Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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Hope you're all doing well. I've been an Arlo user for a while now, with 7 cameras and the new 2k doorbell in my setup. My goal was to streamline everything under Arlo, given how much I trust the brand. But after this recent software update, I've run into a few challenges that are really big problems that need to be addressed

I've been around the block on the internet, and I've seen others on Reddit and even here expressing similar concerns. Here's what's been on my mind:

  1. Camera Control: The previous version had a dedicated screen for arming and disarming, making it quick and user-friendly. The new UI, with its 'Arm Away,' 'Disarm,' and 'Stand By' seems good outside of realworld applications but it is not practical for having full control over the cameras; especially for individual camera control

  2. Status Overview: You can not see the status of all cameras at one time, which is not just inconvenient but a safety concern.

  3. Camera Access & Playback: Following Arlo's suggestion, I've toggled devices on and off. The downside? Not being able to see live video playback when it's off, and having to navigate each camera separately to turn them on/off, especially with my larger setup, it is very inefficient

There are other minor issues, but these stand out. Anyone else here facing the same? And if someone has found a way to revert to the previous version or has workarounds while Arlo possibly addresses these, please share.

Appreciate the support and looking forward to improvements!

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I just thought I’d stop by to see if there was any discussion about Arlo fixing the issues with the new interface and I guess my question was answered by this thread.  It is really shame that the camera system I once praised to everyone I met has fallen under management control that doesn’t appear to understand the needs of customers.  They had a pretty great thing and broke it.  I have many other camera systems and will do my best to evolve away from Arlo over time.  I no longer recommend it to anyone.  I still consider many attributes of the prior interface praiseworthy and would cite those as examples of best practices if I was on a focus group for a company that was interested in really doing it right.  Custom modes was one of them.  Efficient use of screen real estate on tablets was another.  Those are long gone.


My husband is on the old UI and I am on the new one. I can't see my devices at all. I can't arm them or put them in standby. I can get the doorbell calls, but that's it. This totally sucks! Arlo...please fix this!

Guru Guru

@RDHenry wrote:

My husband is on the old UI and I am on the new one. I can't see my devices at all. 

He needs to migrate to the new UI.


The hack that does that is to go into "add device" and start to add a Pro 5s camera.  The process can't be finished (unless he has the camera), but it will migrate his account to "Feed" before he gets stuck.


Downsides he needs to be aware of:

  • There are no custom modes in "Feed".  The three built-in modes can be customized, but you cannot add any new ones.
  • The combination of geofencing+scheduling doesn't work.

Given all the negative reviews on the new UI, he doesn't want to upgrade!


This is exactly my problem. 9 months later and just radio silence from Arlo. Seems like they are hoping the problem just goes away but it will not. I used to rave about Arlo and recommend to everyone but have not to a single person in 9 months; in fact I have done the opposite and pushed them away. Really sad how great it used to be and how terrible the new “upgrade” is… 😔 holding on hope but starting to give up. Support still can not figure out the issue with why my geofencing is not working so the automations that used to work, simply do not anymore 😞

Guru Guru

@RDHenry wrote:

Given all the negative reviews on the new UI, he doesn't want to upgrade!

Unfortunately, you will not be able to see the cameras from your account until he does.


I really wish I had known about this upgrade before I went to add my new doorbell camera.  I spent the evening on chat with tech support where they can only provide me with their KB documents but still no information on how I can control and schedule my camera’s individually.  Basically all the functionality I enjoyed with the old app is gone.  I have been a loyal customer for years.  Purchased and installed and recommended Arlo to family and friends, this is a complete let down.  My 11 camera’s are useless to me now.   I am returning the doorbell camera.  Unless something changes quickly, I am looking for another provider.  What a disappointment and complete let down to your long time loyal customer's, Arlo, we should have at least had a choice.  


I stupidly upgraded the app today (should have Googled it first) and this new app is a NIGHTMARE!


This is a complete backwards step and has pretty much ruined everything I had set up.


I have two base stations - one for the front of the house and one for the back. The front of house cameras remained on 24/7 where as the back of house were only enabled when we left the house or at night. I had independent control of the two base stations. Now I do not unless I pay for a separate plan for each location?! WTF?!! That is completely unscrupulous.


I used IFTTT to temporarily disarm the front cameras if going outside. I could use a time (5, 10, 30 mins) and after that they would automatically re-arm the front cameras only. I had a arm/disarm IFTTT applet that only controlled arming/disarming of the back cameras. Can't do either of these things now with only the three modes across both base stations.


Additionally, I use a chime in conjunction with the cameras (makes a noise if there is movement detected). I used the custom modes + the schedule to have the outside cameras armed at night but without the chime. Then the schedule would switch to the cameras being armed with the chime in the morning. Can't do this now either.


This new app is a joke. Arlo has effectively screwed it completely. Plus they are trying to extort more money out of people but removing features that were previously part of their subscription and forcing people to have to pay more for multiple locations!!!

I am so f%#king angry I want to collect the whole lot of cameras and throw them in the trash. Arlo is clearly run by a bunch of muppets who have NO idea of how people are actually using their product. They can honestly go f%#k themselves.

Guru Guru

@YellowRabbit wrote:


I have two base stations - one for the front of the house and one for the back. The front of house cameras remained on 24/7 where as the back of house were only enabled when we left the house or at night. 


I agree they need to add back custom modes.  But you can cover these three scenarios with "Feed".  Just set up Armed Away to enable all cameras, Armed Home to enable only the front cameras, and Standby to disarm all cameras.


One caveat - the combination of scheduling+geofencing doesn't work due to bugs.


@YellowRabbit wrote:


I used IFTTT to temporarily disarm the front cameras if going outside.I had a arm/disarm IFTTT applet that only controlled arming/disarming of the back cameras. Can't do either of these things now with only the three modes across both base stations.


