Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras


Over the last two days my home station seems to change my time zone at midnight every day, this being a huge pain when scanning back over recordings. I have tried resetting on Arlo web site, iPad and iPhone but midnight strikes time zone changes again. HELP !

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I have 4 Arlo cameras. 2 Arlo, 2 Arlo Pro.  I am experiencing a dramatic increase in cameras and/or base station going offline.  This is happening with no loss of internet connectivity or problems with electrcity.  I tried support line, but since all is fine at the minute, they are not interested in helping or even reporting this increase in loss of connecticvity.  They say if it happens again to call and they will help me re-connect.  I know how to reconnect, I have done it 5x since Friday.  The problem is that is is happening very frequently, and it depletes batteries.  I looked into the Ultra and new base station, but there are many reports of the same problem.  Any ideas, since Arlo doesn't seem interested...


It's the new firmware update. I'm having the same problem.

Arlo chat rep won't help because they said they have no record of people complaining about these problems. 


I'm about to return my cameras to Costco. 


What good is a security camera if it doesn't work?


I guess Arlo want us all to move to the West Coast (Pacific Time) then there will be no problem.

That is a fix 

Now they just have to buy all our homes and get us jobs at the current salaries.


Can we please stop with the constant base station firmware updates? It takes the whole system out for 20 mins at a time and resets the timezone so I can totally tell when you’re doing them!

Please test your firmware updates thoroughly before you apply them given that we have no choice in the matter! If they were adequately tested then you shouldn’t need to be applying so many as they shouldn’t be creating additional issues and not resolving existing issues (as appears to be the case).

You’re lucky that you weren’t applying a firmware update when we had a package stolen from outside our house almost two days ago - I would be asking for a complete refund of all my Arlo equipment if we didn’t capture video of the person stealing the package.

People really rely on these products so it seems to me like you should pick up your game a little.
Hi, there is no improvement, time keeps changing to Pacific zone, and when it did, the video recordings were lost - please fix it!!!

Same problem here. This is happening a lot lately. I also called and they said nobody has report this issue. They wanted me to re-setup my cameras. I’ve already done that serveral times even before I had called and I still have the same issue. Support is useless.


We have the exact same issue that's been going on for a couple of weeks now.  The base station randomly goes off line of it's own accord for no reason, on a regular basis.  When it's offline it doesn't matter what you try, you can't force it to reconnect (power cycle, factory resetting the base station, router/modem, nbn box, changing cables & ports etc etc).  You just have to be patient and it eventually reconnects of it's own accord.  Sometimes it's just offline for a few minutes other times it can be for a couple of hours.  On top of this it decides to randomly change the time zone back to the default US one, which stuffs up all the video recordings in the library.  Both of these issues are intermittent and have been becoming progressively more frequent of the last week or two.   Have been on the online chat and with all due respect to them they just go through the standard trouble shooting checklist without actually listening to what the issues are.  They have now admitted to me that they are aware of the time zone issue and are working on a fix, but they are still adamant that the intermittent connection issues are my end.  I don't see how when the system is only 5 months old and worked flawlessly until a couple of weeks ago and these issues being experienced coincidentally coincide with an Arlo firmware upgrade and there seem to be so many other users out there experiencing the exact same issues.  It seems at the moment that the system is very unreliable and really useless in terms of security, which is a shame in terms of how expensive the set up is.  We can only hope that the Arlo technicians find a fix for it soon.


Same here. VMB4000r3 Base Station. Firmware

Constant problems with connecting to the Arlo Server. Happens so often over and over again even after I reset the base station. 


Not only are drives unable to format; now the time zone issue has reared its ugly head again. We choose the wrong product(s) it seems.

My base for Arlo Pro is going offline many times a day. The internet is not the problem because we have other security cameras that will alert if they go offline. And they are not alerting. And other internet services don’t seem to get interrupted. We have tried getting a new base station. 4 different Ethernet cables. 2 different power cords. And we have even replaced the router. Nothing seems to help the Arlo Pro base station keeps going offline. I have assigned the base a fixed ip in new router and put it in the dmz. But it still keeps going offline. It was coming back online by itself after a while but now it stopped and is offline again! Many times a day. This just started happening recently when all the other problems started with the library not having recordings and no notifications and the schedule all not working at the same time. It seems like this is some kind of software issue ?
Yes since this update the base station for Arlo Pro keeps going offline. We have replaced the base station tried 2 different ones. 4 different Ethernet cables 2 power cords and 2 different routers. Internet is working fine. It’s just the base keeps going offline. We have tried to set a fixed ip for the base and put it in the dmz. It goes offline many times a day. Sometimes it was coming back online. But now it’s offline and won’t come back online. This all started after the latest software update where there was also not recordings and no notifications. Arlo doesn’t seem to be aware of this problem where the base Station keeps going offline. It happens many times a day. We have other cameras that will alert if they go offline and they are not alerting and we are not having any internet interruptions. It’s just only the arlo base station that goes offline and won’t reconnect by Itself. Please arlo support look into this. There is a real problem with your software. This just started happening recently with the update. !!!!!
Hello. Since this update around a week ago we have had the Arlo Pro base station going offline many times a day and not reconnecting to the internet. We have tried 2 different Arlo Pro base stations. 4 different Ethernet cords. 2 power cords and 2 different routers. One base station was brand new. Every few hours the arlo Pro base station disconnected from the internet. We have assigned it a fixed ip and put it in the router dmz. It won’t reconnect to the internet unless power cycled/ unplugged and then plugged back into power manually. We have other devices connected to the internet without any interruption so we know the internet is working. We have had Arlo Pro for @ 2 years. These problems only started in the past @ week. There were many other problems in the last week but this is the most severe because it keeps going offline several times every day. At least 5 or 6. And it will not reconnect by itself. Making the whole system totally useless and not working at all. Please help we have tried everything possible that we can think of. Is this a software issue ? I saw some other posts with the same issue going on. ?????!!!!! We have some serious issues that we need arlo to alert us to going on outside.
Also on a side note the camera batteries seem to drain a lot faster when the base is offline

