Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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I've had the Arlo Pro base & 4 camera's for about a year.  I set a custom mode to interact with a SmartThings hub.

I recently installed a solar kit for one camera.  About a week that , and around April 1st the Custom Mode I had been using for a year or more, was somehow currupted.  All the rules we returned to default settings (camera names changed to a system generated rule name), and all the rules were set to both Video / Audio detection, take no action, and Push notificaiton alert.


I've changed this back to my custom "SmartThings" mode, updating the rules/names via the iPhone App and iPad App.  It appears to work, but has returned to the defualt settings. 

I checked for firmware updates, none.  I tried to restart the base unit from within the app, recreated the custom mode & rules.  Over night it changed to the default mode/rules settings again.


Any thing else to try?  





Accepted Solutions
I am happy to report I think I’ve solved the problem.

I took the approach to “start over”.

I deleted the all the Arlo cameras from the SmartThings device.
I deleted all her custom rules and routines in Arlo.
I did app updates on all devices - phones and iPads.
I then added a custom routine and rules (and names) back in Arlo. This works. Now for about a week.!
I will now try add Arlo camera back to SmartThing and see what happens.

View solution in original post


I am having this same exact issue. I have a custom mode that is part of my "Schedule" mode in Arlo. However, anytime I turn a light on/off in Smartthings it will force reset my custom Arlo setting to the default settings. It has been happening ever since the last update on 4/2/18. PLEASE FIX THIS ISSUE.


I am not sure whether this change was on Arlo's end or Smartthings, but it is the same for everyone using Arlo with Smartthings. What it has effectively done was to pass virtually all the control of the cameras to the Smartthings app. Out of curiosity, can you not duplicate your Mode or Schedulling on the Smartthings end?




I dont use smartthings to control my arlo cameras at all as I run them completely off an Arlo schedule. Smartthings uses the cameras as a motion trigger ONLY through SmartLighting to turn on my exterior lights at night when they detect motion. The Smartthings application is extremely cumbersome when running a schedule as I always want some cameras on regardless of the mode and its much easier having an custom arlo schedule to accomplish this task than repeatidly changing the mode via Smartthings.



Since neither Arlo nor Smartthings gave any notifications about these changes and we don't know who initiated them, the odds of them going back to the way it was is very slim. From reading your post, if I understand it correctly, I would just setup Arlo the way I wanted it to work for me and forget about the Arlo/Smartthings integration and purchase a couple of motion sensors to trigger the lights in Smartthings instead of the cameras. Mostly I use motion sensors, both inside my house and outside to trigger the cameras to overcome the inherent delays in the Arlo/Smartthings integration and I seldom use the cameras as motion sensors. Just be sure to mount the outside motion sensors so that they are out of the weather and turn on the lights with them.




I mean thats a nice way to spen MORE $$ than I already have than expecting Arlo/Smartthings to actually work the way they are expected to and I paid for. Im hoping someone with Arlo comes along and can help clarify this issue. 



I just set up a new Lighting rule in Smartthings to use one of my Arlo Pro cameras to turn on a light and record video when motion was detected and Arlo was in the Armed Mode. I set up the Rule in Arlo to record video on this camera. It worked perfectly without using the Smartthings Mode as long as the camera was in the Active state. The light turned on and my settings were not deleted.

So, what I am saying is for your purpose, set up your Modes Rules and Schedule in Arlo just as you did before and set your schedule not to use the Smartthings Mode at all. Later you can delete the Smartthings Mode if you never use it. But, if you set the Arlo Modes to the Smartthings Mode it will delete all your settings. 

I think everything will work as before if you never use the Smartthings Mode in Arlo.






I’m still experiencing the same issue.

ive deleted the custom rules named SmartThings.  I don’t believe there is any interaction with smartThings any more.


i created a new rule and named it “custom”. However, I still have the same issue.  I created 4new rules, one for each camera.  Shortly after, the rule names I give change back to a system generated name and all the settings change back to default.


its really weird how this worked for more than a year, but now it’s about useless.  I get hundreds of “false alarm” notifications at day.  I have to disable it to keep from being a constant distraction of alerts.   It’s rendered almost unusable.  


Any my other suggestions?





This has been my exact issue and I tried the same remedies as you. ST had an update last week which I was hoping would solve the problem, however no luck. Netgear does not seem to care. ST does not seem to care. It is an absolute joke that they can claim "integration" yet a BASIC FUNCTION is totally useless due to an update (?) or flaw that neither is willing to acknowledge to fix. Telling me to "just use ST" or "buy more stuff" is not a solution to a problem that for no apparent reason is rendering my cameras mostly useless.


