Arlo|Smart Home Security|Wireless HD Security Cameras


I keep getting this message operation cannot be completed at this time does anyone know what this means

377 REPLIES 377

This is not an Apple issue. It is an Arlo issue.


And their support is completely unequipped to deal with the problem.


On my support chat today, a tech suggested a work around - to purchase an Android phone.


This is an unfathomably big issue. I can't believe they have allowed this to go on this long.


In response to jiress, i have the same versions and settings and I continue to have the problem. It continues to be intermittent and seems to be focused on the very short recordings, 11 to 13 seconds, just not all of them.


At the very least, there should be a comprehensive support document outlining the issues, the complications, steps to possibly fix or work around, and an ETA for getting the issue fixed. Right now, they are shirking the issue, and it's not just a bad look. It seems negligent.


Does anyone have a phone number for Executive Escalation at Netgear or Arlo? They really need to get ahead of this. It's one of the biggest product fails I've ever seen.


When I spoke with Customer Service a few weeks ago (408-638-3750) and asked to be transferred to a supervisor, I was put on hold multiple times, after which the original rep came back on and said that the supervisor continued to be on another call. Finally she said she could take my number and someone would call me back. That never happened. However, I then searched for how to contact senior management: While I could get the name of the CEO, I could not get any contact info. The best I could do was email Investor Relations ( ), and surprisingly I got an almost-immediate call-back, was assigned a DIFFERENT case number, was again told this was a known issue and that engineers were working on solving it (same story I got from Customer Services--for more than a month). Perhaps if enough people do this, someone will sit up and take notice.


For what it's worth, I've been getting fewer errors in playback over the past week--it still happens, but less frequently. No rhyme or reason... length of video doesn't matter. My system is set to record until motion stops, as I don't want to miss anything by setting it for a fixed amount of time. Hope this helps.


And BTW, my understanding is that Netgear is no longer affiliated; Arlo was spun off as a separate company as of the beginning of 2019. So no need to waste time trying to contact anyone at Netgear.


Thanks for that update. This has gone on for a really long time then. They clearly haven't invested enough resources in the problem. The work-arounds I was given on line are known NOT to work. So they are basically having everyone jump through hoops. They asked me to send a screen shot. Which I'm sure they've seen now hundreds of times. Also a run around. But the dumbest move of all was to suggest buying an Android phone as a work around or solution. That was insulting. As is, by the way, the message dialogue that appears when the video fails. "Got It." ??? Who uses that nomenclature in a dialogue? That makes me wonder if they've had some sort of corporate espionage, or a disgruntled developer, who broke the product and hid the keys on the way out the door. I told them, if you press a doorbell and it doesn't ring, it's no longer a doorbell. It's decoration. I hope their web cams are still web cams. And their security product is still a security product. Until they fix the issue, it sure doesn't provide any value for us.

As DJL1 has already pointed out the issue is not apple related.

The recording to the cloud is incomplete and so the audio header information is missing. Apple iOS devices require the missing information to play the recordings. You can see this if you check the backup USB recording has audio and is longer in duration. If you use a media analyser to look at the audio header of the cloud recording it has no format or codec value, just null.
The recording failure is due to a cloud server bug that appeared well before the base firmware releases back in April.
Arlo is well aware of the issue since they are slowly delete these faulty recordings from the server to limit complaints.
At a guess the issue will continue until the next server update occurs likely in the new year.
Sorry if this does not help.

So far I see butt loads of same complaints and aro ignoring them doubt a firmware **bleep**up or hack


I have a battery and same issue 


Dannybear's analysis of the nature of the video issue appears to be correct. When I attempt to download the video, an option on Mac, I end up with a file that cannot be read by iTunes. If anyone has found a way to download the video and open it in some other app, please advise.


Also, in experimenting with different browsers, I have been able to get the video to play in Google Chrome on Mac. If you are only using Safari, you might want to download Chrome. That will provide an option for seeing videos picked up by Arlo cams.


However, I have not seen anyone provide an option for viewing videos on iOS that consistently works on the latest OS and a phone more recent than iPhone 7. I haven't read all 300 comments on this thread, and apparently Arlo hasn't either. If anyone has spotted a remedy that may work on newer phones and OSes, please post.


Given that the product advertises compatiblity with iOS, and basically the entire point of what is approximately a $500 product is to be able to see what is happening where your cameras are posted, I would say this is a mission critical problem, and a 6 month window for fixing it is completely unacceptable.


