Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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I had this working for a couple of years where I've integrated a driveway sensor to a open/close ST's sensor.   When someone came down the driveway, it triggered the open/close sensor which in turn fired off a custom rule in ST to start 2 cameras recording for 1 minute.    Worked great  UNTIL 2 weeks ago.   No changes were made by me.  I don't know of ST or Arlo updated anything.    I've restarted, rebuilt, deleted rules, added new rules, nothing.   I can see in the ST app for the camera that a "sent Capture Command to porch camera" was sent.   But the camera doesn't do anything.   I've had it in disabled mode, ST mode, armed (on arlo).    Was there an update from either company that might have screwed up this integration?   I can manually trigger the camera in ST to record, but not by a rule.    This really stinks because this was a great security feature.   If I can't find a solution I'll have to rethink my whole setup.     Thanks for any advice.    I did search and went thru this thread just to make sure I didn't miss anyting.



295 REPLIES 295

Echoing the issues everyone else is seems to be having. I'd say I've had the issue for about a month but I've only just had time to sit down and look at it. I've got a Smarthings door sensor triggering a 2 min recording in Arlo, stopped working without any changes on my part.


As far as I can see in the Smartthings live logging Arlo is returning a positive response but not actually making a recording.


If it hasn't already been linked to there is a similar discussion on the Smartthings forum...




Case #41146103


@ShayneS  have you heard anything new?  I saw there was a firmware update for the 4500 base but not the 4000

Hello folks, i am seeing the same issue with arlo integrated with ST. How can i trigger a camera capture on arlo based on door sensor change in smartthings without ST custom mode?
For past couple of weeks i noticed that arlo mode switches automatically to either Disarmed or none selected. This has rendered the cameras useless as I am unable to trigger camera video capture based on Smartthings events. Arlo mode is supposed to stick to “SmartThings” custom mode. But it automatically switches. I have seen several posts of users reporting this issue without any solution. Resetting base station does not help. Removing camera from ST and re adding them back does not help. When is this issue going to be resolved?
@ShayneS do you have an update please? It has been 1 month. I bought $1000 worth of Arlo equipment because of its Smartthings integration. A college intern could troubleshoot this and get a fix out in 3 business days. This is very frustrating.

Imagine people who get robed while this is broken..


It's an easy class action for everyone... Arlo still has not send out mail to everyone who is vulnerable.



I would say it’s time for each of us to call in asking for updates.   Might be worthwhile to ask for a manager.     I’d wait until Monday to start calling.   I’m planning to start bugging them.   Since I have to trigger by motion I’m eating up my “fast” data on my plan in 8 days of a 30 day plan.   So now I get reduced speeds and have to work around that.   I’ve even just switched to disarmed mode to save data.     Which really sucks. 


Anyone found another camera system you like that like that integrates with smartthings?  


There are a few potential options, but nothing will be one-one replacement. 


Closest replacement would be to use the Smartthings Camera, but there are gaps with that.


There are a ton of options out there with pro's and con's compared to these cameras. I would suggest you look at Youtube and review video reviews from lifehackster and Stevedoes. There is also a decent video from Linus Tech Tips for a camera system based on a open platform called Motion on linux.


I am going to be patient and not get to excited unless Arlo simply says they are no longer gonig to support Smartthings. 


I would suggest you create a backup mode for smartthings that simply records how you want, and then setup routines or someo other method to turn the cameras on and off based on your needs.  


@RobMo150  curious if your base is the 3000 as it says. To my knowledge I thought the issue was on the 4000 after the firmware update.  I don't work for Arlo, just wondering since I don't think there were any firmware updates on the 3000 when the issue started on my 4000 base.


4000.   I think I hit something on the reply message by mistake 

The Arlo Q Plus camera has this same SmartThings issue.

I have the Arlo Q Plus camera, but I was just using Arlo app for recordings. So, I wanted to try the SmartThings integration shown in this thread. So, I setup SmartThings security to record from the Arlo Q Plus when another motion sensor was triggered. I enabled the Arlo Q PLus camera and put it in Armed mode. I then triggered the other motion sensor. SmartThings showed in the history that motion was detected and the recording began. However, when I select the history item, I see the video box, but the video clip doesn’t generate, and it doesn’t let me view the video when I tap it.
UPDATE: My Arlo Q Plus actually did record a 2 minute video when the other motion sensor triggered it. It just took a really long time, but the video finally appeared in the Arlo app. However, I still cannot view it in the SmartThings app.

I tried it again this evening, and it worked as it should with the video showing up within a minute, and the clip was showing in Smartthings app as well, but I still couldn't view the video in Smartthings. Anyway, the Arlo Q Plus is working.

I will try the Norwegian Sales of Goods Act to claim my money back!


So I changed my automations yesterday to use the arlo montion detection to trigger recording, and use smartthings to enable/disable the camera as required - not ideal as I get multiple recordings but at least something... I left the original triggers in place...


So today when things were triggered I got a recording (or at least the associated thumbnail) in ST, not sure if it was an ST triggered recording or an Arlo triggered recording at the same time (how does ST reference the video? Datetime?). 


I've reverted back to my origianl setup and will update when I've time to test/it's next triggered.


This is reported broken in IFTTT and Smartthings. It is advertised as 'works with Smartthings' 

But it doesn't record when triggered from IFTTT or Smartthings


I used to use Smartthings Classic and Smart Home Monitor to capture video from an Arlo Pro camera. Affter updating to Arlo firmware the capture stop working. I want support to confirm that this still is a problem and will be fixed!