Additionally, I use a chime in conjunction with the cameras (makes a noise if there is movement detected). I used the custom modes + the schedule to have the outside cameras armed at night but without the chime. Then the schedule would switch to the cameras being armed with the chime in the morning. Can't do this now either.


I agree these need custom modes. 


The missing piece in the first paragraph is that with the setup I suggested above you cannot disarm the front cameras while keeping the rear cameras armed.  


Yeah, I have played around trying to get things to work as they were but it just isn't possible without having to pay for a second plan and split front and back of house into two locations.


Having Arm Away (Armed), Arm Home (Partial Arm), and Standby (Disarm) doesn't work when using it across both base stations and trying to use the cameras independently of each other.


I have given up and just purchased a second plan so I can split the front/back locations. So now I am paying DOUBLE what I was before. Therefore, before the renewal is up in 12 months time, I am going to switch to a different brand of security camera. Arlo is dead to me now as far as I am concerned and I have already started researching an alternative.


I have also realised, that another feature that no longer works, is the Chime itself (the gen 1 version that needs to be attached to a base station). Previously, it could be attached to one base station, but still available to be used across any rule/cameras on both base stations. Therefore, I could play a sound for front AND back cameras. Now if you split the base stations into two separate locations, the Chime can only be used in that location. FFS. So if I want to have it working on the back cameras as well, I need to purchase another Chime.


I can't remember a time in my life that a service was "upgraded" only to lose features AND force more money out of the consumer if they want some level of parity to what they had before.


If anyone from Arlo is reading this (which I can guarantee they are not), your company sucks.


I have three base stations at different locations, the new app dose not allow me to turn all cameras on or off with one input any more for each station, looks like you have to turn on and off the individual cameras…. Too dam slow, I also disabled one base station thinking this may turn it off and now it’s missing from my app, everything worked fine and was easy to navigate before the upgrade, why does Arlo do this?????😡😡

Guru Guru

@Reddog123 wrote:

I have three base stations at different locations,

Do you mean different homes?


With the new app, the idea is that you'd set up each home as a location.  Each location will have the three modes (Armed Home, Armed Away, and Standby) so if you have three locations you'd have 9 modes in total.


If you have a subscription, then each location unfortunately needs its own subscription.  But if you are getting the 7-day free cloud storage now, then adding locations shouldn't change that.


I have the same problem with cameras and updated software. Until these problems are fixed I am having trouble supporting ARLO. If anyone was to ask about the program I would give it a giant NO. If it cannot be fixed I will trash all my Arlo products and move on to a new company.



Been using my Arlo cams several years, and I decided to ditch my Ring doorbell and get an Arlo doorbell to have it all in the same ecosystem. Bad mistake...


I had to create a user here to tell how disappointed I am when I figured the app got a downgrade when I installed the new doorbell.


Please Arlo: add more customizable Modes! 


@StephenB What is the 7 day free cloud? When and where is this available? Something that becomes available if you add another location?


@Henry_dude free 7 day storage is available with old models like Arlo HD, Arlo Pro and Arlo Pro 2 and Arlo Audio Doorbell. With all the newer cameras, a subscription is required or local storage.

Guru Guru

@Henry_dude wrote:


@StephenB What is the 7 day free cloud? When and where is this available? Something that becomes available if you add another location?

None of the currently sold cameras have this.


Legacy cameras (for example the Pro and Pro 2 models) were sold with free 7-day cloud storage, and Arlo still provides that.  But Arlo stopped offering it on new camera models back in 2018.


Ok! Thanks guys!

This is too bad. Hope they update the app software with more Modes!
I've tried different tweaks in the available app, and it certainly lost its great features from the previous version. Hope they realize the new version has safety concerns as well as dumbing down their own products, and makes it look they are just greedy.


I'm all for a subscription with my Arlo products, but listen to your custumors needs and wants, please?!


Yep, you sure cluster **bleep** that up. I’ve had my cameras for 8 to 10 years. Now I have brain melt trying to figure out how to do this to set your cameras to schedule when to come on and off. What a bunch of BS go back to the old way sorry I downloaded the app. 


Yep, you sure cluster f ‘ed that up. I’ve had my cameras for 8 to 10 years. Now I have brain melt trying to figure out how to do this to set your cameras to schedule when to come on and off. What a bunch of BS go back to the old way sorry I downloaded the app. 


Thanks for your feedback. My partner recently installed Arlo cameras and his app is hopeless. Through your explanation I now can see that is indeed the recommended update for me. No way I’m heading that way now. I’ll stick to my old app. I hope Arlo sees sense and realises they have just made a big step backwards and sort it out. If at any time they would force the update, I’m ditching Arlo ( after 10 years) and find other cameras.


Since upgrading the software, it has turned into a total nightmare. Whatever I try, geofencing won’t activate when I leave the property. Plus, there seems to be no option to distinguish between the two separate properties where I have cameras located. I cannot have one on standby and have the other in away mode. The new upgrade has seriously ruined the Arlo functionality. If this is not rectified very soon, I will bin these cameras and cancel my subscription.

Guru Guru

@Nitrosavy wrote:

Plus, there seems to be no option to distinguish between the two separate properties where I have cameras located.

Actually there is. The new user interface supports multiple locations, so you can set up one for each property. Each will have its own modes.


The downside is that if you have a subscription, you will need one for each property.


No way im paying a subsciption per camera, i will be a “see you later” from me.

Guru Guru

@Nitrosavy wrote:

No way im paying a subsciption per camera, i will be a “see you later” from me.

Not one subscription per camera.  One subscription for each property.


Yep, I have two properties and one camera at each property. Looks like I’ll be  cancelling my subscription.