Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Base station will not connect to internet


I restarted it because one of the cameras would not connect. The base station shows a solid amber light. I reset my router and Arlo multiple times. Any more ideas why it won't connect? Thanks

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Mine has never connected out of the box. The internet light stays amber the entire time. Tried a few different cables, different ports, reset the router via the little reset button and a host of other things but nothing has worked. I even took it to work in case my network was blocking it for some reason (course it never hit my DHCP or tried to go out through my router). I am boxing mine back up and sending in for a refund. It is probably too early in the production runs to buy one of these.

I've had the same issue. I opened a case with them and they are suppose to contact me sometime tomorrow. 😞
Very disappointing...I've been anxiously awaiting it. I have Uverse and am curious if it's related to that. Do you guys have Uverse too? Wonder if that is the common issue?

Mine worked out of the box - then eventually had the same thing happen to the base station not connecting showing solid amber light.  I pressed the small reset button on back of the base station and got it to connect again.  Have you tried resetting? (not cycling power - pressing the tiny reset button)


I have Comcast at home and we have a large data line throuth XO at my workplace. Neither locations would sync Netgear base station with the internet. I don't think at least in my case it has anything to do with the ISP.


Tried pushing the reset button while on and holding it in while powering on, neither worked for me. 

Yeah they had me try resetting it twice...changing out the Ethernet cable....trying a different port.....and etc. Nothing has worked so far.

Is anyone looking into this, several of the comments here are the same as mine, the BASE Station is not working. It connected to green for a few minutes and then went back to yellow.


Please help!!!




Hey all, I fixed mine, use a push pin or a paper clip to rest it from the rear and then restart the entire base and switch out the ethernet cable. That did it for mine.



Arlo Employee Retired

@Snakes01 - Yes, we are looking into this issue but are unable to replicate this in-house. We hope to get a better understanding of this issue and why it is affecting some users but not all.


When you did a factory reset did you also hold down the sync button while doing a factory reset? Can someone who's system is still not working try this and let me know if this resolves the issue? If doing a factory reset does not resolve the issue can someone provide a serial number so we can investigate the logs specific to that device. This will greatly improve our ability to pin point the root cause of this issue more quickly.


Thank you one and all for your valuable contributions!


Best Regards,



NETGEAR - Arlo Technical Support



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I just did the reset with sync down, waited for green light to go out ( all lights blinked amber ) then the power light went amber for 1 minute then back to green but No other lights are on

Arlo Employee Retired

@trustnohole - I've just received information that the issue should now be resolved after a change to the back-end. Can you confirm this is the case? You may need to power cycle the base station.


Looking forward to your next update!


Thank you so much for your patience and understanding while we work through this issue!!


Best regards,



Arlo Team

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Holding the sync and reset buttons worked for me. The unit was powered on, connected to the network and I held both buttons until all the lights on the front blinked amber. Then it started to boot as normal with the power light going from amber to green then the internet light going from amber to green.


I am now moving onto the registration phase.


I see that it worked for Cameron and it might have worked for me but I have no internet signal on the base station now

Arlo Employee Retired
@trustnohole - you have tried a reset and still no internet light whatsoever?

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That is correct,i changed out cabels as well. No internet light


I am going thru an extender is that a problem?


Arlo Employee Retired

@trustnohole - Possibly, can you temporarily plug the base station directly into the router. The base station gets an IP address from the DHCP server which is typically handled by the router. An extenter may work once the system is set up however, for best results we recommend the base station be connected directly to the router.


Please try plugging the base station into the router and let me know if the base station internet light remains off.


Thank you,


Arlo Team

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Hi guys, mine is working now. I sent an email earlier to let you all know that the reset while pressing the sync button worked for me, but it looks like it didn't go through. Hopefully, that will get everyone going again. The picture and all are much better than I expected. I'm excited to have it up and going. Thanks for the help! I'd still be sitting around disappointed. I'm crossing my fingers that it stays up without having to reset it all the time. Good luck!

I spoke to tech support but two agents could not help and escalated the case. I got frustrated and turned it all off and printed out a return slip from Amazon. I tried it one last time and it connected to the internet. Its working now but I'm afraid to touch it or turn it off becuase it might not connect again. Could it be that the wireless router interferes with it because the base station is also wireless?


I just tried the router, reset, changed cabels.. Nothing, no internet light. Im pretty irritated right now. Im 5 hours into a "Easy set up "

Arlo Employee Retired

Hello galevelasco,


I am glad to hear your system is now working after one more try. We are dedicated to resolving any issue that is reported as quickly as possible and apoligize for any inconvenience this issue has caused. We do not anticipate any further connectivity issues after the recent changes. 


We expect the Arlo base station to be in close proximity to the router and can confirm this is not likely causing any interference. If for some reason you do experience unexpected behavior again please let us know and we will expedite the issue to our development team for further investigation.


Thank you for choosing Arlo!



Arlo Team

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So what do I do about my issue

Arlo Employee Retired

Hello Trustnohole,


Did you get my private message? I am hoping to working with you directly in hopes of troubleshooting via the telephone as we haven't had any other reports of the internet light being completely off.


Have you contacted our support team? If so, do you have a case # I can reference?


I look forward to working with you at your earliest convenience.


Best Regards,




Arlo Team

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My Base Station IS connected to the internet.  The internet LED is steady green yet the software continues to go from getting status from a camera to "your base station is not connected to the internet" even though the base stations LED remains steady green.  I've tried the reset with the sync button down and tried changing cables and still no joy.  


This is feeling like a product released way before its ready for consumers.  I'm very tech capable (network engineer) and this product flat out does not work as it should.


I deactived my base station on my first account, created an entirely new account and went through the new registeration to get my base station to come back online. I also put the base station IP into a DMZ just to be sure but that didn't seem to matter. Course I still cannot view my cameras from the web app at any location but for some reason the Android app is working fine.