Netgear/Arlo support... YOU NEED TO GET ON THIS. Please 🙂

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When integrating your Arlo cameras with SmartThings, you must use the SmartThings app to configure your modes and rules. Be sure you're following the steps listed here when using your cameras with SmartThings: 


How do I integrate my Arlo cameras into the Samsung SmartThings app?

What is Samsung SmartThings, and how do I use it with my Arlo cameras?




I dont even have a smartthings mode in Arlo. I have 'Armed', 'Disarmed', and 'Schedule.'  I try and make custom modes for certain cameras and use them within my 'Schedule' mode, however I have been having the previously described issues. I have NOT been using ST mode in Arlo, and I do not even have a ST mode present as I deleted it almost immediately. All I want is to be able to use my Arlo Schedule mode + the custom Mode I created within it. 


Same issue.


No Smartthings


Custom mode worked for months with no problems. I use it as part of the Schedule Mode.


I have 2 of 5 cameras set up in the Custom Mode. Consistently the SECOND rule only gets corrupted. I've deleted the custom mode and recreated. I've rearranged the rules. Same issue everytime and NOT camera specific. Whichever camera is in the second rule gets reset. 


Quick Update to my previous reply:


I stated I was not using SmartThings. I realized though that while I was not using SmartThings to control the cameras at all I did have all of the cameras registered as devices.


I went into SmartThings and removed all of them and reset my Custom Mode and so far it has stayed set.


So there seems to be some interaction between the two that is causing this. I will continue to monitor and report back if anything changes. If you can remove the camera from SmartThings I recommend you do it. If you are using SmartThings to control the cameras then obviously you need this identified and fixed.


1) Which smartthings app are you using? Smartthings or Smartthings Classic. (the newer smartthings does not have the same functionality as the classic app yet as Samsung continues to make big changes on their end)


2) If using classic (like me), do not use the smartthings custom mode. It didn't work right for me. I just deleted it and used the standard Armed mode. (or schedule or a custom mode you create) I guess there was an update put out that fixed the smartthings mode, but I saw no need for it as it works fine without it. 


3) FYI - I use the cameras as motion sensors and as switches. I have no issues like anything anyone describes here. I have routines in smartthings that turn the cameras on/off and that works fine. I have smartthings smart lighting app that uses the cameras as motion to turn lights on and that works fine. I have the cameras set in smartthings security monitor and that works fine as well. All my rules in the Arlo app work as well. I do not use smartthings to trigger any video recording and I suggest no one else do that either because Samsung is going to make video recording thru smartthings with third party cameras a pay service soon. Why pay when Arlo gives you 5 cameras for free.


Note: I have the arlo base and cameras in smartthings classic as "things" and have the Arlo (Connect) smart app. You could try removing the Arlo (Connect) smartapp, which I beleive also removes the base and cameras as things, then try to reconnect arlo to smartthings. (if removing the Arlo (Connect) smart app doesn't remove the base or cameras, just manually remove those as well)


Also note: I see there is an update to smartthings classic in the google store but I have not done it yet. I'm using smartthings classic version 2.15.1. I recommend everyone stay on classic as long as possible, the new app doesn't have all the functionality of the classic app yet.


I had the same problem in December when I first setup the system with 5 cameras (using both a 1st generation Arlo hub and the Arlo Pro hub).    I was  told  in December  that any Arlo change in Smartthings itself would force the rules back to their default settings in the Arlo  app.


The only way I could get it to work was to constantly rename the  the Smartthings  Custom mode   "rule name" back to the name I used for the  camera in both the Arlo and Smartthings apps.    After many attempts (because it kept reverting back to default) and leaving Smartthings alone everything finally began to work and has been working ever since (until this week).


The other day I moved the first generation hub and one camera to my mothers home and kept everything else the same.  The Smartthings Mode rules may work for an hour or so but after some idle time they again revert back to their defaults.  After much frustration and since  I only use one camera in this installation I decided to change all references the the camera in both apps (Arlos and SMartthings) to the default name (serial number of camera).  Doing so revealed to me that the problem has nothing to do with the names of the cameras themselves.  Even by using the default camera names the rule continues to revert back to its default state after a little bit of idle time.


So, even with the camera being Active (in Smartthings and recognized correctly by Arlo) having the rule revert back to its default state of   'if camera detects motion" "then do the following"   "DoNothing" , I am unfortunately unable to capture video.


Interstingly, after my initial setup of the above,  all of my other camera's  (those connected to the Arlo Pro hub)   reverted back to their defaaults as well  BUT once I renamed them as I had in December, those  Camera's have continued to work as originally setup without any hitches.


I  hope Arlo support will chime in, on this issue soon.  While everything was working fine before the move, perhaps this issue is related to the 1st generation Arlo hub only (or not).


