Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Integration of Arlo pro2 to Smarthings - Camera quit triggering to record when ST sends Capture

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I had this working for a couple of years where I've integrated a driveway sensor to a open/close ST's sensor.   When someone came down the driveway, it triggered the open/close sensor which in turn fired off a custom rule in ST to start 2 cameras recording for 1 minute.    Worked great  UNTIL 2 weeks ago.   No changes were made by me.  I don't know of ST or Arlo updated anything.    I've restarted, rebuilt, deleted rules, added new rules, nothing.   I can see in the ST app for the camera that a "sent Capture Command to porch camera" was sent.   But the camera doesn't do anything.   I've had it in disabled mode, ST mode, armed (on arlo).    Was there an update from either company that might have screwed up this integration?   I can manually trigger the camera in ST to record, but not by a rule.    This really stinks because this was a great security feature.   If I can't find a solution I'll have to rethink my whole setup.     Thanks for any advice.    I did search and went thru this thread just to make sure I didn't miss anyting.




Accepted Solutions

Based upon several posting here today, the latest firmware seems to have resolved the integration to SmartThings with the v4000 Arlo base.     Thanks all for reporting back.   It’s been a journey but all of our badgering  seems to have paid off.  Good luck and hopefully they won’t break something else.   Update is

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- Smartthings Classic Version 2.17.0

- Arlo Base Firemware


- 2x Pro 2 Cameras w/ base

- Samsung Motion sensors


Issue: Starting 8/30-9/1ish ST stopped initiating recordings to Arlo.  I have had working camera integration for years, this is my first issue.

Resolutions Tried:

- Reviewed the forums for a couple hours and tried several things.

- Started simple restarted the base

- Updated Arlo password and reset it on ST

- Removed Arlo from ST then re-added it

- Re-did all my ST integration

Current Status: Frustrated.  Selecting the Cameras in ST allows me to see them, it has the status, I'm recieving motion notifications, but still no recording happening.  I have seen some posts about calling Arlo support about account specific cloud issues, but they were posted a while ago, symptoms fit tho so I might try.


I am having similar problems integrating with Smartthings as well. I have moved to the new app (away from the Classic app) and there is no ability to arm the cameras when arming Smartthings. Also, the ability to create rules in the Smartthings app does not exist. 


I've been waiting for this functionality to be brought back and have contacted Smartthings support about it. They have no answers, but do confirm that this functionality is not present in the app. Also, they have no timetable for this to be resolved. Very dissapointing.

Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator

Have you tried contacting customer support regarding this issue? I have attached the link here for you - Arlo Tech Support

Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator

Have you tried contacting customer support regarding this issue? I have attached the link here for you - Arlo Tech Support


I'm trying to integrate my cameras with Smartthings.  I'm able to add the cameras to the app, but when I go to arm it says "some sensors not available".  When I test in Smartthings no sensors will trigger and when I trigger a door sensor the cameras don't turn on and record.


When I test the cameras individually the Arlo app, motion detection and recording is working fine. 

Has anyone had the same issue and solved it?


Also tried geofencing through the Arlo app, but more than half the time it's not detecting me or my wifes phone in our "Home" zone.  I prefer to try to manage all devices through one app and since Arlo won't manage door sensors I'm looking for an alternative.

Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator

HI @RobMo150


Have you tried contacting ST's support?


You can also contact customer support regarding this issue? I have attached the link here for you - Arlo Tech Support


I have the same problem. Seems to have stopped working after the firmware upgrade.  Filed a support ticket with Arlo and SmartThings.  Hopefully it’s an easy fix. 

Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator

Have you tried contacting customer support regarding this issue? I have attached the link here for you - Arlo Tech Support


same issue here.. 


triggering recording does not work for IFTTT or ST.


Hi Guys, I too have been facing teh same issue since the firmware upgrade. Has anyone got this fixed? 


Please let us know if you hear anything.   Hopefully it gets resolved.   Thanks for filing the issue


FYI, response from SmartThings support and my response without attaching the SmartThings debug log files...R


Hi Sailaja,
Thanks for your information.  The Arlo cameras are armed and the camera functionality with motion and audio detection are working normally.  I ran a SmartThings debug on the SmartThings Motion Device (Driveway Trigger), Front House Arlo Camera and on the Arlo Connect Device Driver and have attached the debug log files to this email.  Please notice that there was an error copying the video file from Arlo to SmartThings.  I and others have noticed that the Arlo IFTTT integration is also no longer working.  
Not sure if it’s an Arlo or a SmartThings problem but I’m sure that you will coordinate the fix with the proper people.
Randy Scott


Sailaja K (SmartThings)

Sep 6, 11:21 PM MST

Hello Randy,

Thank you for contacting Samsung SmartThings Support.

