Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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Cant turn off notifications on all ultra cameras .. even tho they are unticked in setting i still keep getting notifications ...
restarted cameras and asme thing ! Started this morning

I take my words back, i still have wrong notifications, once again arlo get your shi* togetther and fix this essential issue right now.
Getting false motion alerts.
Have smart notifications set for only people. Getting alerts for motion. No cloud recordings, but as it should, base station recordings confirms rabbits or cats are the trigger.
I am having similar problems as described in this thread. All firmware is up to date. I even reset the Hub and started from scratch to reestablish all Hub and Camera connections, as well as recreating custom Modes. Nothing I do on my end is addressing the problem, so I just opened the following incident (case number) with Arlo Support, via live phone call, where they collected a lot of information to help analyze the problem.

Case Number: 41747562

And now I wait....

Arlo @ JamesC please update us.


Used the Arlo website (logged into my profile, via My Arlo) to update my MODE settings.

1) Go into each "Custom mode"
2) Edit each device
3) Scroll down to the Push Notification and Send Email Alert section
4) Deselect the checkmarks
5) DELETE your email address by selecting the "X"
6) Save

For each camera... my email address was present, but both checkboxes were unchecked. It was still sending me a Push Notification each time motion was detected. However, after removing my email address, I am no longer getting the notifications.

I also have Custom modes where I want the notification sent to me and it is working as expected.

I'll keep monitoring, but this appears to be an Arlo problem with their code!!! For certain camera types, if it sees an email address listed for that camera and both checkboxes are unchecked, it reverts to sending a Push Notification when motion is detected.

Note: The problem was constant for my Utra's but not with my Pro 2's. My Pro 2's never sent erroneous notifications.

Sadly, this didn't work for me. Under "How would you like to be notified", I disabled Push Notification and Send email alert. Now I'm not receiving any alerts even though Smart Notifications are enabled (I tested by walking past one of my cameras. Yes, it saved the video to the cloud and classified it as "Person", but I received no alert on my phone).


It appeared to be working as expected for about an hour and now the Push Notifications are being sent to me as I walk around my home, triggering the motion sensors... and I want them to be triggered so they record all motion related activity.

This is absolutely ridiculous. Spent over $1,700 for my entire Arlo security setup, plus the monthly service fee, and the basic functionality isn't working as expected.

Come on Arlo, this is extremely frustrating for us and shouldn't be that difficult to resolve.

I've been having the same issue the last several days, and perhaps longer since I only recently re-enabled notifications on the app for 2-factor support. I recall disabling push notifications from my phone for this very reason, and it's troubling to see that server backend issues continue to cause this sort of problem.



I was able to get the "vehicle" notifications to stop. I went into device settings of the camera that was sending the notifications, turned the camera off in the app, then went back and went into all settings and clicked on subscription, then clicked on Manage Cameras and removed the camera that was causing problems from the smart plan. I then closed down the whole app and re-opened it, went back into subscriptions, re-added the camera to the smart plan, turned it back on in the camera settings menu in the app and then immediately went and turned off all notifications except "people". It stopped the annoying vehicle notifications but I still get motion notifications. One step closer I suppose. 


I have a similar problem. For example I’m receiving constant notifications from an Arlo Ultra camera with no current subscription in place (ran out two days ago). Before the subscription expired, the camera did not behave in this random manner. Unfortunately the only way to stop the notifications is to mute them for a period of time. This is problematic as it means my Arlo video doorbell (with subscription) does not send notifications:(


Interesting things to note:

1. When logging in via My Arlo website in Mode —> Armed —> Edit Rule (for problematic camera)—> ‘How would you like to be notified?’, you must select either ‘Push notifications’, ‘Send email alert’ or both those options before the ‘Save’ button will appear. This is when the following is selected: ‘If following’ [Name of camera] —> Motion is detected (note sensitivity level is purposely set low on 3), ‘Then do the following’ —>Do Nothing.


2. When logging in via My Arlo website (version 2.17.0_4) in Settings —> Smart Notifications, the problematic camera does not appear in either ‘Active Cameras’ or ‘Inactive Cameras’.


