not sure if that’s related or not. Is anyone else having an issue?  I’ve got the latest iOS update.
267 REPLIES 267
Guru Guru

Right now, download the video and use a viewer like VLC. Extra steps but workable.


Don't know what VLC is but the fix only lasted a few days.  Now the camera's have the video length problem AGAIN, and, at least one camera has no sound.  The camera with no sound keeps changing.  One always doesn't have sound now but not always the same camera.  I'm so disappointed and frustrated I don't know what to do.  What the heck is wrong with Netgear????

Guru Guru

VLC is a free viewer that works on darn near anything.

I can confirm that my Arlo Q is not working again now and has corrupt videos again.

It was fixed for a day or two but is back to not playing videos correctly with audio missing and out of time plus video length massively incorrect.

Downloading the actual video and playing in VLC does not work as the downloaded video is corrupt. The file actually plays but has corrupt image and there is no audio.

Playing in Android app the video starts with no audio, then half way through the audio starts then the video ends but the audio continues with the video length totally wrong and showing a massively long time.

Whatever they did to fix it, hope it can be redone and put back into a working state again. No use having a security device that doesn't work, leaving people who rely on this product in a vulnerable state. Not good for customers and not good for reputation.

People rely on these products.

Please fix ASAP!!!
Just want to echo everyone else’s problem with not being able to play back video on the Arlo app due to incorrect video lengths (my two minute clips show hours long when the slider is moved to a later part of the video). Sometimes when playing from the beginning (which works occasionally) the video will stutter or lose audio.

Clearly this is not an end user problem, it’s a netgear problem. When all users are experiencing the same issue it’s more than obvious. I work as a manager for a large electronics retailer (guess which one) that sells all kinds of smart home products, and up until now I’ve had no problem recommending Arlo to my clients as a first choice for a WiFi camera based on my personal experience. Now, I can’t in good faith do that because of the faulty playback in their app. I am much more likely to recommend different brands of cameras to clients because of this issue, and the longer it goes on for the less I feel that Netgear actually cares about the experience their customers have using their products and more about hardware development and advertising.

Hopefully it’s fixed sooner rather than later.

Second time in less than a month that I too have had this problem. I reconnected/setup my camera and that doesn't help. Just now had a new twist. My set time 48 sec video that is now showing over 4 hours length played in about 3 seconds of super speed. Looked like I was fast forwarding.


1 of my arlo 2 cameras started working fine again 2 days ago. The other camera was back to normal the day after.

It seemed to go through some process before it was back to normal.

First thing to happen was the video length was back to normal but the sound was still delayed or absent.

Then the day after the sound and video were back to normal and it did this for me with both my cameras.

Whatever caused it i hope they can prevent from happening again because the videos have been unwatchable for almost a week. If something had happened to my property in that time i would of been pissed off.
Totally agree Dan!

Can't have an unreliable CCTV system.

This needs fixing please Netgear ASAP!

This is such BS.  I came home today and found someone had stolen my package which was delivered. I'm trying to look at the 2 minute security clip and of course like everyone else here its showing the wrong length (19 mins and 20 seconds). I'm having to jump through all kinds of hoops with third party viewers to see if it captured anything.

If I try to view the live feed it shows a blank screen.  Has Netgear made any official statement / apology for basically breaking our security systems?   I bought mine from Amazon May 2017 so I'm WELL outside the return period and never imagined they'd screw up our systems on the server side. 😕



Wow, so sorry that happened to you!  We saw someone lurking around our mailbox last night but, of course, our Arlo cameras are NOT working, so could not capture it.


I can't get over how long it's taking Netgear to fix this problem.  It's been over a week now.  And this is not the first time it's happened.  This is really going to hurt Arlo's reputation and consumers will drop them and go with another competitor.


How long does it have to take to fix this?????

I was able to fix the problem yesterday (who knows for how long) by disarming, disabling the camera, and clearing the entire 7 day library. After that I reset the camera through the app and then re enabled and re armed and the clips are now showing the correct length. I don’t know if this is a permanent fix, but worth a shot for those who haven’t tried it.

This is unbelievable!  My Arlo Q cameras have been showing the wrong recording length for a week now and, today, I was happy seeing the normal amount of 2 minutes which is what I set it for. However, when I clicked on clips to view, it now only show 3 to 4 seconds of recording. It will not allow any viewing after that!


