Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras


I keep getting this message operation cannot be completed at this time does anyone know what this means

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At this point, I have my cameras up for little other reason than show. Today alone, I’ve received two alert notifications while at work with an Amazon package sitting on my front porch, and I can’t view the videos because of this error. This is supremely infuriating and one of the greatest product fails I’ve ever seen, given the length of time this has been ongoing. My wife and I are expecting our first child soon and we no longer feel safe with Arlo. At the very least, Arlo should reimburse us for a new security system that actually works.
Yes same issue and I’m running an Arlo ultra base station!! And it’s only affecting my Pro 2 cams not ultra or pro cams so wtf Arlo?!?
I have noticed that some camera alerts result in no videos, these missing videos occur during the prime times (dusk) I was getting operation not completed errors videos. It looks like Danny was correct in that Arlo is now deleting bad videos on the cloud server before we can view them.
Guru Guru

If you can download them they're not deleted. My suspicion (not proven) is that somehow the videos are corrupted so players of any sort can't play them back. I'm not a video expert so that's as far as I can go.

My videos are being deleted before they can be viewed. This happened Friday and Saturday at dusk. The app alerted me to a camera being triggered but no video showed up. If the bad video shows up it gives the operation not completed error in iPhone or Mac Safari but has the noise spike in Chrome.

I spoke to a support specialist who indicated that they were working with apple on a solution but they could not provide an ETA on when a solution to this problem would be available.


Now I was able to configure the app to send the captured video clips to my email address and then I was able to play the recent clips in a Chrome browser on my laptop computer.


However the problem clips did not include the actual video sound, just a weird burst of noise at the very beginning of the clip. This does support what other people posted on this thread indicating that there may be a sound/video synchronization problem that needs to be addressed.

I'm without the operation couldn't be completed but I have a issue with cameras and base station. Cameras doesn't react co connection, the remote reset of the station doesn't work. Must do hard reset physically on the station. It's 2nd occurrence during 2weeks..... I'm starting losing my patience....

I just got the Arlo Pro 2 a few days ago and have already experienced the problem several times, very disappointed. Luckily, after reading this thread I tried downloading one important video in the PC and then managed to play it with VLC. The file seems to be corrupted, but plays. The error message I get from VLC is:

Codec not supported:
VLC could not decode the format " " (No description for this codec)



Thing about it is, it will work over half the time. So permissions would not be the issue.


Adding my frustration to so many other users. The operation can not be completed persists from the video library. No commitment to a fix from Arlo other than the classic “mirror” “we’re looking into it” response. This is rendering the system almost useless and sadly your inability to address this issue must now be threatening the Arlo business model. ☹️
It is very frustrating. I have heard a word from Arlo representatives regarding this issue. Again my issue is I cannot download videos that are saved, I can view them, but not download and send to others. That is when I get this message.
You will not be able to view or download these faulty recordings with iOS devices.

These faulty recordings are incomplete at upload time to the arlo server.

This issue appeared prior to the May firmware debacles back in April.

The faulty recordings are missing the required audio format and codec Atom information that iOS systems demand to be supplied, hence the errors.

You are able to view the video content if you use a chrome browser with the static for audio due to the missing information.

You can use chrome to download the faulty recordings and view the video content using the VLC player with the audio codec missing warning.

You should be able to use VLC to clean up the faulty recordings so they can be played back on iOS devices but this will not restore the audio.

Hope this helps.


And the silence continues. One of the most shocking product and support fails I've ever experienced. A $500 hardware/software product. We have two set ups, and are gathering the cameras from one set up to return to Costco. Does anyone have any suggestions on a competing product that will work on iOS? I can't afford to own and operate a home security product that doesn't provide functionality on iOS and only delivers playable data when I'm in front of a computer. Totally defeats the purpose. I've been tweeting and DMing the CEO on Twitter and he doesn't have any answers either. I honestly think he doesn't understand the issue. Because if he did, he would certainly be demanding more of his team than what they are doing now. Total. Fail. Arlo.

When I try to play video it says “this operation can not be completed” what’s the point of having this Arlo if I can’t view the activity. I’m very upset and feel this was a waste of money.

You may want to return the product. Given the extraordinary silence and lack of commitment from the company and support, they appear to have no intention of resolving this issue in the immediate future. They certainly haven't committed to any timeline for a fix. If you are able to continue talking to support, and have any sort of understanding of a when, please share. Otherwise, it seems like the only way to put substantial pressure on Arlo to fix do the right thing is via the retailer. Return the product, and tell them why. Maybe that message will make it clear. Or maybe not. Good luck to all.

Let’s say the issue is in the arlo server and if so then they have to make a change.

Reloading the servers is not a five minute task so it would not be something they would try very often given their track record.

So expect a six month wait for the next server release that contains any implemented fixes.

Now what would you expect arlo to say to their customers given the above limitations.

I will leave it to your imagination.

I may have found a partial solution to the video clips not playing due to the error "Operation cannot be completed at this time"


While monitoring the failed video clips over the last few days I noticed that those that failed were invariably around 11 seconds long, (maybe 12), but longer clips consistently played.


Using that knowledge I went into the app, navigated to the mode option, then clicked on the pencil edit icon for each of my cameras, then the pencil icon for the "Record video" option, selected the Record for a fixed length of time and set a record time of 25 seconds. You can set it to a maximum of 300 seconds.


SInce I made that change all of my captured video clips are playing. I hope that it will work for most of you.


Now obviously this approach is not ideal and I am going to share what I found with the technical folks at Arlo but in the short term perhaps it will save a lot of frustration and possibly much more.

Update so I’ve found out on my Arlo Pro2 that if you unplug it and just let it run on the battery it will record and let you view the video and audio on your IPhone.
If I unplugged the pro 2 cam and just run it on battery it let’s you play them on your iPhone
Mine always run on battery & it still only a 7 second video that will not play

Mine have always been on battery. Sometimes the recordings work and sometimes not.


Mine also runs on just battery. It’s not all the videos effected just some and they come in a groups off recordings. I increased my recordings from 15 to 20 sec to see if that makes a difference.  Worked fine last night. This morning it affected my first two recordings before I increased the time. 

How are you able to extend recording time? The only videos I can’t view are all under 15 seconds.
Guru Guru

Edit your modes and rules. Read the FAQ here on changing recordin time. Basically, use the Mode tab. click on your base and edit your modes. All settings, including recording lenght, are in there. Be sure to save.