Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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Does Arlo address the Vuezone issue of simultaneous recordings (see link below)? I am a current Vuezone customer and tried to put two different cameras at my front door at different angles. Whichever camera detects motion first gets to record. I bypassed this issue by adding a second base station and not putting cameras close together on the same base station. I can't find anything about this on the Arlo website and was hoping this was not an issue anymore. I am unsure if I should upgrade to Arlo yet.

Guru Guru

I changed over from I know the problem your referring to...

I currently run 4 Arlo cameras and can record from ALL of them at the same time. I do think the limit is 4 or 5 at the same time but obv i can't test more than 4.

Morse is faster than texting!
Hi Tom,

How can you record from all cameras when either of them detect motion? The settings only allow for a camera to start recording when ONE camera detects motion, it could be the same camera or other camera, but just one.

Regarding 5 cameras, I have now 5 and when I want to see them all live the system only allows for 4 simultaneous views, the last camera I click on (as the fifth, which ever was that one) is never seen as a live feed, is there a limitation on the system?

Best Regards,

Guru Guru

You misunderstood me... I didn't say I recorded from all cameras re motion detect.


The original question was in reference to the older Vuezone system... the Vuezone system would only allow ONE active camera at a time.


With Arlo, I have recorded from 4 cameras at the same time which goes to show the much better thru-put of the Arlo system... I manually turned on the additional cameras after a receive of motion detect on one.... Also I stated I wasn't sure that 5 cameras would stream at same time due to the fact I only have 4, but I guess you confirmed the limit. 


The way around this limit if true, might be to add a second base... thinking along the lines its a limit more of the base unit over the total thru-put (if running a cable modem internet )

Morse is faster than texting!
Thanks Tom for the clarification, the power of simplification has unintended consequences.

Regarding using a second base for a live feed of the 5th camera I certainly can but the requirement will go against the published technical capabilities of a single base. I fact, I believe upgrading to the 10 camera service does not necessarily impose more than a single base?

Best Regards,

Rodolfo La Maestra

By the way, regarding your clever footnote of Morse is Faster than Text message, actually "talking" is faster than the two, and people has forgotten how important that is for human interaction, and identification of moods, tones, etc. that only verbal communication can convey, and faster than anything else.



Can you confirm that if more than one camera is detecting motion at the same time, that they all record simultaneously?



Guru Guru

Can you confirm that if more than one camera is detecting motion at the same time, that they all record simultaneously?

No... if  a camera is set to record upon detecting motion then ONLY that camera will record video

Morse is faster than texting!
Hi Brian,

I wish.

That was exactly my point, the system has rules that apply individually to each camera but the camera can record under one rule, for example, if motion is detected in only one of the cameras, it could be itself or any of the others installed, but not more than one

There was a question I read from another reader that was looking for a feature of recording when motion is detected by any cameraS selected on the rule, for example to pick up the face and the back of someone approaching to the front door from the driveway, and been able to have both cameras start recording at the same time when EITHER OR BOTH detect motion,.

Add to that limitation that the camera likes to detect lateral motion and starts recording with a small delay, not when someone is approaching straight to it, loosing the starting of the event and the most important thing: the face, unless the subject starts to move laterally while the recording is being made.; set the motion recording time for a number of seconds that is below the length of the particular event and it can record the back of the subject rather than face.

Do not take me wrong, is a nice system when wiring is out of the question, but for the price I hope some improvements along these lines would eventually be considered with firmware updates.

Best Regards,

Actually Brian,

Reading carefully your question again, it can have another interpretation, and the answer could be YES, if all the cameras detect motion then all can be set to record simultaneously, if your question was toward a simultaneus recording ability of the system, not the camera.. Each camera can be set to record the image in front of them when motion is detected by one and any camera, and all can record at the same time.

Best Regards,

Rodolfo La Maestra

I wasn't expecting the system to record on all cameras if one or more cameras detected motion. I just want each individual camera to record if motion is detected for that specific camera. Previous Vuezone system does not allow that, only one recording per base station at a time.


Although, you guys make a good point that it would be a great feature if all cameras would record if one camera detected motion. This would be like my seperate alarm system inside my house, it would record on all my alarm's cameras if the alarm is triggered by any sensor whether or not there was motion detected. I had a couple of false alarms and confirmed that it worked that way.


Well, but the limitation is still that you can only have a maximum of four concurrent streams.


So, if you had five cameras up and they were all set and activated to record with motion, and there was motion sensed by all five cameras at the same time, only four of those cameras would record and transmit their footage to the servers.


How many cameras can one base station support? Having the ability for only four cameras record at one time is pretty lame. I know that the website says "Add up to 5 cameras for free, or as many as 15 cameras with our Elite subscription plan." But it doesn't say anywhere how many cameras are supported by a single base station. Such a poorly informative website.


One base station supports up to 15 cameras, but to use more than ten you need to subscribe to the Elite plan, to use more than five you need to (at least) subscribe to the Premier plan.


Being able to record from 4 cameras at one time out of a possible 15 is a terrible percentage. I hope they fix this.


Braindead88 wrote:

Being able to record from 4 cameras at one time out of a possible 15 is a terrible percentage. I hope they fix this.



Btw, I just chatted with Support and they confirmed this.


