Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Hi. I have a problem integrating Smartthings and Arlo. I took a screen recording to show the problem: The biggest problem is that now Smarthings is not receiving information from the motion sensor in Arlo cameras and my automation no longer works.
Best answers
  • Arlbroke

    Mine started working yesterday.  I had to unlink and relink the Arlo account to Smartthings.  I also had to redo the smartlighting automations in Smartthings.

  • ShayneS
    Arlo Moderator
    Arlo Moderator

    Thank you for providing your feedback, I have notified the Development team & we are working on a release for early next week. I will be sure to update you as soon as I hear more!

  • ShayneS
    Arlo Moderator
    Arlo Moderator

    Thank you for your patience while we worked to resolve this issue. The issue with the Arlo SmartThings integration and not receiving alerts should now be resolved. You do not need to relink your devices, you should now be receiving your automation alerts.

464 REPLIES 464

They asked me to provide that info, too.  Much of it was redundant: already asked & answered.


Information from SmartThings support:


Thanks for writing into Samsung SmartThings Support!
I'm sorry to hear there has been some trouble, but I'd be happy to help.

We are aware of a known issue with the Arlo integration causing an impact to some customers including:

Difficulty adding new Arlo devices to SmartThings.
Missing events from Arlo devices in SmartThings.

This is an ongoing issue with callbacks provided by Arlo to SmartThings. We're working with Arlo to make sure that the motion information is being sent to SmartThings.

Arlo devices stopped sending any data to SmartThings starting on 12/23.

We're working with Arlo to make sure that the motion information is being sent to us.

Thank you so much for your patience and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Have a good day!


for what it is worth, at least they will reply back..


LoL.. i live in Russia.. and i can't create a ticket with SmartThings.. Support sends me to create a ticket in the Russian Samsung Support, but there is no smartthings support in Russia.. suddenly, there was a desire to switch to Home Assistant and integrate Arlo into it.
My Arlo/ST integration stopped working long before 12/23, and it's still not working!

My Arlo automations do not work because SmartThings History does not pick up motion messages.
Sometimes I can remove and re-link Arlo and sometimes I can’t.
When I can link them the automations only work for less than a day.


Any news about the broken Arlo/Smartthings integration?

Smartthings doesn't recieve motion detection otifications from Arlo cameras.

Bought a set of the Arlo pro 3 cameras, because of the integration to Smartthings..

I think everyone on here did as well!!! Best bet at the moment is use Alexa routines that receive the motion alerts from Arlo to trigger ST devices.
Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator



I wanted to provide a quick update. Arlo is currently investigating these reports with the SmarThings team and working towards a resolution. I will provide another update as soon as possible. 


Thank you

Hi Shayne,
I'm not trying to pigeon-hole you. But there seems to be a discrepancy between when Arlo says the problem started, and my own experience. I experienced the lack of motion sensing around November 25, +/- a couple of days. Others have said they noticed it around December 1st. I believe someone else said around December 31st.

You've said that "Arlo is currently investigating these reports..." Does that mean that the problem still hasn't been identified?

Based on your experience, how long can we expect to wait for a resolution? Are we talking about a few more weeks, or months? 6 months?

Again, I'm not trying to put you in the spotlight here, but a little more clarification might keep some users from jumping-ship. Many of us purchased cameras with the understanding that the products worked with SmartThings. Can we at least get refunds or credits for our paid plans, since this functionality isn't currently working? The integration was released in what, 2018?

My automations in smartthings using camera motion detections have failed.  I have troubleshot it down to a cloud network problem.  Arlo records me walking in front of the camera, and records a video.  It also notifies me of motion on my phone.  If I look at the camera in smartthings, I can see a current video, if I select play, 

but there have been no triggers or history for quite some time ( months ). I believe smartthings uses these triggers, to execute the automations.  I have screenshots if you need them

I can confirm having same problem. Motion detektion is not forward to Smartthings.
I bought the Arlo cameras 2 weeks ago because of this key functionality.
Will it be fixed shortly or should I return the set?

Any updates yet?


Well, I too bought the Arlo Doorbell for its motion integration with Smartthings and have until February sixth to return it to Amazon if they can't figure it out. On a positive note, It has stayed integrated for over 24 hours now.


Now I can’t even get my cameras to resync with ST following the same steps that used to work for all of a few hours.


I’m done with you, Arlo.  I’ll be finding a replacement for you ASAP. Thanks for roughly $500 worth of useless paperweights now…


Also sorry to say that I cannot recommend your product to anyone any longer.  Once I find a suitable replacement, that’s what I’ll be recommending.  


After buying a couple of Arlo Essentials to add to my existing Arlo Pro 2/Smartthings setup, I ran into problems with Smartthings automation and triggers.  On advice on a different forum the suggest was remove and reinstall the Arlo Linked Service.  Uninstall went fine, the devices and linked service were removed from the app, however reinstall appears to be broken. Note all cameras are showing correction in the Arlo app, and

In Smartthings apps on both IPad and IPhone, following the instructions to add by brand or device manufacturer takes me to the Arlo OAuth login, log in successfully, the response is “Connection between SmartThings and Arlo is successful. Close this page to finish setup.”