Very frustrated!



I also have Arlo intergrated into smartthings and I can tell you the smartthings mode in the arlo app isn't needed at all. I deleted mine about 10 months ago and just use the standard Armed, Disarmed modes. Works fine, Arlo app is happy, smartthings is happy, I'm happy. Just either stop using the smartthings mode or just delete it all together. Use the standard modes or create your own custom mode(s) and you'll be good to go.


Thanks for your suggestion but I have  other rules that I  depend on from Smartthings and other 3rd party apps.  For instance, since my mother (94 years young) has aides during the day I typically only make the cameras active during the evening hours.  So    if my mom wakes up (perhaps to go to the bathroom in the middle f the night),then I receive an additional alert  if motion is  NOT  detected again within 5 minutes as she may have fallen or had another issue that  should perhaps be looked into.


By implementing a few   smart home installations I have learned that there isn't one tool  that can do  it all which is why it is  SO IMPORTANT for Arlo and other vendors to work out the kinks to these  "working" integrations.  If a vendor chooses to support an integration , then IMO they must stand behind making  it work,  To me it's not a marketing  feature     but  a scenario that could be the difference between life and death.      Arlo and other  products can be invaluable tools once they can be totally relied upon.


Thanks @pc2k17   for your suggestion but I have  other rules that I  depend on from Smartthings and other 3rd party apps.  For instance, since my mother (94 years young) has aides during the day I typically only make the cameras active during the evening hours.  So    if my mom wakes up (perhaps to go to the bathroom in the middle f the night),then I receive an additional alert  if motion is  NOT  detected again within 5 minutes as she may have fallen or had another issue that  should perhaps be looked into.


By implementing a few   smart home installations I have learned that there isn't one tool  that can do  it all which is why it is  SO IMPORTANT for Arlo and other vendors to work out the kinks to these  "working" integrations.  If a vendor chooses to support an integration , then IMO they must stand behind making  it work,  To me it's not a marketing  feature     but  a scenario that could be the difference between life and death.      Arlo and other  products can be invaluable tools once they can be totally relied upon.



I'm not sure we're on the same page here, maybe I misunderstood or you may have. I too have rules setup in smartthings that use the arlo cameras as on/off switches and also as motion detectors. I do not use smarthtings to capture video, however, because that function will soon be a pay feature in smartthings and since Arlo captures video and stores them for free, no need to pay smartthings to do that. I use the cameras as on/off switches and as motion detectors and I do not even have a smartthings mode in the arlo app anymore. I do have the arlo connect smart app in smartthings though. I let smartthings use the cameras as switches and for motion and arlo does the video recording part. I have both smartthings and arlo send me notifications depending on what function/rule is being triggered.


By reading your post I was under the impression that the smartthings mode in the arlo app, that appears automatically when you link arlo with smartthings, was changing back to default settings and not keeping the settings you wanted. If I didn't understand correctly, then I apologize, but if i did, I'm saying you don't need to use the smartthings mode in the arlo app. I don't and the two systems work fine together.



I might just learn something from you as I am still using Smartthings Routines to turn on/off the specific cameras I need active or disabled using the Smartthings Mode in Arlo. I then use Smartthings Custom rules to allow other sensors to trigger the cameras to record. So,


Are your cameras on all the time?

What camera models are you using?

Do you allow other sensors to trigger the cameras?


The only problem I have had using the Smartthings Mode in Arlo is that there is an additional delay of two to three seconds before recording starts, especially in the original wire free cameras.


Let me give an example of one of the ways I use the sensors to trigger recordings and pleas tell me if I can use your method to do away with the Smartthings Mode. Firstly, my front door is a very busy place and I have had a huge problem with delivery drivers jus leaving packages on my porch and although I am just on the other side of the door, I don't hear them.

So, I placed two Smartthings motion sensors each about ten feet on either side of my front door, (under the eaves of my house). I also placed another motion sensor just above my storm door. I have a Smartthings Routine called, "waiting for Delivery that activates the front porch Arlo Pro camera. Regardless of the direction that the mailman or delivery driver or mailman comes from, one of the motion sensors will catch him/her and will send me a notification and start the camera to recording video set to record for two minutes. The camera will detect the driver's motion a little later, but although it detects the motion it has already started recording so it effectively just keeps on recording. If I don't get a notification from the sensor above the screen door then I know that most likely the mailman was passing by but I didn't get any mail. But if that sensor fires, I get a notification that a package/mail has arrived, and it turns on the bright lamp I have in my living room. I answer the door and deactivate the camera using the Good Morning Routine in Smartthings which is set to turn all lights and cameras off.

