Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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I followed Arlo baby before release waiting impatiently for a promising device to monitor my disabled daughter only to be extremely disappointed. I have invested 500 in a new Wi-Fi system due to suggested Wi-Fi issues causing the signal to drop only to find out it's not my Wi-Fi due to this being my only device with issues.. So being outside my return window I am stuck with this unreliable 250 investment that is useless.. There are multiple posts concerning the connection dropping and not reconnecting and yet netgear hasn't found this to be a detrimental issue.. We are investing in our children's safety here, this is definitely not something we want to work sometimes.. I have yet to have one full night of monitoring without losing connection completely only to wake up in distress wondering how long the system was down. My daughter was hanging off her bed and screaming and I couldn't hear her because I had lost connection. And I keep seeing netgear responding to posts telling people it's their devices and their Wi-Fi! Really? No it's your product and you need to fix the issue or recall the product as defective and let us parents find a safe and reliable solution for our children! I would appreciate any response as to what if anything netgear has done to resolve this issue!
I am in the same boat as you. The camera goes out constantly and I am told it is wifi related. I'm sitting in my bed currently, farther away from the router and using wifi with no issues. Before "upgrading" to the arlo baby we used a simple foscam and never had issues with it cutting out. This camera is completely unreliable and I am stuck with it. Instead of seeing improvements with each update the system stays the same or gets worse. I am going to have to end up spending even more money on a foscam again to have a reliable product.
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A new Arlo Baby firmware was recently released. Make sure your Arlo Baby is up to date on the latest firmware and test again to see if you are still experiencing the same behavior.


Release Notes – Arlo Baby – 9th August 2017



Thank you for the info, unfortunately I do appear to have the latest update and still doesn't stay connected for more than an hour usually even after getting new router again trying to up the Wi-Fi signal.
Yes I am thinking of just writing this all off as a huge loss between the orbi router system and Arlo baby I'm having terrible issues. They suggested my Wi-Fi wasn't strong enough so bought the triband orbi (500) and this! Such a disappointment and I have emailed them with no response yet!
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When you experience a "disconnect" does the camera go offline or does the stream simply end? Do you get any error messages?


How far from the router is your camera? Is there anything between the router and the camera that could be causing interference or poor signal strength (walls, other WiFi devices etc.)?





I'm going to respond from my perspecitve as well just for your records:


My Arlo Baby is on the latest verison that you listed in the previous reply to me.


My Home wifi router is downstairs and between the 2 devices are wifi devices and 2 walls (as I would assume is decently normal for any household in the modern era). I have not tried leaving the device next to my router for an extended period of time because I did not pay $250 to monitor the inside of my home office. 


I have purchased a FOSCAM security camera for $79.99 and have placed it in the EXACT location of the Arlo Baby. Using an app for Android called TinyCam Pro ($4) I have been able to successfully monitor my daughter's room without a single drop since the device's installation (Saturday). This device has no where near the functionality of your device but without reliability all the features in the world are useless. Arlo Baby was losing connection every 30-45 minutes causing the app to have to be exited and re-entered in order to resume monitoring.


How is it that the WiFi interference in my home is too great for the Arlo Baby but this other camera operates fine? They are both wifi cameras, both 1080P video with sound. 

We have a similar connection drop out issue that were working with support to resolve.

Unfortunately the original and replacement both exhibit the behaviour. A second replacement is shipping.

This problem seems to be systemic, based on how many different units show the behaviour.
Has there been any real solution for the disconnect issue? I’m so frustrated. We have 112Mbps and upload speed of 11Mbps and we still get disconnects constantly. Sometimes it just doesn’t reconnect at all and I have to go and reset the monitor. This is insane for a $250 product! Are they recalling the product?
I wish. I got no answers from them and have been using a foscam. I have the arlo baby still there in hopes one day it might be reliable but right now it's a $250 backup... I think will never buy another netgear product again.

Jesus christ...


Got the camera a week ago or two. For me it's mostly fun, for my wife it's life and death, with the kid ems being here some weeks ago because of his breathing.

She just this morning realized that it dropped during the night and didn't reconnect.


I'm having a very hard time justifying the purchase... It is a fun toy ofcource, but as of now it can't be relied on as a baby monitor, sadly. Toy factor is also kind of dimished as the software forces me to use the cloud service.


Might return it. Bah... Bought it knowing the issues 😞


I don't mean to be a downer here but to me it is pretty simple. If it does not do what it advertises and/or what you require from it, it should be returned. If I still had the option I would. I held on to it hoping and praying that they would work through the issues since it was a brand new product but to this day any time we attempt to use it, it disconnects during the night AT LEAST once. This may be okay for people using other Arlo cameras to monitor the outside of their home (I would imagine they use the alert function more than we parents do since for me it just constantly false alarmed) but for us parents we need this thing to stay reliably connected or at a MINIMUM reconnect automatically after a short disconnect. With all the bells and whistles it does make a cool "toy". The one function mine still does for me is tell me the humidty in the room so I know if it is a good night to turn on my daughter's humidifier. To sum it up the Arlo Baby in my house: It is a $250 remote humidty sensor that is connected to the cloud...

Any update on this? My Arlo Baby disconnects as well and shows the blue light which wakes up my baby.... I just purchased a new Netgear R8000 router. And that still hasn’t fixed it.

I eagerly waited for the Arlo baby to use as i've also have other Arlo products and thought highly of the Netgear.  I'm extremely disappointed with the Arlo Baby as It looses connectivity on what seems a daily occurence.  I know for a fact that it's not an issue with my WIFI as to test, i also placed one of my Arlo Pro cameras in the room next to the Arlo baby, and the Arlo Pro does not lose it's connectivity, and by chance when the internet goes down for some maintenance issue, the Arlo Pro cameras have no issue reconnecting to the WIFI whereas the Arlo Baby does. 

It's rather frustrating that you purchase a piece of equipment to assist in monitoring your baby while in the crib and functionality is spotty; If i could i would return the product.  I read comments from previous posters and i can also confirm the loss of connection. 

I'm not sure whether it's a function of less quality hardware between the two lines of Netgear products or that the Arlo baby tries to do too much between video, air quality monitoring, music, and temperature.


The sale pitch for the product was good, but the delivery is lacking.  Extremely disappointed with Arlo Baby.


As of Thursday, February 15, 2018 I am frequently unable to remotely connect to the camera. This happens on the same WiFi network as well as on other WiFi connections or Cellular network. The Camera is on the latest firmware and the app is updated on all devices (3 seperate iPhones). The message recieved is "The camera failed to connect. Please try again." If I reset the camera and my home network I can then get the camera to reconnect. However, this is happening mutliple times a day and even worse at night when my child is sleeping. I am able to connect to my Arlo Q with no issues. I have been patient ever since the original purchase of this device and have made concessions due to not having a standalone tablet. However, at this time my wife and I are both very unhappy bc the camera is unusable and only serves as a night light and sound machine. Please provide assistance.

I am shocked to hear that netgear has not fixed this issue. I was fortunate enough to return mine finally(, even though I was outside my return window )because my local store staff were aware of the four different Wi-Fi routers I purchased trying to get this camera to work ..I would definitely keep reaching out to netgear and demanding a refund as this is an expensive failure on their part. Until then I won't buy another netgear product.
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