 Marry: Thank you for choosing NETGEAR.
 Marry: My name is Marry with Expert ID 46361. How may I assist you today?
 Me: Hi there, I have a question for the Arlo system.
 Marry: Yes and what is it?
 Me: I understand that there is a limit as to how many concurrent video streams can be recorded, namely four.
 Me: Is that limitation with all subscription plans or only the basic (free) plan.
 Marry: As I understand, you wanted to know how many cameras you can use for your service plan, is that correct?
 Me: No
 Me: I wanted to know how many concurrent video streams the system is capable of recording in each of the subscription plans.
 Marry: I see. Basically you can only stream 4 cameras at a time.
 Marry: This is also applicable for all service plans.
 Me: Ok, that's what I wanted to know. So, even if [I] had 10 cameras on a Premier plan, I still would only be able to record on four at the same time. Correct?
 Marry: Yes.



Guru Guru

One base station supports more camera than it can stream at one time.

The max streaming at one time is 4 cameras.


If you need 6 camera streaming at one time then add a second base unit!   Two base units will support 8 streaming cameras at a time.


It's a limitaion of the base for hi rez video over the total thru-put via the cable modem

Morse is faster than texting!

This is a vast improvement over my current Vuezone system (2 base stations and 6 cameras). However, I'm not buying the total thru-put via the cable modem explanation. What if you didn't need to record on high resolution? Would I be able to then "stream" more cameras if only at standard definition? Of course, I'm assuming you can change the resolution settings.

TomMac wrote:

One base station supports more camera than it can stream at one time.

The max streaming at one time is 4 cameras.


If you need 6 camera streaming at one time then add a second base unit!   Two base units will support 8 streaming cameras at a time.


It's a limitaion of the base for hi rez video over the total thru-put via the cable modem


Guru Guru

Braindead88 wrote:

 However, I'm not buying the total thru-put via the cable modem explanation. What if you didn't need to record on high resolution? Would I be able to then "stream" more cameras if only at standard definition? Of course, I'm assuming you can change the resolution settings.

" Buy it " it how you like...    The limit of 1 base is 4 cameras, thats it.  You can change rez... but, what you set it for only really effects battery life ( compression and transmit  vs current draw I assume ) ... I queried re max cameras and that the reply.

It was done prohibit degraded video transfer between the cameras and the base.


The only way around 4 cameras is to upgrade service and add more bases... either 2 bases streaming 8 of 10 OR  3 bases streaming 12 of 15.

Not bad in my book.


Morse is faster than texting!

TomMac wrote:

Braindead88 wrote:

 However, I'm not buying the total thru-put via the cable modem explanation. What if you didn't need to record on high resolution? Would I be able to then "stream" more cameras if only at standard definition? Of course, I'm assuming you can change the resolution settings.

" Buy it " it how you like...    The limit of 1 base is 4 cameras, thats it.  You can change rez... but, what you set it for only really effects battery life ( compression and transmit  vs current draw I assume ) ... I queried re max cameras and that the reply.

It was done prohibit degraded video transfer between the cameras and the base.


The only way around 4 cameras is to upgrade service and add more bases... either 2 bases streaming 8 of 10 OR  3 bases streaming 12 of 15.

Not bad in my book.


I'm not trying to beat a dead horse... I thought each base station could support 15 cameras (based on the Arlo website), of which only 4 can record sumultaneously. After reading more on the subscription plans, I'm not so sure.


The Basic Plan (free): 1 Base Station, up to 5 cameras, 1GB storage.

The Premier Plan (Paid): 1 Base Station, up to 10 cameras, 10GB storage.

The Elite Plan (Paid): Up to 3 Base Stations, up to 15 cameras, 100GB storage.


I think it is safe to say that 1 Base Station can support up to 10 cameras, of which only 4 can record simultaneously. 40% is a fail in my opinion. This forces customers to buy additional Base Stations if they want additional cameras to record simultaneously. perhaps they weren't expecting the need for this?


TomMac wrote:


The only way around 4 cameras is to upgrade service and add more bases... either 2 bases streaming 8 of 10 OR  3 bases streaming 12 of 15.

Not bad in my book.


Well, you can also get 10 cameras with two base stations without upgrading your plan, but instead have two basic (and cost-free) plans, or, of course 15 cameras with three base stations on three basic plans.


Of course, this adds an inconvenience by having to flip-flop between two (or three) accounts to monitor all your cameras and you won't have the ability to criss-cross motion event rules between all cameras, but only be limited to those within their group.


But at least you won't pay a subscription fee.

But the answer is yes. You just set up rules. I have a rule that says if motion is detected on cam "A" then record on cam "B". You can set up rules like this for each camera. Yes it takes some effort to set up but it will make each camera start when an you them detect motion.
Guru Guru

 I have a rule that says if motion is detected on cam "A" then record on cam "B". You can set up rules like this for each camera.

Making 3 rules using Cam 1 to detect motion and record Cam 2,3,4 then placing  all rules into MODE ... OK guess ur right.




The orig thread question was "Does Arlo address the Vuezone issue of simultaneous recordings (see link below)? ."


And Arlo does... Arlo allows 4 streaming/recording cameras at the same time only per base.

Morse is faster than texting!
Can you not set up an additional rule for each camera?
rule 1: cam a detect motion rec cam b
rule 2: cam a detect motion rec cam c
rule 3: cam a detect motion rec cam d

Guru Guru

you beat me... I was editing as you were right ( after the light went off in my head )


( but making what, 12 rules total , if motion in b records a,c,d ... etc ) wondering if it would work in the mode with 16 rules

Morse is faster than texting!