Happened again last night sometime around 6pm eastern time. Time zone changed on it's own and stopped recording to cloud. Again, had to reset base and change time zone back.


Another missed delivery today.

Cameras havent changed timezone for 24 hours now but are still dropping out for hours at a time.


I received a call from support yesterday that they want me to call them and that they have a "work around".  Work arounds are normally not great, but I will see what they have to say and report back.

Hopefully the work around is not to move to California.


It happened again last night. I took my dog for a walk around 22:16 Central time but I noticed this morning it recorded it as 8:16. It was reset to pacific time. This reset happened during the day. I'll call today and every day this happens until they fix this problem.


Not surprising when I called support they new nothing of the call I recieved and a "work around".  I am speachless.  They are supposedly now ecalating my ticket to "a higher group" and giving me a new ticket number.  Not sure what to say.


Changed again yesterday, apparantly I moved from the coastal carolinas to cali around 4 pm yesterday.  Also, Geofencing keeps changing my setting to armed throughout the day even when i am home.


I've also started getting my Arlo Base units going off line. This has been going on for a few weeks now and happening every few days.


VMB4000r3 /

2 VMB3010r2 /

3 VMB4000r3 /


We've been running a base station with four cameras for a little over three months with no issues at all.  Almost to the day after free phone support ended, the base station has started going offline for no apparent reason; at first, a couple of times a week, now almost daily, and today it's gone out twice.  Power-cycling it brings everything back online; the cameras don't need re-syncing. 


No manual change has been made to router settings, nor has there been a change in ISP, or anything like that.  So far as I'm aware, the set-up is exactly the same as it was before this started happening.


I don't know what the LEDs on the base station do every time it happens as it's at my parents' home, some miles away from me, but I was here when it went out today, and the internet light went amber, flickering, and then solid.  Internet connection was still working fine at this time for the rest of the connected devices (PC and iPads).


No firmware update is needed.  I've tried plugging the ethernet cable into a different port on the router without that making any difference.


I'd be so grateful for any suggestions.  I'd also love to know how to contact Arlo support as their live chat window remains stubbornly blank, despite trying three different browsers on the PC, and also on an iPad.


I'm also having this issue along with the Geofencing issue after the latest firmware update of the Base Station. 


When I first purchased the Arlo product I purchased the Arlo 720P 2 Camera system. When recording or watching live there was a weird clicking/interference sound that annoyed me so much I RMA'd one of the cameras, got the previous model after the RMA and it STILL made the sound so I took it back after a month and purchased the Arlo 2 1080P 2 Camera system thinking the newer model cameras wouldn't be having the issue anymore. WRONG.


My new 1080P system still has the clicking sound during recording or watching live. As a test I purchased another duplicate 1080P system from Amazon and tested one of the cameras and it STILL made the noise.


After all of that I decided I can deal with the clicking noise but now the system is pretty much inoperable because the Time Zone keeps changing, Geofencing is broken and the Base Station keeps losing connectivity every few days and the system becomes inaccessible and I have to reboot the Base Station to get it "working" again.


The fact that there are all these complaints around various issues after the most recent firmware update and there hasn't been a PEEP from this company says it all.


I love the GUI and asethetics of the Arlo system but as a company they really are crappy. These systems are not CHEAP and we paid good money yet we can't even get a response from them when their firmware breaks thousands of their customers systems....

Still having problems. Base station keeps getting offline. Only to be solved by pushing the button the back. And the time zone keeps changing.
Other people who still have the base station going offline issue?

I'm having the same issue. Geofencing broken, Base Station going offline, Time Zone keeps resetting.


Not a peep from this **bleep**ty company.

I’m not sure if I solved it. I changed my badestn to utc+1 and then I chanced my timezone in my profike on my account here in the community to Utc+1. and it hasn’t been changed to western time yet....fingers crossed.