Just wanted to say that I'm having similar problems, and spoke with a live chat person who referred me to this conversation.  Below are the detailed I provided to them.  I thought this extra info might help the software engineers.  (I'm a software developer myself.)  In addition, I haven't seen anyone mention my issue #1 (while #2 is what this thread is about). 


I've had my Arlo Pro 2 6-camera kit (Model: VMS4630P-100NAS) since May, 2019. I set it up just fine, and have integrated it with Samsung Smart Things (SST) Smart Home Monitor (SHM). The Arlo Base station has the SmartThings Mode selected, where it records after any motion or or audio detection.   I also set the SST SHM automation "Goodbye" to turn on the 6 cameras, and the automation "I'm Back" turn off the 6 cameras.  In addition, if anything trips the SST SHM alarm, then I have the rule that it's supposed record on all 6 cameras.  Everything was working fine until the last few weeks or month (not sure exactly when). I now have 2 main problems: 


1) The Arlo Mode will switch from SmartThings to Disarmed randomly, even when everyone is home, or everyone is away (i.e. no automations are taking place). I manually change it back to SmartThings, and after a certain amount of time, I'll check it again and it says "Disarmed". I've tried restarting the base station through the website, but still no luck. 


2) Whenever the SST SHM alarm is triggered (and Arlo cameras are in SmartThings Mode and all are on), SST indicates that a intrusion has been detected, and that recording for my 6 cameras has started. However, when I pull up the Arlo App, nothing appears to be recording, and nothing ever appears in my library.

I didn't start having these problems until somewhat recently.  (I noticed the recordings not taking place when the app switched, which led me to find the Mode is switching on its own.) 


Additionally, I've noticed that if I set up some other test automation in SST, that just turns on "lights or switches", and I have it turn on my cameras, then that seems to record a video when motion is detected.  So, I wonder if it's just something with the Smart Home Monitor (SHM).  The quirky Mode change has me stumped though. 


FWIW, as of tonight (10/01/19), the Live Chat person said the software engineers are still working on it. 


Model:  VMS4630P-100NAS

Hardware:  VMB4000r3



FYI. Received an email today from Arlo Support about my case about our Smartthings Arlo interface problems since the Arlo firmware update in late August.  The email said that they are working on the problem and asked for me to answer 15 questions that didn't seem to be very relevant to our problem.  Seems like a very slow process.

Yep. I’m betting it’s the same load of crap run around we all got.



just adding one more person with the same problem. For all my 4 Arlo Pro 2 cameras, the recording integration with Smartthings, stopped working more than 1 month ago.


Moreover, I have another Samsung camera which is still working perfect, so, there is no doubt that the problem is caused by Arlo.


I have to say that I'm very disapointedabout regarding this fault. We are talking about a safety device, something we must trust. However, Arlo is just playing with us.





I have your same problem (below) except with four cameras.


"2) Whenever the SST SHM alarm is triggered (and Arlo cameras are in SmartThings Mode and all are on), SST indicates that a intrusion has been detected, and that recording for my 6 cameras has started. However, when I pull up the Arlo App, nothing appears to be recording, and nothing ever appears in my library.

I didn't start having these problems until somewhat recently."


In addition I have a automation setup in Smartthings that says in either of two outside lanai cameras detect motion between sunset and sunrise then turn on the outside lanai lighting for one minute.


Everything worked fine until the Arlo software update about a month ago. Looking for a resolution to restore the same functionality.


In May, 2019 - I purchased an Arlo Pro 2 6-camera kit (Model: VMS4630P-100NAS).  I set it up just fine, and have integrated it with Samsung Smart Things (SST) Smart Home Monitor (SHM).  Sometime in the last month or so, I've noticed that the Base Station Mode keeps resetting to "Disarmed".  I manually change it back to "SmartThings", or even the standard "Armed", but after a few minutes it resets to "Disarmed". 


I know that there was an issue after the last firmware update or the recent app change, where Arlo Support Chat indicated there was a problem with the integration with SST (because I originally asked why SST SHM says it triggered recordings, but Arlo wouldn't actually record anything).  That's been a few weeks ago though. 


Does anyone know why my Mode keeps resetting itself to Disarmed?  I can temporarily deal with SST SHM not triggering a recording by just setting my mode to Armed, but when it's automatically reset to Disarmed after a few minutes, then that renders my Arlo system useless.  Any help would be appreciated. 


Additional information about my integration:  My Arlo Base station has the SmartThings Mode selected, where it records after any motion or or audio detection. I also set the SST SHM automation "Goodbye" to turn on the 6 cameras, and the automation "I'm Back" turn off the 6 cameras. In addition, if anything trips the SST SHM alarm, then I have the rule that it's supposed record on all 6 cameras. Everything was working fine until last month. Now nothing actually records, and the mode keeps resetting to Disarmed. 


Note:  I did find an old article with a similar issue, and they suggested disconnecting from SST, deleting the ST mode, deleting all the Arlo integration in SST, and then re-adding it all back.  I did this, and my mode seemed to stay in "Armed", until I added the SST integration back.  Now it's resetting to disarmed all the time again. 


Problem persists, Arlo Pro2 IFTTT and Smartthings can't trigger recording