Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Combining Arlo systems cameras

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I bought a 3 camera Arlo (regular) system (with base) on Black Friday.  Besides enjoying the fun of not getting them to work that day due to finally learning the Arlo servers were down that day, I have really enjoyed the system.


That base is expandable up to 6 cameras, I've learned, so I planned on buying 3 cameras one at a time as they aren't cheap.  


I saw a great 4 camera system (with base) a few weeks ago on, so I bought it. 



Since I can get 3 more cameras on my originally purchased system, I'm now wondering (and asking you all), if I can leverage 3 of the cameras from the second 4 camera system I bought later and link them to my originally purchased system?


I guess I could just open the package up and try, but what fun is that if I can ask here and keep it nice and wrapped up until it warms up to get the second system going? 


(I was assuming the cameras were factory set to only work on the base system it came with)


Thanks in advance,





You are asking a lot of questions here, so I will try to answer them, but it can get complicated.

Firstly, you can use any of the original, Pro or Pro 2 cameras with any base unit. I can't remember, but  I think you can use up to 15 cameras on one base, (someone will correct me if I am wrong in this). The main difference between the original base and the Pro base is that with the Pro base there is a built in siren and two slots for inserting flash drives or external hard drives for backup storage.

Secondly. the free 7-day cloud storage is limited to 5 cameras. You will either have to subscribe to the next level up and pay $9.99/month for cloud storage or not use the sixth camera. There is a way around this by setting up the second base on a different email account and grant access to it to avoid the subscription fee, but be advised that setting up the Rules and Modes will be specific to that base. The app doesn't care that there are two base units under different accounts - you will still be able to see all the cameras. Or hold off on connecting the 6th camera until Arlo offers a 50% off subscription special. They do that from time to time.

Thirdly, the second base will have to physically connect to your router through an ethernet cable unless you purchase a wireless wifi range extender and plug the second base unit into it with the ethernet cable. I have two base units - an original and a Pro version with a mix of model cameras attatched to each base. I did this to get more range for my outside cameras and I hooked the second base up to a wireless wifi range extender and located it in a different location in my house.

Hope that somewhat answered your questions.



Guru Guru

First , on the basic level of service... you are limited to 5 cameras total. ( no limit on bases )


So if you run one account you can only use 5.  If you want to go above that number of cameras, you have to upgrade to a paid level.


A work around is a second free account and then share the cameras back to the first account ( diff email /paswwords for each account ) .

This will allow you to see all the cameras in one account, BUT, the downside is each base must be armed separately.

Morse is faster than texting!


Well written answer. What I was not sure about is if he decides not to use the second base station, how many cameras can connect to his original base if he upgrades his subscription plan and doesn't go with the two account option?



Guru Guru

An Arlo base can handle a max of 15 cameras.... but it also can only stream 5 at the same time.


So, sometimes two bases are better ,IMO, .. as you can run them on different schedules and modes easily.  You can also split them up into like inside / outside or front/ back without changing one of the two.

Not to mention 2 bases can now stream 10 cams total... it all comes down to your needs.

Morse is faster than texting!