Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras


I restarted it because one of the cameras would not connect. The base station shows a solid amber light. I reset my router and Arlo multiple times. Any more ideas why it won't connect? Thanks

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Contacted arlo ( at last ) said they are aware of the issue , dont know the cause and therefore no estimate of restoration time

They are aware of the issue, yet they can't post something or at least mass email all owners... that is absolute crap. And they can't even give a restoration time, that is a joke. I feel for people just buying a unit, and getting it home and they have this trouble straight off the bat.....


Get your **bleep** together ARLO, this is really unacceptable


Rocky-1 wrote:
Contacted arlo ( at last ) said they are aware of the issue , dont know the cause and therefore no estimate of restoration time

In otherwords, they f&@&ed something up on their servers and don't want to admit fault. 

Can I have their contact details? As they seem to be very obscure as I wish to return my item for a full refund as it is not able to perform as advertised


I wouldn't mind their contact details either, want to tell them what i think of their product, seeming nobody wants to answer at tech support and NOBODY seems to be monitoring the forums or letting us know what the hell is going on




Ports 443 and 80 are not open on Internode and I can guess iinet is the same. Could they have recently closed these ports, well I wouldn't be able to find out as the people that answer the phone couldn't tell you. 

Going to try the base station on a different ISP and report back. 


Those ports are open on my isp,iinet..... and my system was working fine till this morning..... and after checking with iinet and my system, those ports are still open

Over last few days, I lost power to my house several times due to storms and the Arlo system as a result. For two of the times when power restored, Arlo came back online fine for the first time and I only had to resync two of my six cameras that had gone offline on the second time. Today on the third occasion of power going out though, the base internet light turned amber and all attempts to fix were futile. I don't know if this problem is because of a power surge from the storms or some other unknown software issue that everyone else is having. I tried to unplug everything and plug back in, hit reset pinhole button, troubleshoot my wifi router or swap with another, deactivate base station via the Arlo app, and many other things for several hours in hopes of a resolution. No such luck. Doing research online, found this forum and read what netgear moderator JennC had typed. After my blood pressure had finally come back down due to earlier frustration, I tried her suggestion of pressing pinhole reset button AND the sync button on the side at the same time. The 5 lights did light up amber and all began blinking. I kept the two buttons depressed even longer until they all went solid amber. When they did become solid and I released the buttons, SUCCESS!! Green lights for power and internet. I added the base station again and the Arlo app had me do an update on the App Store for newer version. Now all I have to do is add the cameras again, but that will be easy compared to the earlier headache. Hope this helps others.

So everytime you have a power failure you have to reset the base station and add all your devices back in?

After reading all these other posts way before mine, it clearly must have been an Arlo software problem and not the power. Wasn't issue in past with power going out. I'm pretty sure it is because I deactivated the base station while troubleshooting that I have to add cameras again. Not sure if I would have had to also had I not and just did the two button reset.

Where i am, we have had no power failures or anything where the power has cut out of late. My Camera system went down around 7am this morning, and nothing i do can get it to work. Even went and bought a new base station, and to no surprise, it doesn[t work either, they just won't connect to the internet.


Some members on another thread have commented that the problem is on ARLOs end as somebody managed to chat to arlo staff earlier today.


If you got yours working though, you are one of the few that can as there seems to be ALOT of people in the same situation

So yours will still not work by pressing the sync button & pinhole reset button at same time until all lights go solid?

nope, it resets but still comes up with the orange internet light. and the new unit i bought today, just to see if it was the base station, did exactly the same thing.....


My internet hasn't changed, nothing was plugged in or removed, no settings were changed, its just arlo, something is going on on there end

I'm just thankful got mine to work. There was a Peeping Tom looking in my next door neighbors home two nights ago. He was caught by police, but really freaked my kids out. With the Arlo system, I assured them we would know if someone was looking in our windows. Then of course the base station went to crap this morning.
Definitely! Sorry to hear and hope gets fixed soon for you.

**bleep**, wish mine would just work..... seems to be a widespread problem though... whatever is going on

OK it works on a Telstra connection. I've turned off the ISP firewall internode provide which does block ports so I'm guessing they did something in the past few days
When I did reset I mentioned, internet reconnected that time and I was able to reinstall base station on arlo app. I haven't had time to do cameras, but the weren't issue and I'm sure they will work.

Update. It has to be ISP related. This thing works fine on a Telsta connection yet Internode (whom is onwed by iiNet) seems to just not want to play ball. 

As much as I would like blood from Netgear this isn't their fault, and well good luck getting your ISP to fix it.



I have disabled port blocking in the iiNet toolbox and reset my connection but still no good. Have posted on the Whirlpool iiNet forum too, their staff usually monitor this so maybe someone with a tiny bit of knowledge might actually respond rather than the call centre people.


Same and no luck.. That said it was working fine a few days ago so unless they recently blocked a few extra ports. Me thinks its a routing issue, woudln't be able to speak to the people that could fix this on customer support anyway. 

Oh well if they don't resolve the issue in a few days I will just move ISP. 


I also did the same thing with the port blocking setting on iinet. It was working fine up till this morning, and when i spoke to iinet earlier today, there has apparently been no additional updates or mods done on any lines or additional port blocking.


Someone posted earlier that they had spoken to someone and netgear said they were aware of a problem..... no settings at all have been changed on my end, and it was working perfect.....


I have submitted for support from netgear, but still waiting to hear anything.... its kind of a joke if you ask me no matter whose fault it is


spent all night playing around trying to get base station to connect, still no luck, tried different browsers,cables, reset after reset, my modem interface does recognise the base station as Active with Mac address as per bottom of base station,

This is a new base, i cant even get the Arlo website to recognise the Base station, something is locked out,just hope Netgear can fix it soon, very frustrating not knowing what the cause is.

I have just bought a kit and was excited to be setting it up tonight, expecting to have the cameras recording within no time... That excitement quickly turned to frustration as the "easy setup" proved to be anything but easy!
Setup of the base unit straight out of box failed (Amber network light as per all the emails in this thread), so the cameras haven't even been removed from their snug packaging!
After hours of frustration I finally found this thread and realised all my attempts were pointless. I am also with Internode but who knows if that is relevant.
Now I have to decide whether to put it all back in the box and return it, or to hold out for a resolution...

Not a very good intro to a product which promised so much!


Having the same issue with solid amber on internet light even after the reboot + reset steps suggested here. All other devices have internet connection except Arlo.


This was a gift for my brother and he is using iiNet as well using BoBlite router. Took the same base station back home and it connected straight away. I'm with TPG so it must have something to do with either the router or the port blocking on iiNet.





Yes I am beginning to think it's iiNet, so I am moving my services to another ISp. I also tried all the steps to reset and god knows what else with no luck. I have made sure port blocking on my modem is turned off, which it is and still no luck. So I'm done with rubbish iiNet, and going to a better known carrier, Telstra.

If Argo doesn't work on Telstra when it's put in ill be returning my products promptly for a refund though.

Also, my Argo worked perfectly fine till I looked at it at 7am yesterday morning. So I don't know what someone did, whether it be arlo or iiNet, but whatever is is they have screwed a lot of people around