Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras


I have Arlo Pro cameras and just today my geofencing is not working. I am home and the app says that I am "In Zone", yet it is saying that the system is armed. I also noticed that Arlo Smart is not filtering, and it is allowing all motion for one of my cameras to come through when it should only be People. Is there a bug? Any help would be appreciated. I already tried unplugging the base station and restarting. Thanks!

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Tonight I removed apps on both iPhone hard reset base reloaded apps and it started working we will see what happens tomorrow 

Still the same for me. I leave and it takes about 3 minutes to notice I've left and then sets to armed and when either my wife or myself get home it doesn't notice and stays armed.

@sacornel Thanks. Obviously you are on future public beta release 12.4 while majority of us still on general public release of 12.3.1.


Perhaps this is something to do with the arlo app code that they need to investigate.

Interesting. Maybe it’s related to 12.3.1. I’m going to update to 12.4 beta and see if it makes a difference. Will let you know how it goes.
Same here!
It worked for as few days and since yesterday no more!
Also having this issue. Until a few days ago, leaving the zone worked fine, reentering did not disarm cameras. Yesterday leaving the zone did not arm the cameras. Very disappointed
PS I am from Italy, using iOS 12.3.1 on two iPhones.

I have an Arlo VMB3010r2 base station thats been having some geofencing issues on our iphones.  It hasn't been arming or disarming and it says my device is out of zone or sometimes it will say unavailable even when I'm at the house.  I've made sure all my Arlo equipment is updated and my apps are updated.  Everything was working fine until a couple weeks ago.  I've uninstalled the app and the reinstalled it but still nothing.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.


So tried updating to iOS 12.4 and makes no difference. The app will notifiy when I leave and enter the geofenced area, however, the system will not arm or disarm. So clearly an issue with the firmware i'd say.



Guru Guru

This is an on-going issue with the new iOS/FW... unknown when solution is coming

Morse is faster than texting!
While we everyone is reporting that geofencing has been fixed again I think it has been changed or has a new bug. I have two accounts each with its own base station and shared between the accounts. When I leave both basestations used to report that out of zone and cameras are armed and when returning both report I’m in zone again and cameras disarmed. Now only the base station that I am logged into with my phone reports in or out of zone so when I get home one base station is disarmed and the other remains armed. So I have log into the other account before I’m detected on that basestation. Very odd behavior because when I log out of one of the accounts I get an alert that I need to be logged in for geofencing to work. THAT has never been the case and I have been using this app for several years. Anyone have any ideas?

Good day everyone. So I have a case open with Arlo support but as is tipycal with there support, everything takes weeks to accomplish and most often ends up being a big waste of time. So I figured I would post here.


About two weeks ago I noticed that our system was not going into Away mode using Geofencing. I currently have to switch the mode to something else (e.g. -  Armed) and switch it back to Geofencing. Once I do that, it automatically detects if both dveices (my wife and my cell phones) in range and if not, it shifts to Away.


I have tried deleting the app  on both phones. I have tried restarting the base station as well as the phones. Any idea what else I can try to resolve this?

I chatted with Arlo support regarding my geofence issue. I am using an iPhone and had my phone named “rob’s iPhone”. I was instructed to remove the apostrophe and restart my phone and log out of the app and log back in. Mine seems to be working correctly so far after doing that. Remove any special characters from your phones name other than letters and spaces.
Geofencing is not working at all in the past two weeks. First it didn’t recognize the home mode when I arrived home, but as yesterday and today it was unable to recognize away mode as well when I leave the home .
Can the tech team do something to fix it.
VMB 4000r3 is the model number

I managed to get Geofencing back to normal by playing around with the enabled devices.

Apparently one of the 2 devices was not updating its location and was always marked as out of service.

So after switching it on and off in the App of that device it allowed the system to go back to normal.

Hope this helps.

Unfortunately, been there there done that and bought the tee shirt. Both devices registered as being in the zone, but neither disarmed the service.

I deleted both devices and saved, then added both devices back and saved. Still no joy.
Geofencing broken again... worked for about 4 days after the last screwup. Was working last Sunday, in zone, out of zone, I tested it walking around the neighborhood and told my daughter how it was back working.. haha, joke on me, as today it thinks I am In zone when not. Gosh I like my Arlo cameras, and have had them a year and a half, but these recent geofencing screwups are testing my patience.
Arlo Employee Retired

Arlo’s geofencing feature is now working as expected for most customers. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience during this time. 


For more details on how to add and manage multiple mobile devices for geofencing, please see this: Arlo Knowledge Base Article


Our team is committed to optimizing this feature for all users and their various use cases. With this in mind, Arlo will soon host a survey to collect more specific feedback around users’ environment and set up. We would appreciate your participation in this survey as the information you share will assist our team to enhance our products to best meet our customers’ demands. 


Thank you,

Arlo Team


Note: We will provide updated information here as it becomes available. Marking solved to float the latest information to the top of the thread.


Arlo shows they have fixed geofencing, if you’re on iPhone and it’s still not working try this.  Uninstall the app from any phones being used. You MUST also delete your backup of Arlo from the icloud.  Then do a factory reset of your base station. Reinstall the Arlo app, this will give you a brand new setup. I did this 3 days ago and it has been working again. Make sure to turn your backup of Arlo back on.

Just received a notification stating geofencing is fixed. It also provrded a knowledge base link. Where it says.

Required when your friend wants to participate in geofencing) Your friend is logged in to the Arlo App on their mobile device.

Everytime I open Arlo I have to log in. How can this work, if Alro logs us out automatically??

Or am I missing something here.


On a iPhone it should log you in automatically, every time you touch the app icon, unless you physically log out on the profile screen

you might try going to Arlo, click settings, profile, logout.  Make sure you know you log in and password.  Then log back in,   Then see if that works.

I am Android not iPhone. I have no remember login.
And if it has to login, surely geofencing is not working, according to the KB

Required when your friend wants to participate in geofencing) Your friend is logged in to the Arlo App on their mobile device.

According to Arlo Android works the same as iPhone on this, as long as you don’t physically logout you should stay logged in, you should be able to click the app and it start without using your password.   only close the app don’t logout 

I rarely use the log out feature, unless I want to force logout.
But 9 times out of 10 when I tap the app shortcut, I am presented with the login screen, and have to use fingerprint to login. This happens on my wife's phone to.

I don’t know enough about Android but you might try deleting app then reinstall