Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Arlo lag time problem

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Saw all the previous posts but most are old. Is there still no solution to the long record delay. My base and router are within 3 feet of the camera and at 100 I still miss the person entering my front door? Don't get it. Please help.
Master Master

The camera's motion detectors are most sensitive with motion across the field of view as opposed to head on.

Try and reposition the camera such that anyone approaching the front door is walking across the field of view as opposed to directly towards the camera. 

For good measure, you could remove and refit the batteries to reset the camera, it will then resync with the base.


A solution I use is to set a cam (call it cam A) further down the walk from the door which has Cam B.

Then set rules that say cam A starts recording when cam A detects motion

                                      cam B starts recording when cam B detects motion

                                      cam B starts recording when cam A detects motion


set both to record for 120 sec.  You should record more of the action this way.

I get the same problem. Someone coming over in through my front door is in, down the hall and past the camera before the recording starts.
Guru Guru

If pioned so motion is directly at the camera, that may well happen. All PIR sensors work best with motion across the FOV. Post a screenshot for suggestions.


I've tried that before and it actually makes the lag worse on BOTH I used one camera to just detect and not record and trigger the second. Sounds good in theory, but that makes the lag nearly double on the recording camera.

Guru Guru

Post screenshots of the cameras' views for suggestions.


Here is the example. This camera is mounted on the outside driver mirror on my truck, looking backwards along the truck. This camera was triggered by a second camera that is looking at the road about 20 feet in front of the truck.

See those tiny little tail lights in the distance of the car that drove past?

This is the first frame of the video. It is useless to create a mode like that. If i use the Truck Camera as recording AND Trigger, then the passing vehicles are caught MUCH sooner and are usually JUST past the truck when the recording starts. In this example the passing car was already 300 feet down the road! That is useless and does not work as intended!

I have another trigger camera looking BEHIND the truck and it's the same problem. If I use the Truck Cam as trigger and recording, it just catches the tail lights of the passing car before it is out of sight. 

What I WANTED to do is to trigger the Truck Cam by the camera BEHIND the truck so that I have full view of the passing vehicle while it approaches the Truck Cam's view. This is NOT possible, and I can repeat it at will.

Screenshot 2018-02-04 at 7.54.01 PM.png
Guru Guru

Since you're triggering the truck camera with another, we need to see what the triggering camera sees. That view is what determines how the camera should be positioned.


This is the trigger camera. It looks to the left (behind) of the truck. On it's own it captures vehicles nicely going down the road from either the left or the right.

Guru Guru

Interesting. I would have suggested the distance to the road as being the issue but if it works by itself, it should work with the nested rule. Maybe removing the truck camera from Settings, My Devices and resyncing may help (be sure to readd the appropriate rules afterwards) or possibly a new mode to see if that helps.


Resyncing the Truck Cam is probably not gonna help, as I tried this with the left camera getting triggered from the one on the right and vice versa with the same result.

What happens here is pretty simple: The Arlo HD cams are known to be slow responders with lagging for several seconds until they get into gear. Now add to it for one handing it over to the other is gonna double it of course. Then take cars going by at 20-25mph and the whole setup is useless. The Arlo HD system is too slow to catch anything that is moving faster than a turtle. If had known that the Pro cameras don't have that problem for unknown reasons, I wouldn't have spent the money on the regular cams and would have bought those instead, but it's too late now. Not gonna swap everything. It would be 5 cameras, and that's unreasonable.

I have also noticed that the lag is inconsistent, which makes me believe that this must be Arlo sever related. My 50mbps connection cannot be at fault. The cameras don't go off at all at times even though there is no apparent reason. Then a few minutes later it works again. What ALWAYS works flawless is either little bugs setting them off or sunshine from the back with shadows from buildings in the field of view or trees waving in the wind about 100 feet away. There is days I have to dial the sensitivity down to 50% just because of that and no moving objects around other than that and they go off like machine guns. But often not when it matters.

I have the cam on the truck to catch vandals that have stabbed my tires before, but I am not confident if they ever come back and they will be caught on camera. 

I’m a technician and have some knowledge . I have troubleshot all possible causes of lag that can be user resolved and it is not about the users equipment installed wrong or reasonable interference . I believe this is either a hardware failure or lack of proper signal pick up or firmware issue. I have full signal between all cameras and base and still the lag is between 15 to 30 seconds!!!
It never did this in the beginning of purchase and suddenly started a few weeks ago . NETGEAR fix your **bleep** or you will never get another dime of my money and lose a customer for ever .and I purchase all kinds of netgear interfaces for servicing computers and networks .
I’m pretty disappointed with this so I hope developers are working on this or just claiming they are. Since this has been an issue for some time I wonder .

I just setup my second Arlo system.  Brand new system and carmera is 5' from base station.  Still at least a few second delay and it about makes the system worthless for my application.  Going to see if I can return it and sounds like the pro has fixed this defect.

Arlo pro2 wifi wireless 5 camera system

Streaming video Time lag/delay is frustrating.... great mic though
Changed to 100 mbps network but problem continues.... person is already inside by time camera triggers and hence missing out on capturing face details

Other than this, all else is good in arlo pro2 5 camera wifi. Wireless

Last try is for use of wired supply to wireless cameras and try find a fix for prior 3 -5 second video recording
Guru Guru

It may be as "simple" as repositioning the camera so the motion is across the FOV and the camera is set closer to the area of interest. Post a screenshot or a link to a video for suggestions.