3. When logging in via iPad or iPhone app (version 2.17 (441)) in Settings —> Smart Notifications, the problematic camera appears in the ‘Active Camera’s area along with the video doorbell. No cameras are displayed in the ‘Inactive Cameras’. If you try to edit ‘Manage Arlo Smart’ and move the problematic camera to the ‘Inactive Cameras’ and push ‘Save’, the following error message comes up “User not enrolled in plan or Smart feature not enabled on requested device”.


When will you provide a fix Arlo?



JessicaP, 18 days have passed without update or fix. What is going on? 


JamesC, 14 days have passed without update or fix. What is going on? 

@james c what is going on. Why is there zero communication? Give us an eta for the problems to be solved
Arlo Employee Retired

This issue should be fixed now but the development team will keep monitoring this issue. Please monitor your Smart notifications and let us know if you're still experiencing this issue.


Not sure when it was fixed but today I have not received  "motion" notifications today but were starting around the 16 that I noticed. Hope didn't post to soon. 


So far, I have been getting the correct notifications, that match my smart-notification settings.


I am guessing that something was fixed on the server-side backend. 😅


Arlo Ultra appears to be working well as of 19th June 2020.


Not perfect, but better with smart notifications, activity zones and other issues.


Please don't mess it up again, I can't believe it took so many weeks/months to fix.


Thanks all the same!


Hi @JessicaP it has been working very well for me too.  But if you don't mind can you read all below as well @JamesC @ShayneS 


Although (and if you don't mind) can you tell us why this keeps happening?


IE the system works fine for a set period of time, then activity zones stop working, or smart notifications go all out of whack, or no recordings to the library, etc etc.


Is there anything Arlo is doing to be more sensitive to their customers?  Is there something Arlo can start doing to be more proactive?  If I search this forum, for at least the last three years Arlo employees, are posting the same messages that the Arlo engineers/developers are fixing all these features.  It's ongoing issue for us that have temporary fixes.


I want to love the system but it takes so much cradling and a close eye to make sure it is up and running properly.  I have a smart thermostat, smart locks, smart outlets, smart. bulbs, etc but this is my only system in the house I have to keep a constant and vigilant eye on.


Does Arlo understand their equipment is at the highest price point for their hardware and require subscriptions to get all their features to work too.  There are other competitors (which I won't use names) that have very similar hardware, no subscriptions with same features, a lot lower price points, and nowhere near the issues, and if there is an issue it gets fixed in days not weeks or month.  Never once have I seen a formal Arlo email to apologize to its paying customers or offer money back from monthly subscriptions for the weeks it did not work.


I truly want to love Arlo, and I love the 4K cameras but please help us get the system to a more reliable state.


Thank you!


I totally aggree on this, never heard any thing about what arlo will do for this not to happen again? I think there might be som e staff issues behind the scenes since there is no communication from james? He is communitymanager and is not respondibg to big issues or are explaining anything. Everyone make mistakes, but you aleays have a rollback plan when tou deploy new features, otherwise you are not in business for long. And soon arlo will reatch this point if nothing positive is done to customer satisfaction.

I believe the push notifications are working correctly now for ultra.

But, as of last night and this morning, my lights have been affected differently.

The three security lights only alert to motion on “hub name”, not the individual light name....

I have two hubs and 6 lights, when motion is sensed, it notifies me as to which hub received it only.

Can this be looked into now? This has only been happening since the ultra issue has been resolved.
You should open a new discussion for your issue. That way it can be tracked with a separate ticket number.

Same, since the Arlo Ultra ‘notification fix’, I’m now receiving notifications from my ‘hub name’ (e.g. Motion detected on [name of hub]) rather than the individual camera.  By the way I already did two hard resets on the hub and disconnected both Ultra cameras and re-synced. What is going on Arlo?


Indeed for now notifications seem to be working as they should. 


Hi @ArnieLittle 


I noticed that I am also receiving motion notifications from my base station as well just since the Ultra camera notifications firmware update.


Mine work fine now on pro3 since the cloud fix Friday. The hub notification described by arnieLittle is weird though.