Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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What is the maximum range that the Arlo camera will detect motion?


Thnaks for the reply,


Below is my driveway camera. As you can see near the wheelie bins there is a silver light pole. I had to angle the camera down as the light at night would have interfeared with the motion detector (last image). I have the motion detection turned right up to about 95%. below you can see that it still triggers at night with a large object. So I should be setup for the main area of interest.


Where are the detection areas?


On the whole I am extreamly happy with the csystem, I am probably asking too much of it. It does detect whenever someone comes close into its range, so all good.






Guru Guru

A couple of things:


1) The light on the pole won't affect motion detection since it's not moving.  


2) The motion detection area for the wireless cameras is the entire view (maybe even a bit larger). The use of a passive IR detector precludes the ability to zone areas.  The Q cameras have zones because they use a pixel-based detection scheme.


Depending on what you're actually interested in, I'd still rotate the camera down to eliminate the road/drive.  Since you are detecting people walking the choice is yours - you'll just be getting more recordings and lesser battery life recording inconsequential objects.


Can someone please tell me what we need to do to get Netgear to address and fix all of these issues with these cameras? They are exspensive, but would be great if they would detect motion like they are supposed to and record before the object is out of view. I have had an issue with every camera I have had, it's either not detecting motion 20 feet out, one was showing everything in pink, not picking up motion at all. Netgear should try to work on this right away if they want happy customers.


I have had that issue also and the camera is no good if someone can walk up and do what ever they want and the camera will never see them, but it will detect a car passing by. Another issue Arlo needs to work on.

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Motion detection works best 10-15 feet from the cameras position. It may take some trial and error to find the best location for your Arlo Wire-free cameras to perform at their best. Take a look at this article for tips on positioning your cameras for best performance: How do I optimize my Arlo Wire-Free camera’s motion detection performance?



I have tried everything but nothing works i frustrated with motion issue not able to set up properly I can only see it about 3 feet to trigger I own 2 cameras video is great but just not motion trigger I have adjust up to 100% a see cars going and trigger motion but people came into parking space and does not trigger unless you get with in 3 feet and sideways I'm ready to replace with other brand I just bought a doorbell by RING and works great Uniform love this cameras but it is just not working

Carlosave28 can you post a screen capture of the area you are trying to trigger off? I do belive these cameras take a few sample areas to trigger and that I had to sit on the roof with my iPad to get the trigger area I wanted. Since replacing my batteries I now have to do it again. It would be good to know where these trigger area are!


I agree, sexy cameras, but still a bit of development deeded with trigger time and being able to change the trigger areas as you can on a DLSR.


If by "trigger area on a DSLR", you are referring to the focus point, these Arlo cameras are completely different.


A DSLR is using the cameras focusing technology to focus the lens. Arlo cameras are fixed focus, and the motion sensor is a completely separate sensor, not linked to the camera lens at all.


My understanding (perhaps incorrect) is that the motion sensor is a fairly typical PIR type sensor whose sole purpose is to turn the camera recording on - it has nothing to do with the actual camera (image recording).


As far as I can tell, changimg the Arlo's field of view (reducing the size of the recorded area) does not reduce the area of detection (because the motion sensor is not part of the camera's image recording equipment), but I am happy to be corrected on this. Reducing this field of view is just to cut out obvious glare from low sun, reflections from windows on neighboring buildings, or to prevent recording something like the neighbor's house - it does not change the field of motion detection.


Having said that, the detection of motion to trigger the camera's recording is a bit of a black art, and is a bit hit and miss. Generally I get fairly good success out to about 12-15 feet, but on some cameras I have the sentivity set to 70% in daytime, and 100% at night to achieve even vaguely comparable detection success. They also tend to detect better with motion across the field of view, rather than towards or away from the camera - this is fairly typical of PIRs.


I also have seen where the camera above my front entrance will detect flawlessly 100 detections, and then miss a couple completely - same conditions - after dark, same outside light turned on, same "target" (my daughter coming home), similar ambient conditions (warm dry summer conditions), similar battery levels. I have no idea why it sometimes just doesn't activate.

Guru Guru

Good description all the way 'round.


I am so disappointed the cameras I bought only have a range of 5-20 the most. There was nothing on the packaging that mentioned such poor range detection. The salesperson told me it had at least 100 foot range. This might be OK for a condo unit, but not a house with more than 1,000 sq. ft. area. I'll be returning it tomorrow. Too bad....They are cool little cameras that were easy to setup. The detection range makes this setup unusable for most purposes. I was told by Arlo Tech that all of there cameras have the same 5-20 ft. range. Is this true? Can anyone recommend another brand that has a 100-150 motion dection? Thanks...


I think you are confusing motion detection range with wireless range Smiley Happy Have you checked the specs online ?


Arlos can detect motion out to about 15-20 feet, but they can communicate with the wireless base station at a far greater distance than that - a couple of hundred feet from memory.


I am not aware of many (any ?) motion sensors that work at out 150 feet. I would also struggle with why most people would want to detect motion at that distance - unless you are trying to detect a person entering the back yard at the bottom and record them - at that distance the image would be a bit small I would think.


Not many indoor applications would need to detect out to 100-150 feet, unless it is an indoor tennis court or similar. Even a 1000ft² home (which isn't very big - only around 90m² - the size of a 2 bedroom apartment) is unlikely to have any rooms that are over 100 feet across ?


The wifi range of an Arlo is easily good enough for this though. I am in a 320m² house (3500 ft²), and my 4 cameras work flawlessly.


Why does my camera detect motion and record when a car drives by at 50 feet away, but wont record a car pulling in my driveway until it is parked and someone gets out and walks 10 feet towards camera and starts recording when the person is right under the camera? And my other camera that is pointing directly down a 12 foot flight of stairs and does not record until someone is 3 feet away from it.


Welcome to the forum.


As is mentioned several times above, the cameras best detect motion crossing in front of the camera, not moving towards or away from the camera - no fifferent to most motion sensing security lights.