Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

When Notifications Are Unmuted, While Geofencing Is Enabled, App Goes To Away Mode

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Android App...when you unmute notifications with Geofencing enabled the App goes to "Away" mode and the only way to change it back is to go to Geofencing settings and change the radius. As soon as the radius is changed it immediately goes back to "Home" mode, then you can set it back to the radius it was originally set to.
Interesting thing is that you only have to do this for one mode (Cameras or Lights) and it sets both back to "Home" mode.
This has been an issue for about two months.

Guru Guru

@KachinaShadow wrote:

Android App...when you unmute notifications with Geofencing enabled the App goes to "Away" mode and the only way to change it back is to go to Geofencing settings and change the radius. As soon as the radius is changed it immediately goes back to "Home" mode, then you can set it back to the radius it was originally set to.
Interesting thing is that you only have to do this for one mode (Cameras or Lights) and it sets both back to "Home" mode.
This has been an issue for about two months.

Hopefully @JamesC  will follow up, and make sure it is on the investigate list for Arlo development.

Community Manager
Community Manager

A recent update was released for the Arlo Android mobile app (3.5.8). Please make sure you have the latest version installed. Are you able to consistently reproduce this issue with this latest version?





I just downloaded the 3.5.8 update and strangely enough now when I muted notifications it instantly changed to "Away" mode although this time going to "Geofencing" (for cameras) and changing the radius only put the cameras back to "Home" mode (before, changing the radius on either the cameras or the lights would put both back to "Home" mode) so I had to also change the radius on the lights to get them back to "Home" mode.


I again tried muting notifications and this time it stayed in "Home" mode and when unmuting it remained in "Home" mode and seems to be OK now.

I'll keep retrying throughout the day and let you know if it's fixed or not.





Looks like problem was solved with the 3.5.8 app update




I thought things were solved by updating the app to 3.5.8 but it doesn't appear so and in fact the geofencing issue still exists (in somewhat different form) and it has also created another issue with one of my two Pro 3 cameras.

1st thing.....

I would think that by restarting my phone it would momentarily lose its GPS location until the restart is completed which would (or should) cause the Arlo geofencing to think that I was outside of the set radius and thus put Arlo in the "Away" does that just fine (sometimes). The issue is that after the phone completely restarts, and Arlo indicates that it's in the "Away" mode, that it will sometimes (but not every time) stay in the "Away" mode until I change the radius (as before) or when I first decided to verify that the GPS actually knew my location by going to Google soon as I opened Google Maps (which showed my correct location) Arlo instantly returned to "Home" mode.


As soon as I updated the app to 3.5.8 one of my two Pro 3 cameras now fails to connect at 2k. If I turn off 2k on that camera it connects instantly...note that my other Pro 3 and my Ultra still connect to 2k just fine and it also connects via the web portal (although the web portal only displays all of the cameras in 1080p) also, when that camera is armed it does still record video at 2k. The only thing it won’t do is connect to local live streaming via the app.

I’ve done everything I could think of including reinstalling the app (twice), turning the camera off & on, restart the base, power cycle the base along with removing and reinstalling that camera...nothing changed. That camera has the strongest signal (3 bars on the app) as opposed to the other cameras (which connect at 2k) which have 2 bars on the app...also that camera does the same thing when I bring it inside 6’ from the base.


The other thing that happened while I was reinstalling & setting up the camera was that, for no apparent reason, Arlo went to the Away mode and I again had to change the radius (from medium to small) to get it back to home mode.




...update to previous post

Last night I thought I'd try to connect to that Pro 3 camera (at 2k) and initially it connected at 2k for about 30 seconds and then it would lose connection and try to connect over and over.
What's interesting is while it kept trying to connect the geofencing, on its own for no reason, went to "Away" mode so I just left it there and about 3 hours later it returned to "Home" mode.
