Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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I have updated my Arlo Pro and have added activity zones (see attached image). I have it set to record motion. I'm assuming that it will (or should) only record motion within the zones I've created. I still get notifications of "motion detected" when my neighbor goes to the trash can, outside of the activity zones. 


What am I doing wrong? 

Arlo Zones.JPG

Since Arlo Pro is not wired apparently Activity Zone is not supported. You have shell out $ to get the cloud activity zone


Very bad Arlo! 


Hmmm, so even though I have Arlo Pro, paid for the subscription that says I can set up and use the zones, I really can't because they are WIFI and not wired? 

Arlo Employee Retired

Our development team is aware where some users are receiving notifications from outside of activity zones and is currently investigating the problem. We appreciate your patience and understanding about this and will provide any update as soon as we have more information to share.


Thanks Jessica! One more question hopefully you'd be able to assist with. When I'm on the app, and looking to setup activity zones, the instructions say the following:


Highlight areas in your camera's view where you want to receive or ignore motion or sound alerts.


Can I choose if I want to ignore motion or sound in the zone, or out of the zone? I feel it only gives me an option to draw a box, but I can't choose if I want it to detect motion only in the box, or out of the box..or ignore motion in the box/out of the box. Does that make sense? I feel like the instructions give me options of how I want to use the box, but I actually don't have those options, and don't know which is which....



I have that exact same question too and am also having issues with detections outside my activity zones (which I acknowledge is identified as an issue above).  Hopefully someone can clarify.  Smiley Happy

Arlo Employee Retired

Thanks for letting me know about the given instructions. To clarify, the activity zones only work with inclusion zones.


I today subscribed the smart service, hope Cloud Activity Zones will work.. But looks like it still does not work,.


Any update on this?


Thanks Jessica, so I take this to mean that if I draw a box (activity zone), the intention once things are fixed, is that it should only detect and alert me if there is movement withing that activity zone, correct?

Do you know when this is going to be fixed? I'm looking at cancelling my subscription until it works since that is why I upgraded to the paid service, and it's not working. 



Arlo Employee Retired

Currently our development team is still looking into this problem. We will make sure to update the community once we hear more about it. We appreciate your patience once again.


With the most recent app release (iOS 2.7.0), the above message is back again, so activity zones are disabled and I am getting notifications of all cars/people going by on the street, rather than the Smart nofications only when people enter my zones.


This cropped up due to an app update several months ago, then went away after another app update.


Are others seeing this?  Has Arlo support staff confirmed the problem and scheduled a fix?

VMB4000R3 - same issue observed after installing wire free camera.
I used to be able to set up and use activity zones in my Arlo Pro. However, after the app upgrade lately the activity zone doesn’t seem to work any more and I can’t find where I can reset the activity zones. Please let me know where I can my the setting for the activity zones. Thanks.

Same issue, I have a camera outside pointing at my front yard, I have zoned just the yard for recording but I constantly get notifications and recordings in the library whenever anyone walks down my block or drives by my house.

I did disable smart for autos and motion but it still records to the library, now I have to wade through hundreds of videos just to find anything I may be interested in viewing.


Any update on this very annoying issue?


My Arlo pro is outside located above the activity zone and I'm picking up all movements behind that activity zone, outside on the street.

I'm starting to wonder whether or not this feature is actually working ?

Or Is it because it is located above that some kind of distortion is created in the algorithm ?

Same issues as everyone above is having. Everything outside of activity zone is being recorded and wasting the batteries.

This issue has been ongoing for months. Where is the fix?
Guru Guru

For the record, Arlo Smart will always record any detection. It's up to the servers to decide if a notification will be sent. As the activation of Smart says, battery usage may still be an issue since Smart requires a recording so the servers can post-process it.


The issue of notifications and recordings placed in the library is a totally different issue. This may or may not be reolved by checking the Smart settings for the camera(s).


We've had the 3-camera set for about 5 months now; so if I understand this correctly, the activity zones are available only for paid subscription to the cloud? Being able to "block off" certain areas of the field-of-view should be a standard feature, especially on the premium price Arlo commands. This issue alone is why I would not recommend the Arlo. Also, the User Manual does not make this subscription requirement clear.


I have set up activity zones to block off traffic passing on the street.  My driveway and front yard are within activity zones and the street is not in an activity zone.


However, I still get notices/recordings from cars passing on the street (not ll the time, but most) and i do not always get recordings/notices for activity in my driveway.  I mean, I didn't get a notice or recording when a UPS truck pulled into the driveway.  If i watch what is happening through the recored video, one recording has a car in the driveway, then next it is gone... no recording of the three people walking to the car, or of it driving away.  


As i understand, when a camera is set to record on motion, there is a slight delay in the recording, but honestly as it is now working, this system is useless.  I don't see what I should, and I do see what I do not need.


I have set the sensitivity up and down with no change in the results.  


Any ideas?

Guru Guru

You might try and lower the angle of the camera so the roads are not in the FOV

Morse is faster than texting!