Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Hi. I have a problem integrating Smartthings and Arlo. I took a screen recording to show the problem: The biggest problem is that now Smarthings is not receiving information from the motion sensor in Arlo cameras and my automation no longer works.
Best answers
  • Arlbroke

    Mine started working yesterday.  I had to unlink and relink the Arlo account to Smartthings.  I also had to redo the smartlighting automations in Smartthings.

  • ShayneS
    Arlo Moderator
    Arlo Moderator

    Thank you for providing your feedback, I have notified the Development team & we are working on a release for early next week. I will be sure to update you as soon as I hear more!

  • ShayneS
    Arlo Moderator
    Arlo Moderator

    Thank you for your patience while we worked to resolve this issue. The issue with the Arlo SmartThings integration and not receiving alerts should now be resolved. You do not need to relink your devices, you should now be receiving your automation alerts.

464 REPLIES 464

The "fix" once you are able to reestablish the integration lasts only a few hours at the most. This integration used to be the most stable and worked perfectly right out of the box when I bit the bullet to buy Arlo. 

Yes you are right, no motion events s after 2 hours. Need to wait more I guess

I would like to confirm some things. I have 4 things I am missing status on that I know of: 

1. No Motion detection

2. No Battery percentage indicating 

3. No recorded clips in the timeline

4. No microphone use



Plenty of automations set up and working for years with SmartThings based off motion detected from my Arlo cams.  All pretty much junk now…


Does anyone feel like Arlo is working on a fix to resolve this?  Or should I start looking into an alternative camera system for my home that will send motion triggers to my SmartThings hub?

As per the recommended solution at the top it does say Arlo is working on a solution. Plus being a featured company with SmartThings you would think they might find a solution a bit quicker.

You would think they follow some change control process and can pretty much see what changes were made at the end of december that broke this. This shouldn't be such a mystery. 


I’d be very curious to know why this wasn’t caught during QA…?  Or was this even a test case? 😤


I agree! Such problems should be solved much faster! It's been 2 weeks! I switched some functions to Homekit.. everything works there (Arlo sends motion events to the Homekit), but all the automations I have is in ST


Apparently there were no test cases in QA for ST motion. 


For functionality that is so widely used, someone most likely would have lost their job if that happened at my work place…


Especially if there was a chat forum filling up with issue posts from upset customers.




In most cases if it can't be solved past 24 to 48 hrs, you rollback the changes. Apparently they are trying to roll forward... This practice would never happen to a real SaaS provider. 


My understanding is that there was a change on the Smartthings side of the house that broke the Arlo integration. With that said, it didn't break Ring or any other number of partner integrations from other companies. So why Arlo? A smartthings support response posted by another user said smartthings was trying to work with Arlo to get it restored... I'm a horrible human being, I know, so everytime I get a motion alert on my Arlo app, but it doesn't trigger an automation, I want to line people up in front of a firing squad.


You guys unveiled your own security system at CES, who could trust you? How many lives would be lost relying on your systems? Hyperbole... kind of... maybe... but jesus, get your act together Arlo.

I am having this same issue still. Just want to throw some more support behind getting a fix and keep following this
I cannot get the motion detection from my cameras to trigger my smart thing app. Everything works fine in Arlo ap and I have linked the cameras to SmartThings and can turn them off and on and can see live video through ST app. Just can’t get them to trigger motion events in ST. Samsung claims this is an issue being worked on between Arlo and them but there is no outlook for resolution. I have assured I have all latest updates on all devices
I see where smart things no longer this Arlo has a recommended partner. Come on guys, if you want us to keep buying your product fix this issue
Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator



The Arlo Development team has identified the issue between Arlo and the SmartThings automations. A fix to resolve this issue will be coming soon. I will provide another update as soon as possible.


Thank you


Indeed. When I ordered my Arlo doorbell on Amazon the Smartthings app listed it as an available doorbell. By the time it arrived, Arlo was off the list. 

Once this particular issue has been fixed, is there a way that you can flag future upgrades to the integration as "opt-in", until that upgrade has been thoroughly vetted? It's kind of unnerving to suddenly discover that your security lights aren't turning on like they're supposed to! I don't mind beta testing things, and in fact, I've been a beta-tester on several other projects, both hardware & software related. That said, when it comes to my home's security, I'd prefer to know in advance that's what I'm doing! I'd also like a way to "opt-out", if that upgrade proves to be unreliable or just flat-out doesn't work for me, regardless of the reason!

What he just said!  I have a bunch of security lights that no longer provide any security since they operate (or used to operate) off of motion detected on my Arlo cams…

I have (or had, at least) lights that turn certain colors, letting me know if someone is approaching my front or side doors. I can then pull up the camera and see who it is.  I almost missed a delivery today since my lights no longer tell me when anyone is approaching.  Please do let us know when this is fixed! Thx!


I am having the same issue with Arlo reporting motion alerts to SmartThings.  Been happening almost a month now.  Any one having any luck with support..  Their support is a joke as you can’t even put in a ticket unless you pay for a plan..  

I have a paid plan and my integration has been unió for over a month as well. The support SUCKS even with a paid plan. As much as we ALL have paid for a premium camera system touted as fully integrated this is ridiculous.
There are basically two ways to contact Arlo Support: telephone & chat. When you first open a case, the technicians are fairly low-level; they want to make sure you haven't done something stupid, like deleting your phone or email from your account, or some other bonehead move. After satisfying all of the basics, they'll escalate the issue, but you don't have access to the higher-level techs. It looks like this particular issue was escalated sometime in December, and they've been working on it. I expect a solution soon, but who knows. My guess is, the problem is likely in the cloud-to-cloud integration (precisely how it works is a mystery to me), between Arlo & SmartThings. The reason I say is this: The problem manifests within SmartThings automations, and those automations only "don't work" when Arlo cameras are involved. Myself, I use Pro 2, Ultra, a Wire-Free Doorbell, and Pro 3 Floodlight cameras, and none of them are currently working within the ST automations. So, not only is it affecting hub based cameras (pro 2 & ultra), it's also affecting the cloud-based cameras (doorbell & floodlight). And since all of my cameras are seeing & notifying me of motion, the problem *MUST* be somewhere in the Arlo-ST cloud-to-cloud integration. I write code myself, and have done so professionally. Not for a company as big as Arlo/Netgear, but I know that the process can be painstakingly slow. The problem has to be identified, handed off to the particular team responsible, and then they have to analyze & solve it. Once solved, it has to be integrated into the Arlo-SmartThings integration & thoroughly tested to make sure the "fix" hasn't broken something else. There's no overnight resolution; it could take several months to fix.
Oh, and I'm also on an Arlo paid-plan, and I use IFTTT for my lighting control within ST. I know they're working on it, and it'll get fixed, eventually. We might as well relax.

My biggest complaint was early on, someone reported that they wanted him to delete the app & reinstall the cameras. I don't know about the other users, but most of my cameras are mounted between 12-17 feet high! I'm not about to take them down, delete & reinstall the app, and re-pair the cameras, unless someone gives me a damn-good reason to do so! And I'm certainly not going to do it, just on the advice of a low-level tech!
I do not take this lightly. This was a major mistake made by Arlo.
(Multiple lines of frustration text redacted by user self control.)
Unpatiently waiting for this to be fixed. Maybe they can finally fix some of the other problems too with these cameras and apps but I highly doubt that.
I agree, when I first purchased these cameras, there support was spot on.. Now you can’t even create a support ticket without a paid subscription. All you get is a auto bot that doesn’t have a clue.