Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras

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I have written before in regard to one of my cameras triggering motion more than I thought it should.  The community helped me out, and told me how to go into modes, and how to lower the sensitiviy of one of my cameras.  I did do this, and even at 25%, I was getting over a two-hundred triggers a day, and this was just for my side door, which is only used by us, and letting my dog out.  I would check on the 7-8 second snippits of video, and there was absolutely nothing, not knowing what could possibly be triggering motion.  I do not have issues with my other cameras.  So, I took one of my cameras that I was going to mount elsewhere, (it was still in the box), and I mounted this camera in place of the one I was having issues with.  I set the sensitivity down to 30%, and now, I am only getting triggers when either myself, wife, or dog use the side door.  Is it possible I have a defective camera, and if so, how do I exchange it.  I am not sure how to contact Netgear for customer service issues.   Other than that, I have been very impressed by the Arlo 2 System.  Thank you.

Master Master

Did you ever try the original camera at 10% or 1% sensitivity?

But yes, you could have a faulty camera. The Contact Support link is at the bottom of the page


Yesterday I had a chat session with a represenative from Arlo.  They suggested to remove the affected camera from my Arlo account, nd than re-sync it back to the back to the base station.  I tried this, and they even said to set the sensitivity to 80%.  I tried this, and it seems to be working without multiple triggers and recordings.  I will keep monitoring this, and hopefully this is a great solution.  Thank you for your response




I am having issues with motion sensitivity, worse is it will not allow me to adjust it from 50%
Guru Guru

Default sensitivity is 80% and is set in your modes. It sounds like you're using the Motion Detection Test which simply gives you a number to use in your modes. Use the Mode tab, select your base and edit your modes (Armed by default). All settings are in there. Be sure to save. Better yet, create your own custom modes for full control. There are FAQs here that detail the whole process.

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