Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras


I restarted it because one of the cameras would not connect. The base station shows a solid amber light. I reset my router and Arlo multiple times. Any more ideas why it won't connect? Thanks

429 REPLIES 429

Obviously arlo system is still having major issues.  Unbelievable!  All of my gear is less than a month old and it has been nothing but issues since day 1 and it's all b/c of the backend issues.  All support does is spew out the generic response they have asking to power cycle everything, port 80/443, blah, blah, blah.  Ok, let me try again, maybe this time on the 1000th cycle and check of ports being opened it will miraculously work!


So strange ! I reset the Arlo station. Connected to my box operator. It worked fine. I disconnected it, and connected to my network (behind firewall with 80 and 443 TCP ports opened). and i lost the Arlo station ! What does happen to this system ?????

Guru Guru

mickael_rd wrote:

So strange ! I reset the Arlo station. Connected to my box operator. It worked fine. I disconnected it, and connected to my network (behind firewall with 80 and 443 TCP ports opened). and i lost the Arlo station ! What does happen to this system ?????

Where are you? It appears to be out of the US and various folks have reported issues with certain devices. The one other thing that occasionally has to be opened is port 123 (NTP) to the Arlo servers. Apparently the base uses Arlo's time server.


Hey ! Thanks for your reply ! I'm from France. I open the NTP port 123 UDP but the Arlo station still doesn't have internet connection.... 😞 and still offline in the Arlo web site.




So, when i disable all firewall's rules, the arlo station connect to the internet..... Which ports need to be opened ??? TCP 443 / 80 et UDP 123 and which one ?


Guru Guru

I can't say for sure whether UDP or TCP ports need to be opened for any of them. I'd set both to all 3 ports and work backwards from there. An option would be to specify for these ports.


On my unit if you hold the reset button and the sync button the unit will not reset. I waited for it to reset ( orange lights) and then hold the sync button.

My serial number is 48935B7PA1942

Using Comcast for high speed internet.





Joe Sudol


Guru Guru

That's because the reset procedure with the latest firmware is to simply use the reset button and leave the sync button alone.  If you need to reset, press the reset button until the front LEDs flash amber.  That's it.


Base station lost connection to the Web a few days ago and have not been able to re-establish connection. Tried factory reset with no success. Also tried factory reset with synch button pushed, but no success. In fact, I could not get the amber lights to come on when I pressed the reset and synch button together for over 15 seconds. When I press the reset button by itself, I do get the all the amber lights. After a short while, the power green light comes on, but not the Web light.


Serial No. 4893567GA1817

Guru Guru

Sounds like a trouble ticket is needed for a possible RMA.  In the meantime, have you changed the Ethernet cable with a known good one as well as the port on your router?  Does the router port itself show that the base is connected via its LEDs?  Does the router show an IP address for the base?


Has this ever been resolved? Spent all day trying to connect. They"ll be heading back to Best Buy soon if not. 

Guru Guru

fieldsmr wrote:

Has this ever been resolved? Spent all day trying to connect. They"ll be heading back to Best Buy soon if not. 



Ports open. Connected to a Netgear wireless router (also tried connecting to Comcast router/modem) when trying to contect base station it say "Discovering your device" but nothing happens.

Guru Guru

More details are needed.  Are you using the app?  If so, you MUST be on WiFi on the same network as the router and base.  Try using a computer browser - same thing?  If still no-go, try a factory reset by using the reset button until the front LEDs flash amber. Try again - what are the results?


Help I have the same issue will not recognise the base but both light are on.

Guru Guru

Are the LEDs green? If so, are you using the app? If so, the phone must be on WiFi using the same network that the base is on.


You might want to try a computer for initial setup.


I eventually contacted Comcast and had them run diagnostics on the cable modem. Turns out the cable modem had an internal fault that prevented signal distribution to the LAN ports. Comcast replaced the modem and the base station connected successfully.




Cameron wrote:

Holding the sync and reset buttons worked for me. The unit was powered on, connected to the network and I held both buttons until all the lights on the front blinked amber. Then it started to boot as normal with the power light going from amber to green then the internet light going from amber to green.


I am now moving onto the registration phase.

Holding sync & reset button with pin did not work for me, pinning reset button alone did get reset function, 2 green lights, but base station still not shown as 0 connected in subscription.

Guru Guru

Not sure where you got stuck.  Did you previously have the base in your account?  If so, remove it in Settings and use the Add Device button in the Cameras tab to attempt to add it back in.  If you're still in the initial setup phase, I'd suggest using a computer to remove possible app issues (sometimes it's just easier).  If using a phone, make sure you're using WiFi connected to your own network before trying to set things up.  Once set up, it makes no difference.


Dear Sir,

I triedy every suggestion in the book but it doesnot connect to interent.

1. allocated a static IP address to the router

2. opened 443 and 80 ports

3. enabled DMZ for the Arlo base station

4. I factroy rest the Base station 

The Who's on my WIFI shows the Base station's MAC address, but the interent light remasn amber.


Can you write a better manual which covers most situations, so that people get it in first attempt.

I am not able to go from Amber to green yet.


Guru Guru

Create a trouble ticket.  Maybe you have bad hardware that needs to be replaced.  If still within the store's return policy, exchange the system for another.

Every time mine goes off line I have to delete everything and re sync ( basically set everything up like I just bought it, this system is junk as far as I can see, totally unreliable wish I would have kept the box etc and I would take it back, $ 564 down the tube.
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When your system "goes offline" are you seeing an error message stating that it is offline or is the internet LED on the base station amber? What are you seeing that is indicating it is offline? 


When this happens have you tried just rebooting your modem/router/base station instead of removing everything and going through the whole process again?




I need some help please.  I've read all the comments and tried every option and my base will still not connect to the internet.  The only light that comes on is the power light.  No other lights are on.

Guru Guru

There's 3 possibilities:


1) bad cable

2) bad port on the router

3) bad port on the base


If those 3 things were good, you'd at least get an amber LED for Internet.  If you've swapped cables and ports, your next step is to swap the system for a different one if within the store's return policy or create a trouble ticket for possible RMA.


One quick question, though - have you factory reset the base using the reset button on the back?  If not, press it until the LEDs flash amber, wait for the power and Internet LEDs to turn green (a minute or two).