My recommendation would be to turn up the heat on Arlo through all channels - Tech Support, Sales, local retailers, and media. They are blowing off this problem, and it is massive. Their liability on this is massive, and I'm shocked that the C-level hasn't realized it and started to provide some level of proactive communications. The sweep it under the carpet approach, which is becoming more common every day, could have catastrophic consequences for the business and customers alike.


If we don't see a fix, or a timeline for a comprehensive fix, posted within the next 10 business days, we intent to return the product to Costco (where we purchased it), and let them know they are selling a home security product that does not secure the home. I can't think of a bigger problem a company like Arlo could face. Or in this case, not face.

I can download the faulty recordings using chrome browser on windows pc and can view them using VLC media player, does throw a codec error initially but lets you view the recording without audio of course.

Matthew McRae

Chief Executive Officer at Arlo

Orange County, California Area

Consumer Electronics


Yes, looks like the issue is with the app on iOS - which I think is a massive problem. On Mac, the workaround is to use Chrome (possibly Firefox). Looks like they test on those two, but not on Safari. Or iOS. How in the world they wouldn't be testing on iOS is beyond me.


When they suggested getting an Android phone as a workaround, I would say that's the dumbest Tech Support comment I've heard in 25 years of media, tech and product management.


And the realtime user issue here is this: you're using Arlo, someone sets off the camera and generates a file video, then breaks into your property. You are somewhere where you can use a phone, but don't have a laptop. You cannot view that video on your phone. So you have no idea what's happening. You can try the live feed, but if the perpetrator is out of range, you're not going to see anything.


What do you do in that scenario?


Arlo has really stepped it up resolving this issue. I have tried to leave them a number of replies and the web page will not accept any reviews or problems


I have the same issue of (The operation could not be completed). I use an Iphone away from home to review the recordings.


I am headed back to Costco to return this over priced junk.



Hi DocJuju,


I followed the directions from some of the other users to change the settings to 30 seconds and have not received any errors over the past week. I have received over 50 alerts in that time and have successfully downloaded each video from the library without any errors. It appears that if you select the option to record until activity stops that users are still getting the error. For whatever reason, the 30 seconds setting has been working without issue. Hopefully Arlo provides a permanent solution since this is still just a workaround. Look at message 270 on this thread and they provide instructions to navigate the settings. I hope that it works for you as well.


iPhone 7
Arlo pro 2
Hi GB808

It seems that altering the recording time to 30 seconds has given you some success but I have tried this numerous times and it doesn’t stop the error. I cannot get consistent recording lengths on any of my 3 cameras, two of which are on mains supply (using the Arlo manufactured cable). The length of recording is random no matter what time I set or if I choose ‘recording until movement stops’. I have attached screen shot of my setting for one of the cameras; confirming I’m in the correct mode setting.

I occasionally get the same message.  Videos won’t play or download. 


Right on, DJL1! After contacting both customer service and investor relations a few weeks ago, I went to Costco's website to post a negative review, but Arlo cameras didn't show up. But a few days ago I tried again and found the three-camera set there (although I bought the 5-camera set), with only one (5-star!) review. So I posted a negative review with the warning of potential problems to come and the company's indifference to its customers. Let's all put the pressure on!

I am now having this same issue only on one of my three Arlo Pro 2s. What I have noticed is that every single file that gives the error is 7s or less in length. I also get an error in Safari similar to what others have posted. As far as I can tell, my issue only started about 2 days ago.
iPhone XR, iPhone 7plus, iPad Air pro, all apps and devices are updated. What is the issues??

Wanted to add that I was able to log onto a Windows system and use Chrome to view the troublesome 7s videos.  One thing that they all have in common is that the audio at the beginning of each corrupt video is a short scratching sound followed by the lack of any further audio.


I feel like we are doing the Arlo support and QA team's work for them. There should be an extensive and comprehensive document with all of this information, providing detailed steps for users in all possible scenarios. I asked for as much when the CEO replied to my tweet yesterday. They are being way too quiet for a problem of this magnitude and complexity.


Here is a link to the tweet:




Take a look at the thread when you have time. It's all in there. The big issue is - when you receive a notice that a camera has triggered, you very likely will not be able to watch the video taken on any iOS device.


I have.  I have read all 290+ entries yesterday and that's when I decided to post my similar experiences.  It's ridiculous that this is still going on.


Copy that. Thank you. We are now contacting Costco and asking them about our return options. I am also hoping Arlo will step up and start to manage this situation proactively rather than let it manage them. But no movement there as yet.