We are sorry to hear that you are having this issue. I request you to clear cache, uninstall and re-install the SmartThings app and I would like to inform you that there are some limitations for recording with Arlo Pro cameras in the SmartThings Application.

They are:
1. When viewing a live stream, the Arlo camera's motion sensor is inactivated and won't trigger video recording. This is a current limitation of the Arlo platform
2. When Wirefree and Wirefree pro camera batteries go below 10%, you can turn it on/off but you can't live stream or record clips. This is an Arlo limitation
3. Camera firmware must be up to date or there may be issues streaming or other issues

  • Arlo cameras are cloud base devices. Which means when an action is triggered from SmartThings App, it is received by the Netgear Arlo Cloud, which sends a command to the Arlo Camera.
  • Once the action is triggered Netgear Arlo cloud sends the status back to SmartThings App. This is how the cloud to cloud interaction happens.
  • As the Arlo cameras are not functioning accordingly, there might be communication interference in any of these paths.
  • To check this, try to access the functionalities of Arlo Cameras using Netgear Arlo app and please check and let me know if the cameras function accordingly

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Samsung SmartThings Support



Randy Scott

Sep 6, 11:30 AM MST

Arlo video capturing integration triggered by SmartThings Motion seems to be broken within the last week. Power on and live video works but the trigger to record video no longer works. Has worked for years until last weeks Arlo firmware upgrade.


Same problem here. I’m wondering if it’s more of a problem with smartthings or if they will just point the finger at each other.
Absolutely no indication that this will be corrected anytime soon. Very disappointing.
I dont believe it is a smartthings problem. The Arlo Q cameras still work fine. If you follow the device and call to record through the Smartthings IDE everything flows fine and no errors. Smartthings just never heard back from Arlo after it request the recording. From what I can tell it is just the Pro 2's in my case and maybe other Arlo wire free cameras with bases.

I am seeing this as well. I opened my own support case and anyone else having the problem should as well to make sure they know it is a big issue affecting as many users as possible.

Hi Mavrrick,


I agree with your assessment.  SmartThings support has contacted me numerous times over the weekend about this problem but we are getting nowhere in solving the problem. Since the  IFTTT interface is also effected I presume the faulty party to be Arlo.  I wish Arlo support would jump on this like SmartThings support so I hope more Arlo users file a problem report so that we get the attention that we need for a quick fix.

Hi Guys,

Totally agree that Atlo should be all over this... to me it seems obvious that this is an issue with Arlo as the issue started immediately after the firmware update... but when contacted Arlo they seem to just want to push the blame onto Smartthings and IFTTT... I am surprised that not many people have raised this concern as I would have thought that a huge no of people's automatons would have been affected...

Exactly same problem here. 


Had to workaround this and add motion trigger in Arlo App itself.

This is not ideal as it case of alarm i want to trigger recording from all cameras, which does not work.

This is critical functionality in Arlo which i'm missing right now and makes my home vurnable.

I am disapointed that this is the case now.


Triggering recording from the SMT and IFTT does not work anymore.



Yes, I'm another one who has been affected.  Contacted support and they had me adding, deleting, reconnecting.  It does seem that the change from netgear to arlo (standalone) has caused some problems in the communication, it is a little frustrating. 


At the very least, some sort of indication that they acknowledge the problem and are working on it would be nice considering how much we spend on these cameras.  


ok so I've got to share my lastest encounter with ARLO support tools.   I tried the send a message to support path, just as I got the message typed, the web page refreshed and lost it.   BUT it ask me to fill out a survey on my experience, so I did.   BUT when I submitted my survey, that web page returned a message saying an unexpected error occured submitting my survey.....     I did have a successful chat with Cherry in support.   taking her at her word,  she reviewed this posting of our issues, consulted support, acknolwedged they are seeing this issue, and then "endorsed" the chat session/case to support.   She said they would update us with information.    All I can do is hope they care to fix it.   But I apprecaite that we, together will continue to bother the heck out of them until it's resolved.  ;).   As a retired IT guy, sometimes thats the only way to esculate issues to the long list of fixes in the software world.     Keep posting if you get updates.   thanks all


I found a post ( from a while back and tried to follow the instructions but I'm unable to get a SmartThings sensor to record an Arlo video. I'm running the latest version of SmartThings. Perhaps this was possible at one time but not with the latest version of SmartThings/Arlo?

Awesome stuff Rob... thanks for get some kinds of acknowledgment out of arlo towards the issue...