Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

Motion alerts send push notifications even when turned off

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For roughly a month now, my system has been sending push notifications for general motion alerts, despite this being ticked off on all cameras on my system in the smart alert section. The motion detection has also been extremely inaccurate, and things that seem to be quite obviously easily detectable as an animal, vehicle, or person are flagging as general motion and pushing notifications that do not have animated previews. This is related to my previous post, and though removing all devices from my account and re-adding them seemed to help for a brief while, the problem continues to persist. Cameras are a combination of two Arlo pro 2 and 2 Arlo pro 3
I am still having this issue. I can’t even use my cameras anymore they alert to everything sound and video

Unfortunately, it seems like the fix was done entirely on the back-end. ShayneSgot information about the model/serial number of all my equipment and got back to me later asking if it was fixed. I had stopped paying any attention to my cameras in the mean-while and by the time he asked, it had started functioning normally again. Sorry I can't be of more help

How do I set all of my notifications back to the way it was before March 23? I have had nothing but problems ever since March 23, 2022. It keeps sending me notifications for everything, the wind even though the audio is off.

I’ve owned this doorbell for approximately 2 years now, and subscribed to the Arlo Secure plan most of that time but the notifications have just about never worked right. My home looks out over a busy street, so I made a very small Activity Area and set Smart Notifications to People only. Despite this I get constant notifications to every car and bus going by, way outside of the Activity Area. I’ve contacted support multiple times, and they always have me reset the doorbell — but it’s not the doorbell that’s the problem, it’s the Arlo Secure servers that ignore all my notification settings. 

So I’ve canceled my Secure plan yet again, and have pretty much given up on it. I really don’t understand why Arlo can’t get this right. After all, it tags the captures correctly (usually “Motion”), that’s the hard part. Why can’t it see that I have alerts set to “People”?

Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator

Do you have all other motion set as well? 


No, only Person.  


I've checked these settings so many times.  I've tried turning everything on and then turning them off, in case that could reset it somehow.


I’ve got all notifications turned off in the smart notifications area of settings and that has worked well for a few weeks since I got the doorbell. And suddenly, starting yesterday I’m getting incessant motion alerts. In searching online I see this is a common problem and has been for several years. What’s the best solution?

Guru Guru

@spiralism wrote:
suddenly, starting yesterday I’m getting incessant motion alerts.

Are you still seeing this?


Yes I am. Still getting motion alerts even though they are turned off.

Guru Guru

@spiralism wrote:

Yes I am. Still getting motion alerts even though they are turned off.

Ok.  I was asking, because there appears to have been a problem earlier this week with this.


FWIW, one option is to create a custom mode that has push and email notifications turned off (instead of using the smart notification filtering).

Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator

Do you have activity zones enabled? 


I do not.


Similar issue was reported last week in this thread .  That thread appears to have been locked and I can't reply any more.  Arlo made change in their backend which improved things, the root cause appears to be related to motion being detected outside of Activity Zones.


The issue is significantly improved since when it first started last week, but still seeing a handful of these phantom notifications each day for the past few days.


this is happening for me only on my new pro 4 connected with WIFI. won't stop

Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator

Hey @JimiW


May I ask which troubleshooting steps you have performed so far? I don't want to suggest anything you have previously performed.


Hey Shayne,


thanks for the reply. seems I was able to sort it by going into smart notifications and turning off everything but "person". very strange fix but it seems to have stopped now, not sure why as notifications were meant to be off regardless. However now I have an even worse problem haha in that the Pro 4 only simply won't show anything at night its almost completely black. I use night vision only I haven't tested it with spotlight but there was a Pro 3 there before that I swapped out because the range wasn't greatest hence putting a WIFI version there. It's fine during the day so I don't see how it could have anything to do with WIFI and the signal to it there is strong there's a AP close by. Just wondering if this is a known issue or if there any any steps I could try? I've never had this happen with any of the non wifi ones, its odd.



Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator



If you already tried removing and reinserting the battery, removing/re-onbaord to your app, switch off NV and switch back on, it may be a faulty camera and I would reach out to support for a replacement if you are under warranty. 


Hey Shayne,


I think I have done all those but I'll do it again, it was only bought a few weeks ago so it should be well within warranty 🙂 As you know, I haven't had heaps of luck with support and am actually waiting on another camera to be replaced - case number 43089312 so I don't know if its easier to just contact the seller or will they need to take it back and send it to Arlo before replacing anyway rather than as you guys do send out the new one with a bag for the return - this is one thing I do like about your support, apart from the fact they always seem to be out of stock and there is a wait of several weeks for replacements.


Really not having much luck with the Arlo system, especially this year, I'm trying to remain patient with it all but it's really starting to get frustrating as I've been in the eco system for 4-5 years now with so many dramas but I'm up to 11 cameras and 2 base stations now so I'm basically stuck and locked in with no choice until its completely outdated and I have to just purchase a whole new system. Not your personal fault of course but it's really gotten to the point where I want to give up especially with the extremely frustrating support that is offered that is seemingly entirely consisted of a Level 1 support team - the support on here is 10x better than the dedicated Arlo Support - full credit to you and the others on here, you should be running the whole Arlo support department worldwide!


Thanks again for all your help

Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator

Thank you for the feedback, we just try to help as best we can. I can look in to the replacement to see if the camera is back in stock. If you purchased the camera from a retailer recently, it may be faster to run in and exchange if they have them in store. 

I’m still getting notifications with my arlo floodlight 3.
Avery bring is turned on and my others camera are doing fine.
Everything was fine until a month ago
Any help ?
Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator

Hi @Gabius


Can you provide more detail regarding the issue you are experiencing?


Thank you 


Everyday when sun comes down, I receive notification (#alert) from the floodlight when something moves.
All notifications are off since the beginning, the only way to stop notifications is to turn the camera off…
Tried everything, stopping the camera out the battery out and in.
Delete and setup the camera again.
That’s really boring to receive 100 motivations every night I think that happened when I turned the « smoke and co2 » notification on. But it’s off for a month now and still trigger 

Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator



Do you receive the same notifications if you swap cameras in that location? Are you trying to receive standard notifications only?

Yes the camera still push notification even in other places.
And no I don’t want any notification, I start receiving notification when sun is for at about 8:30 pm and I think the light as a big delay, like 5s to turn on…
Maybe it’s a matter of hardware ?
Arlo Moderator
Arlo Moderator



Do you have Push Notifications unchecked within the app under the mode you are using? Armed/Custom > Rules > Alert ? Push Notifications Unchecked (No Green Box) > Save With (Done) button