I would like not to use the Arlo Smartthings app to gain back the lost seconds of delay, but I must be missing something as I don't know how to activate/deactivate the cameras without the Smartthings Mode in Arlo. One other thing that I failed to mention is that I have a paid security system, Smartthings and Arlo, so by using the Smartthings Routines to arm/disarm my house I only have to do this with two systems instead of three.





I am glad that you finally got things working, but if you use the Smartthings Mode in Arlo then Smartthings will control almost everything, so whether or not the camera is set to do nothing in Arlo, as long as Smartthings activates the camera it will record and give you notifications. I have an original base and 3 original cameras and am having no problems. If you run the Good Night routine at night and have it activate her camera, it will record whenever it detects motion. You might want to set the routine on a Smartthings schedule and run a different routine to turn off the camera in the morning. 



Thanks all.... I'll simplify my issue. The Smartthings app works fine (Arlo cameras turn on when I want them to, motion is detected, I can even use motion on Arlo to trigger the capture of video on other manufacturers cameras, turn on lights, etc.). What I can't do is have the Arlo app capture video after motion is detected because for some reason the Smartthings Custom Rule from within the Arlo app reverts back to the default action whicg is "Do Nothing" (even though I set cameras to capture video to be viewed from the Arlo cloud). This is a known bug that I had working fine for the past 6 months until I moved one of my cameras. On phone so need to be brief.....


This changed some time ago. Since nothing was written up about this change, we do not know if Arlo made the change, Smartthings made the change trying to improve everything in their minds in preparation for the new app, or both companies did this together. But in any case, the change probably will not revert back to the way it was any time soon. So, we have to live with it and try to find ways to get around this to fit our individual security needs. 

You no longer can mix both Smartthings Rules and Arlo Rules as you were able to in the past. so there are two solutions: 

Delete the Smartthings Mode in Arlo and any rules in Smartthings that connect to Arlo and only use the Arlo app if possible. Use Arlo's schedule to activate/deactivate the camera. Or, find ways in Smartthings to work with this change.


Smartthings will reset all your rules in Arlo, but that should not be a problem that you can't get around. All you want to do is to use a Routine in Arlo to activate the camera and another Routine to disable it when you don't need it. Use Smartthings Custom Rules for any special cases, such as using another sensor to trigger the camera as long as the camera is active.








To answer your questions:


Are your cameras on all the time?

No they are not. I have 3 cameras inside my house and 1 inside my attached garage. The camera in the garage is on all the time The cameras inside are off when I'm home and on when I'm away. I have a routine in smartthings that turns the cameras on when I'm away. Instead of using geofencing because it's unreliable, I have a widget on my phones home screen that I tap to execute it whenever I leave. When I come home I use another routine in smartthings and another widget on my phones home screen to turn the cameras inside off, but leaves the garage camera on. I use the widgets because you always have your phone with you and out anyways, and I use iris detection to unlock my phone, so if I'm say in the car I simply look at the phone, it unlocks then I tap the widget. I do this while the garage door is opening.


What camera models are you using?

I have the 4 camera Arlo Pro system.


Do you allow other sensors to trigger the cameras?

I allow other sensors to turn the cameras on or off if/when needed, but I do not let smartthings sensors trigger recording. I don't have smartthnigs sensors trigger recording because soon that function in smartthings will be a pay service only. Currently it's a "trial" and soon they will make you pay for it.

From the smartthings support page:

Smart Home Monitor enables recording of video clips during events defined by you. Video records only when these events or incidents occur, giving you greater security and privacy. This will be a premium paid feature of Smart Home Monitor, but all users can currently enjoy it for free.


In the Arlo app I just keep it in armed mode all the time and I have 4 rules under the Armed mode that tells the cameras what to do when thery detect motion. When smartthings turns them off they do nothing, when smartthings turns them on they follow the rules under thr Armed mode in the Arlo app. It sounds like your using your ST motion sensor to trigger the recording and I'm not sure if just leaving it in armed mode will work the same as the smartthings mode would. But as I mentioned, triggering camera recording from smartthings will soon be a pay service so you might want to play araound with using armed or create your own custom mode to avoid the ST fee. If I was you I would leave your setup as it is, but just don't have the ST motion sensor start the recording. I would just let the cameras motion sensor trigger the recording and still have your ST motion sensor turn the light a different color (I do the same with a ST sensor in my garage). Then you know if you get a notificstion that Arlo started recording and your light turns a color that you got a package/mail.



Thanks for the info. I had never considered doing it the way you are doing. I always thought that you needed the Smartthings Mode in Arlo or the Smartthings routines would not activate/disable the cameras.

Verrrrrrrry interesting. I'm going to try that. I did not go with ArloPilot as I don't know if it will be available in the new app.