- no errors.

On closure it redirects me back to the add device page that I previously came from, with none of the cameras to add, nor any errors.  I’m unclear what the expected result is here.  In some screenshots it appears to be a list of cameras available to add.  In other forum comments - it’s indicated that I should just wait.  Either way no cameras are showing up.

I’ve tried a number of things on a number of devices:
1. I’ve removed and reinstalled the Smartthings app just in-case it was caching responses
2. I’ve checked that the Arlo devices were active, and set to disarmed.
3. Looking at the Menu | Settings | Linked Services is showing Arlo (Disconnected).  
4. Clicking on Arlo (Disconnected) prompts for Arlo OAuth creds- again indicating “success” then removes the entry when the OAuth browser window is closed.
5. Going through any of the possible “Add Device” > Arlo Auth paths after #3 shows up removes the Linked Service.
6. I’m currently waiting to see if that disconnected status changes - 24hrs seems way too long
7. Removed the previous custom “Smartthings” trigger mode in Arlo app - just in case that was causing conflicts. 
8. Looked around in the Smartthings Developer IDE for residual Arlo connect artifacts - nothing to be seen.

Looking for help and recommendations.


Smartthings App: iOS v1.6.77-589
Smartthings App: iPadOS v1.6.77-589
Smartthings Hub: Hub v2 US 00.040.00006

I’ve got exactly the same issue with the motion detection no longer working. I was using Arlo cameras to trigger Hue security floodlights via SmartThings but that stopped sometime last month. Obviously, this has left a hole in my home security setup.

I have found a workaround to get the floodlights triggered with Arlo motion detection by setting up routines using Alexa. It does work and Alexa is still getting motion notifications from Arlo. Not ideal but at least the security lights work again.
Motion events are failing to crossover to Smartthings yes, but also note that camera battery level is also absent. Always shows zero in smartthings regardless of actual battery charge level.
Most of my cameras report near 100% through ST, but they're mostly solar powered. Here in N. AZ, it's 7:22am, and about 9 minutes before sunrise. The one camera that shows less than 100% is my Arlo wire-free doorbell (that I chose to wire to the existing doorbell circuit.) All of the cameras agree battery-wise, in both the ST & Arlo apps, but for some reason, the doorbell always shows 77% in ST, & 80% in the Arlo app. That discrepancy has been there since I installed the doorbell last March.
My integration started to fail 23- Dec like ST said. I re-link them the day before yesterday and it was working fine for more than a day. Battery status is reported properly, motion and sound notifications were being sent to ST. The only glitch I was encountering was with the arlo baby monitor not getting the inactive status consistently so effectively it is getting stuck with motion detected. But aside from the baby monitor, all my camera and flood lights' events are sent to ST successfully.

Anyway, I just tried to relink them today but I am now unable to add the arlo devices back to ST. So it feels like they are working on it, and hopefully soon we will have a working integration again.

I like others, apparently, had lost motion events some time back.  I was able to work around that by using the Alexa integration to get motions events to my Hubitat system.     I still used the ST integration to be able to turn individual cameras on and off.  That stopped working sometime in the last couple of days.  So I deiced to remove and add the cameras back and I can't.  


So the Arlo ST integration is not working at all now, is that correct?




It seems to me that many people are reporting similar problems, but not exactly the same symptoms. My Arlo Ultra cameras are working fine in ST, *except* that they're not communicating motion; I can turn them on/off in ST, and they seem to accurately report the battery status. I was partly successful in getting Alexa to sense motion & turn lights on (works with the Ultra cameras, but not the floodlight).

Here's a Pro 3 Floodlight issue that's plagued me (& others) for awhile: Floodlight senses motion (armed), & turns on light, records video, and pushes notification to my phone. The light only stays on for 20-30 seconds, even though it's set to stay on for 5 minutes. I've reset the camera, and uninstalled/reinstalled the app, as directed by support. Same problem.

Now the link with smartthings is finally done, but unfortuantely none of my Arlo devices are visible in ST

ST recently repaired the developer workspace, i think the problems are very serious on the ST side

Well like everyone else I had lost Arlo motion sensor and battery status integration with Smartthings, but I will still able to turn the cameras ON / OFF from Smartthings  This morning I noticed in Smartthings that the cameras were still ON while they were supposed to be in the OFF state.  I manually tried to turn them OFF from Smartthings, and now I DO NOT even have that simple functionality.   I tried to unlink the accounts, and then bring the Cameras back into Smartthings.  It shows the link process as successful and my 8 cameras returned in the Smartthings IDE, but nothing I can do to get the cameras to show in the Smartthings app.  Appears that any fix they were working on may have broke it even further.  I am open to suggestions on what to do next.