Unbelievable.  I noticed mine is working as normal today. Not sure what they did on the server end overnight.

Astounding that Netgear have left their customers in silence during this with no replies to the threads here. No explanation or anyone getting in touch saying "sorry, we know the security systems you bought are not working as promised, we're working on it".  I'd never buy another Arlo system again.  The risk is too great. I'm in a high crime area and I rely heavily on Arlo to keep my home safe when I'm out and have proper coverage. Not just a spin of the roulette wheel hoping it might work and might record a crime to help me find the perp. 


Yes, I agree.......and the irony is I received a customer satisfaction survey in my email, last night. You can imagine how I answered it!  Netgear, at the very least, should update customers on where they are in fixing these problems.


Here is a snapshot of the newest problem today >>  The camera now automatically stops at the 3 second mark when I try to review the 2 minute recorded clip.

Arlo stops at 3 seconds vs 2 minutes.PNG
If you haven't already done this, I suggest deleting the app and redownloading it. I did this and a few days later they were working again.

It might not of been the reason for it working again but it's worth a try.

You guys are right. Netgear should have definitely given some updates by now. Especially as its a widespread problem.

Mack that sucks on the timing. If you live in a high risk area, I recommend you get another brand of camera that covers a similar angle to your Arlo, just as a backup in case your Arlo goes down again.

Trouble is there's only a few reputable brands within the security camera area. Arlo and nest are the most trusted and user-friendly. Nest is probably the best in terms of camera functions but cost alot for recording options.

I'm glad to hear that some of you have working cameras now. Mine is still giving the wrong video length on both my IPhone and Computer. My computer developed a 2nd problem in that the 28 sec video now plays back in about 2 sec (like fast forward) before going to the void 5 hour plus timed section. The sad part is you hear nothing from Netgear about what is going on.



Can we get an offical response from Arlo?


Some users have found fixes.  Is it too much to ask Netgear to do some testing and determine if these solutions are permanent?


You can definitely try to return your faulty Arlo camera if you used a credit card to purchase it.  Try to submit a claim using your extended return protection or warranty extension.  Put some pressure on credit card companies who will put pressure on retailers and thus put pressure on Netgear.  Having this problem for over two weeks is not acceptable.


Good point RedKing!  I have tried, online chat....etc. I did the online chat for 30 minutes and got nowhere. Very frustrating and I disconnected. They are trying to blame the customer's wifi companies. I wish they would take responsibility for this problem instead of passing the buck and blaming their customers. 

Had 4 to 5 clips this morning that worked properly, then clips tonight grow from 1:18 to 5:08:44. .... all in the same day!

Started again on one of two cameras . around 1:30 AM EST.  I thought  it was ok because it worked for a couple of days. 

failed at worst possible time , as I use to monitor disabled relative. Wish we can get resolution and feel like we can rely on it to work.

They started working fine again for a few days but as I was watching the recordings for the 5th and 6th, both cameras were displaying the same errors.

Slight difference is the time display error appears on the left side dial now and not the right with times from 20:00 minutes to 35:00 minutes (I've attached a screenshot), sound is delayed again and unable to scrub through clips again, basically unwatchable.

A agent from netgear has been emailing me for the past week asking me for updates on my issue. I got back to him today asking him for updates and wanting to know why this is happening.

It's the same agent I reported it the 1st time and I suspect he will give the same response he gave me to on the 27th of February which was " There are other people experiencing the same problem and it's all being reported to the engineering team "

Doesn't seem like the engineers are going to solve this any time soon or give us a reason for it happening.

It's gone beyond annoying now though. If this is still happening on Thursday i'm requesting a full refund on both cameras.

I purchased in November, so I'm outside the return policy but they can't expect me to keep using these cameras.

Latest: 14 hours later after a restart, the camera that had the bad clips is Ok. But the other camera now has no sound. As I recall, I have been here before with the exact same symptoms before it all stops connecting and recording and requires a repower to get it back on-line. Frustrated and very disappointed that we stil have no resolution. 

Community Manager
Community Manager

Engineering is aware of the issue and is working on a resolution. I will post an update when I have more information.




New to community. Just wanted to add that I had clip that recorded for over 5 hours just this week.