Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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If you are starting to get 2 and 3 or 5 Notifications for 1 Alert and you find if you uninstall the app and reinstall it you get another one added so 5 turns into 6 notifications. youve found the solution.

Im on Android Oreo on the galaxy S9 plus but this applies to all android versions that have google back up enabled.

Here is how:


First Delete The Arlo App, then
Go into "Settings", "Cloud and Accounts", then "Backup and Restore",
Then down on the bottom theres a toggle thats says "automatic Restore"
Toggle that off.
Next, Click on "Google account" in the same menu
And at the top theres a toggle that says "back up to google drive". Slide it OFF
it will give you a warning that you are about to delete your backup
"Confirm and delete"
Next reboot the Phone
then go back to the last slider that we turned off that said "Back up to Google Drive" and turn it back on
Then Re download the arlo app and Log back in alls well.

Hope this helps i had 5 notifications for every alert equal to the time i uninstalled and reinstalled


106 REPLIES 106

First uninstall it.


Next go to cloud and accounts in settings.


Next go to Google account. Next go to the third one down app data, it says automatic restore there push the slider off reboot your phone go back to the same spot make sure where it says app data the slider is off. Now now install Arlo best of luck

Why are you chopping this up into little pieces and separate posts? Please just spit it all out in one message and set of steps. I imagine a lot of people are tired of trying to patch together all of the steps in this, and other related posts

I chopped It Up by mistake sorry

Those are exactly the steps mentioned earlier. I've already tried 10 times in slightly different combinations with no luck

If you just turn off  the one that says restore app data. Before you install the app after you reboot make sure that slider is off. Then install . I followed those earliest steps to about 5 times. Then I looked into it and I just turned that one thing off before I installed it and then it works hope it works for you

Yes. I did exactly that. 10 times. Including leaving it off overnight as the previous comments indicate. I'm a commercial Android app developer. All of the the steps make sense, but it doesn't always work. I did not leave any steps out, I promise. This is still a bug. I have 11 notifications now.

Yes I know it's a bug I had seven notifications I also did one more thing before I installed it I went to the Samsung account there's also a spot there.


I turned off all of the automatic restore and backup for the Samsung account also. This way Samsung doesn't automatically restore the app the way it was. I'm not sure which one works but that's what I did and after my 7th try it worked. So after I rebooted I went back to the Google thing made sure the slider was off that says automatically restore app settings for the apps. Then I went to the Samsung account and unchecked all those boxes for automatic restore but I did not close it I just minimized it because if I close it and open it again all of the check boxes check rechecked. Then I installed and I was good


So basically the idea  is we have to try to get Google and Samsung to stop restoring the settings on the app. And that's what I was working on and that's how I succeeded. Remember it may not be Google that's doing it Samsung also has a restore settings. So it could be both of them restoring the settings

Thank you for the clarification. I will try again and turn off the Samsung account as well

@zsmith4 wrote:
Thank you for the clarification. I will try again and turn off the Samsung account as well

they just released a arlo app update, im not sure if it fixed this because i fixed mine from this post

but it does say various bug fixes


But does it let you uninstall and reinstall without adding additional notifications. Maybe it won't fix the issue before but will fix going forward....if that makes any sense.
The new app will not fix the problem

I didn't have this problem until today when I updated my app, I'm on marshmallow and now I'm getting 3 notifications per recording. This whole system had been broken since the May update and cannot be trusted as a security system  any longer, when are they going to fix the multiple issues???

Correct. Every time you reinstall the application, it adds another notification. I have 9 after trying to fix it. It's absurd. Now that they have gone to their "Smart" subscription, it automatically reinstalls and every Android is likely getting at least two notifications. I agree with you. They need to get their sh*t together and address this. The frustrating part is that there's no way to know if they understand there's a problem, or if they see this conversation. I was a huge Arlo fan before this issue came up. Now I'm a very frustrated, angry customer. Arlo, if you hear me, chime in. and confirm you are fixing this

I've done this on multiple phones and it worked each time........


To fix multiple notifications on Android..........


Uninstall the Arlo app from Settings > Apps > Arlo (doesn't hurt to force stop it first)

Then go to: Settings > Cloud and Accounts > Backup and Restore

Then down on the bottom there’s a toggle that’s says "Automatic Restore", toggle it OFF

Next, Click on "Google account" in the same menu

And at the top there’s a toggle that says, "Back up to Google Drive", toggle it OFF

It will give you a warning that you are about to delete your backup, "Confirm and delete"

Next, reboot the Phone

Then go back to the last slider that we turned off that said "Back up to Google Drive" and turn it back on

Then download and install the Arlo app and log back in

Then setup your arlo notification sound again and your good to go

I don't know how many times I need to reiterate that I've precisely followed those steps over and over, and it hasn't worked.. I now have 9 notifications and I am reluctant to continue doing the same thing repeatedly and increasing the number of notifications even more. Whether it may work or not, having a purported work around does NOT constitute a fix on Arlo's side.. It is not the customer's responsibility to jump through ridiculous hoops to have Arlo's product work correctly. It is Arlo's responsibility to elevate the urgency on this and get it fixed

You're right, Arlo needs to fix their app.


But if you want to try and fix it yourself instead of waiting who knows how long for Arlo to fix it......


The only other potential end user fix I have is to uninstall the app, download and install CCleaner, run a clean of your phone, reboot, install Arlo. Hopefully that will fix you up.


That "solution" is completely unacceptable.  Fix the app or lose customers Arlo.


Both posts I made were not a "solution", they are referred to as end user fixes or workarounds. Many people who are tech savy don't bother with "support" or the likes, we find answers and fix our own issues. The two fixes I posted were posted in this forum by other people and I know they work.


Yes the app needs to be fixed and I also realize that you're frusted but waiting for Arlo to fix the app is just going to get you more frustrated. Why not try either of the fixes. If it works, great, you're not annoyed anymore. If it doesn't work then you'll have to wait until the app gets fixed, which is most likely won't happen for quite some time.


Arlo engineers do not read these user forums, nor does any of the issues reported here typically get reported to them. I'm not even sure they even know about this issue, If they did you'd think it would have been fixed months ago as it's just a simple programming bug.


OK, the work-around is unacceptable for me.  I am not going to take those draconian steps, and the risks they involve.  


I have a linux server with a special card for accepting 8 camera feeds and can run Zoneminder again if I feel like going to great lengths to roll my own solution.  I went with Arlo because I was tired of maintaining that.


Arlo need to "just work".  Otherwise it's going to be defenestrated. 

I just went to Android Setting>Apps>Arlo>Storage and hit clear cache and clear data.

Had to log back into the app, but it worked.

I went from 2 notifications per alert to one.

I'm sure many of you did this to no avail, but some might have luck with it like I did.

Good luck!